Monthly Horoscope For Pisces (or Pisces Rising)
(Copyright ©Terry Nazon Inc. 2016)
by Terry Nazon
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May 2016
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Pisces: (Feb. 19-Mar.20): As your astrology horoscope begins Pisces for the month of May, five planets are retrograde meaning they are giving off a different vibe, a different energy, as they are all emitting and conveying a different colored light to us here on Earth its called Red Shift, proving theres something scientifically to astrology. The month of May begins and ends with 4th Qtr. Moon in Pisces your Sun sign, with lots happening in between. This month can bring lots of revelations to your life as you reconsider decisions you have made in the past.
The month starts with an eye opener or stress, as the Sun in Taurus inconjuncts SaturnRX in Sagittarius at 15°, and you could be forced out of necessity to learn something new that you could take with you as a life learning experience. A new direction or plan youve made about an achievement has to be revised. Saturn is having you take a serious look at the direction your life is headed in. The Sun in Taurus brightens, solarizes and heats up your thinking. Sounds like a bright idea or conversation influences you to make changes.
The planet SaturnRX in Sagittarius is a teacher, ruler of education, expansion, freedom, religion, and is always looking to the future. SaturnRX in Sagittarius wants us to expand carefully, travel, learn new things and think about the future, the next big thing. You just might be learning things right now that will stick with you forever. This is higher education, university style learning and were all in the University of Life right now. What we learn while SaturnRX is in Sagittarius will be valuable for the future. Still the planet Mars is retrograde in Sagittarius and later in the month in Scorpio and Mars can be impulsive, reckless, and imprudent. As both malefic planets transit through a pivotal area of your life, your solar sector of career, reputation, public behavior, ambitions, profession and authority figures you are warned to be professional, act appropriately and continue to work hard. Realize Pisces there are no rewards yet and yes, you could be passed over, but that changes in the future. Keep your hissy fits, PDAs, and anger behind closed doors. You could ruin your chances for success.
Five planets are retrograde and that must mean that some serious life experiences and lessons are here to be learned and reevaluated. With five planets retrograde, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto its review time. That time if you remember when you had to take your books home, do your homework and study for the test. Now you get to realize how much you know, how much you dont know and what you still need to learn in order to be successful, pass the test and get an A. For a moment you see others differently, in a different light and maybe they treat you differently too. The chance for misunderstandings and arguments is real, so breathe deeply and count to 10. The boss, you know the one who liked you is on vacation.
Still the planet Neptune your ruler, is one of the few planets that are direct now. Neptune is always making us curious and interested, as we see what we have been missing out on by working so hard. Neptune is showing you something special. Its time to Oooo and aaaa! The seas have parted, the veil lifted and you realize what you have been missing out on and whats possible. No you are not being sidetracked, you are being shown your options. Neptune is the planet of illusion, fantasy, and is other worldly. He bestows upon Pisces creativity, compassion, deep understanding and every once in a while he takes you places you never through youd be and opens doors you never thought would open. All the more reason why you should be on your best behavior and mind your manners. Neptune is also the ruler of drugs and intoxication. At times he tells you its ok, no one will find out and at other times he reveals your secrets. In your Sun sign chances are you will never know when your secrets will be revealed so its best not to have any that could get you into trouble.
The New Moon in Taurus the sign of the Moons exaltation, at 16°41 means its time to be nice, kind courteous, its time for romance, love, but more importantly to get exactly what you want. You might want stuff, more stuff, possessions and to make a big purchase. We gain through the opposite sex. So if youre buying something expensive, buy it from someone of the opposite sex. You might get a better deal. Youll want to check your natal birth chart for planets, asteroids and house cusps at 16° -17° to see how the New Moon in Taurus gets you going in a new direction. The New Moon in Taurus is perfect for Pisces, its comfy and cozy, and can make wishes come true. Maybe you need a new car, a new computer, a short trip, or just someone to talk to. All things are new now.
As the planet of luck, and expansion Jupitergoes directVirgo at 13°its time to move forward in the direction that Jupiter wants. Organization, hard work, effectiveness, workers rights, helpfulness, diet, pets, health and hygiene will now be important. The last time Jupiter was at 13°Virgo was October 13th whenJupiter was trine Pluto in Capricorn. How far have you come since October 13th? Jupiterin Virgo is still in a lucky and fortunate aspect to Mercury, and Pluto again in June. This earthy energy benefits financial stability. As Jupitergoes direct you can make new friends, reconnect with old friends, find love, a new relationship or just regain your popularity. This earthy energy is stable, secure and now the people you surround yourself with are also stable and secure. New friends, group activities and companions means this month Pisces you find your niche and where you belong!
As the Sun enters Gemini it shines upon and solarizes your home, family and abode sector its time to communicate with siblings, family members and maybe move someplace bright shiny and brand spanking new. Its also time to look at expenses, maybe get a new roommate or carpool. This month bring some quick changes to your life.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius at 1°14 your solar sector of authority figures, bosses, teachers, parents, career, ambitions and your public life, signals a time when things come together or not, from the time of the New Moon in Taurus. All Full Moons are emotional and come with a burst of energy. As you experience this Full Moon in Sagittarius maybe youll give something your all, maybe youll decide something isnt worth your attention or energy anymore or maybe youll celebrate if you achieve a milestone. Youll want to check your natal birth chart for planets, asteroids and house cusps at 1° to see how the Full Moon in Sagittarius affects you. ok lets face it you cant hide anything this month.
As the Sun in Gemini opposes MarsRX in Sagittarius at 2° we have the hot blazing Sun and a retrograde Mars energy, so you might try to talk your way out of a traffic ticket, or be a trickster and have ulterior motives. You might find that you double booked appointments. There can be scandals, lies and cheating that wont go unnoticed for long. This aspect is getting us ready for some chaotic moments ahead when the planets in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, start with their craziness, from on and off through June. Maybe you have to move closer to where you work, maybe some of you have to move for a career change, (temporarily) or maybe you cant get home from your job in time for a delivery. This is a time when youll find home and emotions conflict with career, profession, what you have to do to get ahead or how you trip your chances for success up.
As the planet of communications, short trips, Mercury goes direct in Taurus at 14°, where it last was on April 15th, you get yet another chance to re-focus, re-do and re-think decisions and actions you have made. You get a 2nd and 3rd chance to think things over with both feet on the ground. Remember if you need to purchase a car, dont sign the lease until after Mercury goes direct.
As the planet of love, money, wealth, marriage and beauty Venus enters Gemini you could opt for anything high tech, anything unique, original, you may want to drive around more, talk more and if one is good, then two is better. It could be time to spruce up where you live, move to finer digs or move in with someone. You can reconnect with family and increase your monthly income.
When the ruler of women and marriage or the wife, girlfriend, or the feminine counterpart of a relationship or partnership Venus in Gemini opposes Mars RX in Sagittarius at 0° ruler of men, the husband, or male counterpart in a relationship it can seem as if men, (or the husband or male counterpart in a relationship) wants to learn, experience, wants their freedom to roam, and seek adventure, and women (or the wife, girlfriend, or the feminine counterpart of a relationship or partnership) wants to have a light conversation be glib, simplistic, gossip and chat. Hold off on that temper tantrum or giving anyone a piece of your mind. This will pass and soon you can go back to scheming and just ruining someones reputation. Of you didnt know Pisces was like that? Yes, when Mars re-enters Scorpio, your solar 9th house (also the ruler of your 10th house of career) you slip into devious mode for a while. Or you get into executive mode and re-learn great things that take you over the top in your career later in the year, its up to you. In the worse cause scenario some Pisces will tangle with the law. Forewarned is forearmed.
As the planet Jupiterin Virgo squares SaturnRX in Sagittarius at 13° there can be missed appointments, the need for better planning when traveling, more attention paid to details and you can feel like you are not getting anywhere. Jupiter is direct and wants to expand in a new direction one that sees waste and wants things neat, tidy and organized while SaturnRX is retrograde in the sign ruled by Sagittarius frustration or craziness results. Wasted time? Maybe. Both planets are whats called above the horizon and because of this its hard to hide your behavior, what you say or do, how you act outside of your home etc. Hurt feelings can be something that Pisces needs to find a way to better deal with.
The planet of action MarsRX re-enters Scorpio 29° where it last transited on March 5th-6th. MarsRX in Scorpio is really very practical, rules executive decisions, judgements, pushes us to work hard, get things done, yet we can all wrestle with selfishness, jealousy, and vengefulness. Remember, Saturn was right here in Scorpio back in August and September of 2015. We all have to be cautious about accidents, treachery and final decisions as we are inclined to take risks, be a little reckless and some are subject to deceit and betrayals. Mars through its retrograde period in Scorpio and Sagittarius will spend lots of time repeating events and dynamics you have already experienced or witnessed from February 19th, 2016. So its a good time to think back and try to recollect what you have already experienced with your job, your health, the weather, men, your masculine counterpart, your husband, boyfriend, partner, your agent, and with your finances. Dont make the same mistakes twice or three times. The planet of action MarsRX is the natural ruler of your solar sector of self-undoing, where you trip yourself up, and where you need to get clear with your own self and motivations. As MarsRX revisits your 9th house of legalities, learning, expansion, trips, travel and education you need to harness this potent energy in a positive direction. Learn something new, explore history, museums, get advice or therapy, get your drivers license or personal paperwork in order. File for divorce if need be.
As May end the messenger planet Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto RX in Capricorn at 17°and hes showing you where you can gain financially with Pluto, how to rejuvenate your life, come alive, easily overcome obstacles and be successful. Pay attention class. This a big month for Pisces who needs to continue on course with good behavior to get ahead.
May 2016
May.01 The Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces at 11°
May 03 The Sun in Taurus trine JupiterRX in Virgo at 13°
May 05 Happy Cinco de Mayo
May 05 The Sun in Taurus inconjunct Saturn RX in Sagittarius at 15°
May 05 Venus in Taurus inconjunct Mars RX in Sagittarius at 7°
May 06 The New Moon in Taurus at 16°41 Youll want to check your natal birth chart for planets, asteroids and house cusps at 16° -17°
May 07 The Sun in Taurus trine PlutoRX in Capricorn at 17°
May 08 Happy Mothers Day
May 09 Jupiter goes Direct Virgo at 13°
May 09 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces at 11°
May 09 The Sun in Taurus conjunct MercuryRX in Taurus 19°
May 11 Venus in Taurus inconjunct Saturn RX in Sagittarius at 14°
May 12 MercuryRX in Taurus trine PlutoRX in Capricorn at 17°
May 13 Friday the 13th
May 13 2nd Qtr. Moon in Leo at 23°
May 13 MercuryRX in Taurus conjunct Venus in Taurus at 16°
May 13 Venus in Taurus trine PlutoRX in Capricorn at 17°
May 14 The Sun in Taurus sextile Chiron
May 19 Venus in Taurus sextile Chiron
May 20 The Sun enters Gemini
May 21 The Full Moon in Sagittarius at 1°14 Youll want to check your natal birth chart for planets, asteroids and house cusps at 1°
May 22 The Sun in Gemini opposes MarsRX in Sagittarius at 2°
May 22 Mercury Direct in Taurus at 14°
May 24 Venus enters Gemini
May 24 Venus in Gemini opposes MarsRX in Sagittarius at 0°
May 26 Jupiter in Virgo square Saturn RX in Sagittarius at 13°
May 27 MarsRX re-enters Scorpio 29°
May 29 4th Qtr. Moon in Pisces at 8°33
May 30 Happy Memorial Day
May 30 Mercury in Taurus trine PlutoRX in Capricorn at 17°
Copyright ©Terry Nazon Inc. 2016 All Rights Reserved
They Say that Astrologers are born not made; meaning you are born an astrologer through many incarnations or not. Astrology is not easy; I work hard at it constantly in an effort to translate this universal language into easy to understand terms that everyone can understand. So remember, when you require more details and effortless timing, only a real astrologer can put it all together for you; I am only a phone consultation or email reading away.
Remember horoscopes can never replace a real consultation with me! The exact degrees and aspects of your Natal Birth Chart which is available here for free, will determine how you will be affected by the transits! Call Now 954-473-0720 to speak to Terry directly, all consultations are pre-paid and by appointment!
The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read each house's description that influence your horoscope
1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -
7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House
The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about it's meaning and their influence on your horoscope
The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus
Neptune - Pluto - Chiron -Fixed Stars- Asteroids - The North Node - The South Node
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