(If you know your rising sign, read that too, for a balanced forecast.Go to Forecasts)
Daily forecasts for May 2016 written by
Rob Tillett.Click here for Moonbeam's Month in Brief.
Tue May 1:May Day
- May Day is the traditional festival of new growth, when couplespair off for fun and fantasy. Dancing, singing, drumming and doing whatcomes naturally would be the best way to celebrate this powerfulfestivity. Focus on frolicking rather than forced labour, as even if it'snot a holiday for you, it should be! Read more on May Day.Excellent colors are sparkling green and coppery gold.Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Wed May 2:Free To Flit
- Close friendships are more important than usual today,Aquarius. Seek out people who will boost your self-esteem and make youfeel good. Feel free to flit around as it suits you without feelingrestricted. Long-running relationships will go through a rather tensephase if you have a possessive partner or friend, so refuse to rise tothe bait or be provoked into saying more than the situation merits.Uplifting colors are yellow ochre and green apple.Lucky numbers are 22 and 14.
Thu May 3:Fortunate Moon
- With the fortunate Moon in your ninth house, you communicate on amuch broader scale. Expect messages from abroad or from a distanceaway. Loftier subjects occupy your mind, whether philosophy, religion,education or politics. You have a lot of energy for improving yoursurroundings or life situations. Move cautiously, try tact not foot-stamping. Put your energy into constructive projects.Fortunate colors are pumpkin and avocado.Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Fri May 4:Wait For Clarity
- If you feel you are being undermined, or that certain plans aredissolving under your feet, the best thing is to wait for everything tobecome clearer. After a couple of days you will be much more decisiveabout how to cope. You really do not want to go flying into robustdiscussions just yet. You don't know how you want to appear to others, orindeed what you really want for yourself.Protective colors are bright vermilion and glossy obsidian.Lucky numbers are 5 and 32.
Sat May 5:Full Moon
- Find a better balance between head and heart. Success in theouter world won't be fulfilling unless you have a settled emotional base.But equally you can't find all your satisfaction in your intimateenvironment. This is a good time for meaningful encounters andconversations, but you need to pay more attention to other people. Themore you hear what they have to say, the better it will be for you in thelong run.Favorable colors are terracotta and honey.Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
Sun May 6:Personal Meaning
- Money comes more easily than usual now through joint ventures.This is either because of your partner's generosity at home or throughwork, but don't take other people's generosity for granted. Try todiscover what other things hold value for you in life apart from money.Your old priorities have been swept away so you need to find new onesthat have personal meaning for you.Beneficial colors are smoky quartz and ebony.Lucky numbers are 8 and 30.
Mon May 7:Too Demanding?
- As the Moon battles macho Mars you could be irritable andrather too demanding for relationships at work to run smoothly. Go yourown independent way and take satisfaction in a job being well done. Watchhealth since things could get a little over-heated, even accident-proneat times. Slow down a touch and strive to be more objective. Put asmuch attention into getting your body fit as you do towards practicalwork matters and all will go well.Suitable colors are red coral and silver.Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
Tue May 8:Consider Your Options
- The Moon is now moving through your house of friends and futureplans, so surround yourself with teammates, colleagues and companions-- the more the merrier! If you are part of a group energy you'll getgood support and a few helpful hints. However, you'll be restless andfickle, never staying in one place for long. Consider your options.Beneficial colors are pale gold and chestnut.Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
Wed May 9:Family Business
- Mercury turns your attention to such things as real estatetransactions, repairs or other matters related to your home orproperty, family business, and correspondence with or short trips tovisit relatives. Are you thinking about collecting or restoring familyheirlooms? Gather information on your genealogy and family history, orvisit your childhood home. Be honest; admit that domestic and familysecurity is more important now.Expressive colors are fire engine red and bright green.Lucky numbers are 69 and 40.
Thu May 10:Practical And Conservative
- Stand up for yourself, Aquarius. Of course you would ratherthat everything is smooth and harmonious. but compromise and bendingaround other people is not the Aquarian Way. Read the fine print in moneymatters, with close attention to the tiny details. Practical andconservative thinking is best. You can have productive ideas today.Excellent colors are dark grey and indian red.Lucky numbers are 8 and 69.
Fri May 11:Defenses Low
- Even though the Moon is in your sign, your defenses could be low,so you need to protect yourself better. Your interests ebb and flowlike the tide. Seek protective friends who are more practical than youare just now. You are sensitive to the undercurrents in the emotionalatmosphere, which makes you more sympathetic but can also be rather confusing.Prosperous colors are green apple and red carnation.Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
Sat May 12:Stiffen Your Backbone
- The Aquarian Moon will stiffen your backbone, so take pride inwhat you do for its own sake. Be your own morale booster. Just rememberto throw as much energy and attention towards keeping fit as you do toworking hard. Don't fall for unlikely schemes. You'd best concentrateon your long term plans.Appropriate colors are periwinkle and mustard.Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
Sun May 13:Great Opportunities
- Water-Bearers are often a rather detached lot at the best oftimes, but this is Mothers Day and you'll find that today's aspects areabsolutely fabulous! Make the most of this opportunity, when Venus andSaturn are blessed by the Moon and Jupiter is blessed by the Sun. Thereare great opportunities in the wind, but touch base with your mother.You'll both enjoy it. More on Mothers Day.Excellent colors are buttercup yellow and mixed stripes.Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Mon May 14:Eye For Detail
- Approach your chores with determination, an eye for detail andtake a good deal of pride in doing a task well. Luckily your naturallysunny temperament will keep you popular. Keep putting on a greatperformance.Beneficial colors are old rope and mushroom pink.Lucky numbers are 5 and 15.
Tue May 15:Venus Retrograde
- As Venus begins her trip down the backstairs passage, you arein the midst of an extended process of changing your long-term plans,finding that what once held your enthusiasm now no longer does so. Thisphase has an impact on your romantic relationships and the children inyour life. Those of you with children will need to be extra patient andattentive now. If you are trying to start a family, you might not get theresults you want right away, but that should change in just a few short weeks!Fortunate colors are ivory and tangerine.Lucky numbers are 14 and 18.
Wed May 16:Too Narrow?
- Are you taking too narrow a view of one situation, selecting somefacts and ignoring others? If you can speak to your companions in acooler, more rational way, they are likely to connect better. As yourworld whizzes faster,sometimes you rush too fast. Slow down and thinkthings through.Lucky colors are caramel and magenta.Lucky numbers are 8 and 14.
Thu May 17:Broader Horizons
- If you're impulsive and not terribly reliable as far as otherpeople are concerned, it's because the planetary influences are incliningyou to take risks. This lets you see that life can have broader horizons.What other things (apart from money) hold value for you? This is a timewhere your old priorities have been swept away. Seek new ones that havemeaning for you.Favorable colors are buttercup yellow and melon pink.Lucky numbers are 8 and 43.
Fri May 18:Mystique
- Back off from tricky circumstances and find a niche where you canbe in charge of all you survey. Home is your castle, as the Moon bowlsinto Taurus, your house of new beginnings and household circumstances.Remember, if you can hide your confusion behind a mask of mystique,then you can fool most of the people most of the time. Check out everyaspect of your life and talents, then you will find solid answers foryourself.Auspicious colors are apricot and aqua.Lucky numbers are 7 and 49.
Sat May 19:Heart On Your Sleeve
- In love with life? Don't you just feel like a child at heart -spontaneous, colorful and unselfconscious. If you are wearing your hearton your sleeve, be upfront about what or whom you fancy. You attractconfidences from other people they don't readily disclose to others.Deeper matters interest you and you may be giving off vibes you're notaware of.Ideal colors are dark purple and antique gold.Lucky numbers are 2 and 69.
Sun May 20:Solar Eclipse
- This is your day to shine without apology or self-consciousness. Most of us hide away parts of ourselves we think othersmight not like or approve. Throw away your inhibitions and just expresswho you are and what you feel. The right people will respond verypositively. With the New Moon, a solar eclipse, you are inventive in yourthinking and speaking, ready and on the button; but you can also beabsent-minded.Fortunate colors are parchment and aubergine.Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Mon May 21:Broaden Your Horizons
- You need new answers to old problems and are feeling particularlyinspired just now. All sorts of things are happening rather quickly, sospot the ones that will broaden your horizons. You are in the midst ofchanging your long term plans, finding that what once held yourenthusiasm now no longer does. Move into groups of people that holdinfluence or power in society.Fortunate colors are cherry pink and blueberry.Lucky numbers are 34 and 35.
Tue May 22:Excellent Opportunities
- All sorts of excellent opportunities are opening up under thechatty Gemini Moon. You need to be in top form in order to make bestuse of them all, even that ego-boosting romantic attraction. Yourcritical faculties are well honed, which is valuable in checkingaccuracy, but this can lead to strained relationships at home withnoisy arguments. Concentrate on your goals, which are within reach now.Don't just wait, make it happen!Favorable colors are silvery pink and indigo.Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Wed May 23:Perfectionist
- Keeping your stamina high is crucial now, since you are beinglanded with many responsibilities. Try not to be such a perfectionist-- instead, think laterally and find the fastest, most efficient wayaround the problem. You need to watch your diet, not in the sense ofeating less but maybe just more sensibly. Try to give yourself thingsthat are going to be of positive benefit rather than pulling yourenergy further down.Positive colors are ebony and ivory.Lucky numbers are 4 and 75.
Thu May 24:Artistic Inspiration
- Mercury zips into your fifth house of romance and creativity,introducing you to a phase of artistic inspiration. Love notes are in thewind! This is also a good time to communicate with the children in yourlife, who may experience difficulty as Venus turns retrograde.Lucky colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow.Lucky numbers are 57 and 28.
Fri May 25:Clash Of The Titans
- The Moon clashing with high voltage Mars and sober Saturn meansproblems are to be expected. If things are not going quite as well asyou'd planned, just remember that patience will help. Don't duck and diveto avoid the problem, but work quietly and persistently at trying toremove or overcome it. Undoubtedly you may feel over stressed at timesand under appreciated for your efforts but this is a time of laying solidfoundations for the future.Auspicious colors are raspberry and persimmon.Lucky numbers are 26 and 10.
Sat May 26:Long Term Strategy
- Try not to be unsettled if things are not going precisely asyou want. You tend to over-react to things, hearing slights where noneexist. Don't live so much in your hopes for the future, that you forgetto live in the present and enjoy what you really have. You need to findyourself a long term strategy for self-fulfillment, but you have tobalance that with everyday activities that need your wholehearted attention.Fortunate colors are strawberry and smoky purple.Lucky numbers are 6 and 63.
Sun May 27:Cloud of Unknowing
- Are you rushing in where angels fear to tread? You'll regret itlater, Aquarius. Stop. Take a few deep breaths and proceed withcaution. Your finances, especially partner's funds, aren't very stable atthe moment, but if you want to pass the buck, blame it on Neptune in yoursecond house. Neptune represents deception and delusion, so keep yourwits about you. See that all your options are open and be prepared fora cloud of unknowing.Stabilizing colors are ochre and warm brown.Lucky numbers are 7 and 46.
Mon May 28:Drift Away
- You are rather vague and uncertain at the moment, so avoidspecialized tasks or jobs that need a great deal of concentration. Whenand if you are able to get some time to yourself, daydream or justdrift away. When you come back to Earth, you'll be imaginative and fullof ideas. You want to keep the peace and ensure that all encountersare blissful, so you're immensely forgiving now. Be careful, beautifulAquarians that others don't take advantage of you whilst you're in this mood....Auspicious colors are sable and dark green.Lucky numbers are 3 and 58.
Tue May 29:Ask For Help
- Your energy needs to be channeled into health, diet and any formof spirit that makes you feel nourished. You need to boost yourstamina, because certain parts of your life need re-organizing now. Youhave a mental and spiritual deficit and you have to look afteryourself. The planetary influences around you could make you comeacross as chilly to other people, but you're just plain tired. If you canmuster the energy, open up to those closest to you and explain what youreally need.Soothing colors are avocado and peach.Lucky numbers are 16 and 8.
Wed May 30:Break Free
- Break free of routine, tedious people and responsibilities. Youare full of amazing ideas and yearn to discuss them. It's time to broadenyour horizons and fly high -- travel is the obvious solution, but if thatisn't possible read a banned or ground-breaking book, try new cuisine, orrent a foreign film. Do something different!Adventurous colors are bright red and jet black.Lucky numbers are 7 and 69.
Thu May 31:Sensual Influence
- The influence of sensual Venus is making you feel expansive, lazyand confident. After yesterday, what a relief! You are more dramatic,fun-loving and attention-seeking than usual, but don't over do it. Not toput a damp rag on things but the higher your hopes, the further you fall.If you can discipline yourself, you'll find the opportunity to enjoy the love.Bold colors are bright pink and peacock blue.Lucky numbers are 6 and 20.
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