Zodiac sign Libra Love Compatibility - Goto Horoscope

Libra Love

Libra are born between September 23rd and October 22nd

Libra and Aries love compatibility
There is a powerful initial attraction between these two opposites, for in certain areas each supplies what the other lacks. Both are fond of of sexual pleasures, but the Aries probably will try to go too far too quickly. The Libra is inclined to idealize everything and can lose all illusions. Later Libra will look for someone less demanding, and Aries will bind someone more adoring. The physical connection is possible, but only temporarily. The marriage is very rare.Libra and Taurus love compatibility
This couple shares a love of music and art, but hasn't much else in common. Taurus is the proprietor by nature and not romantic enough for Libra. Taurus likes to plan life but Libra will make no such commitment and this can lead to some violent abuse on both sides. Libra dislikes Taurus's dictatorial ways and quickly loses patience with Taurus's stodgy attitudes. To boot, Taurus is jealous of Libra's romantic and fickle nature. They are sexually in tune, so a lot of pleasant games are possible but not a sound union.Libra and Gemini love compatibility
These two air signs are well suited intellectually and every other way. It is difficult for the representatives of both signs to control their passions. If love makes this world spinning around then this couple gives an initial push for it. This is an ideal partnership. Both favor similar changes of interests. In the case of this pair, Libra is the judge and Gemini is the responsive jury in the nuptial courthouse. The combination's intellectual and artistic interests are compatible. Both sides of the Gemini nature will be under stood by the Libra. Both of them are passionate and nobody is too jealous at the same time . They characters have a lot in common , and they perfectly understand each other in bedroom. Libra is highly sexed and their lovemaking will never go lacking. Their sex-life will never be dull. This is a perfect connection; warm and happy married couple.Libra and Cancer love compatibility
This pair operates on entirely different levels: Cancer wants love to be emotionally transcendent, Libra seeks perfect intellectual communion. It is difficult for the Libra to get on well with a Cancer's changeable temperament. The Cancer for his turn feels uncertainty and anxiety because of the Libra's attachment. The Libra is attracted by the Cancer's moods, but he/she prefers to avoid any troubles. Cancer will have to bring some excitement and glamour into the bedroom and their love making if he/she would capture and hold Libras attention, as he/she has a roving eye and will always be looking for greener pastures, sex being the important part of life to him/her that it is. But if Cancer turns critical, especially about Libra's extravagance, Libra will start looking elsewhere. The connection is possible. The marriage is almost unreal.Libra and Leo love compatibility
Both signs satisfy needs and desires of each other. Leo is more interested in the strictly physical side of love than Libra, but Leo's style and brio can win Libra over. Libra is indecisive and Leo will naturally take charge. While Leo is a sensitive person Libra is more emotional and they are both crazy about sex. All the time which will be spend in a bedroom, will be continuous celebratory salute for them. In case there is a collision of characters Libra should concede. It will not make any difficulty, because of the Libra's ability to cooperate. The Libra's best weapon is a correct strategy and tact. The hot connection can turn into in a rather warm matrimony.Libra and Virgo love compatibility
Virgo lives according to her/his rules while Libra is absolutely different creature. There are also other discrepancies of characters. Virgo is more interested in money, than in sex. Libra finds it inexcusable. Stay-at-home Virgo resents Libra's socialbutterfly instincts and pursuit of pleasure. Libra's tastes are expensive. Virgo is careful, not to say miserly. Libra finds Virgo fussy, critical, completely inflexible. Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity. Libra will not stand it too long and start searching for support somewhere else. Virgo, is more straight forward about his/her approach to sex and Libra methods of the "dance" can drive him or her up the wall. This is a doubtful connection and extremely complicated marriage.Libra and Libra love compatibility
Both of these people are filled with energy and both are over demanding of one another which will make this relationship a very exhausting one for the two Libras involved. They treat each other passionately. They have a lot in common. They are cheerful, and easy-going. They also love harmony and beauty. But the severe reality interferes anyway. Neither one nor another wants to realize the facts. Their biggest problem may be unresolved conflicts, as neither wants to stir the pot when differences appear. Their life together is likely to be hectic and they will spend more time with others than they will with each other. The connection can be interesting while the marriage requires maturity.Libra and Scorpio love compatibility
Scorpio is too jealous for the careless Libra. His/her well known jealousy does not let him/her stay calm and wise. The Virgo's carelessness concerning sex results in a quarrel. These problems can end up by driving Libra into an affair with someone else who does not make him/her feel restricted in any way. Scorpio is not the forgiving type and any infidelity will never be forgotten by this sign, and any taking back after this happens will be to get revenge on Libra for his/her act. Scorpio should dominate while Libra - submit. There is a strong mutual attraction between them , but this can lead to an explosion. This is a passionate rough connection and the marriage is not recomended.Libra and Sagittarius love compatibility
The people who were born under the Sagittarius' sign is fond of adventures, so Libra will never be bored with him/her. Sagittarius will remain indifferent to the Libra's adventures. Charming, clever Libra knows how to appeal to Sagittarius's intellectual side and easily keeps Sagittarius intrigued. The main problem is that Sagittarius does not like remaining on one place and aspires to independence. On contrary, one of the most important things for Libra is a reliable partner. If they manage to overcome these distinctions, than there is a quite good chance for a short-term affair as well as for a long-term relations.Libra and Capricorn love compatibility
Capricorn has a strong sexual interest in the Libra. Libra in her/his part likes the Capricorn's aspiration to earn money. However, the Libra's propensity for laziness irritates the Capricorn who got used to work without a rest. As a result the Libra will be dissatisfied by a Capricorn's sober practicality. The Capricorn wouldn't like Libra's constant attempts to be center of everyone's attention. Capricorn will even bring his/her work to bed, literally, and it will be up to Libra to distract him/her long enough for sexual relations to take place. A sign such as Libra is not about to put up with this for very long before greener pastures are sought out. There is too big personal incompatibility for a successful marriage.Libra and Aquarius love compatibility
They should suit each other perfectly . Warm, sensual Libra joins with enthusiasm in Aquarius's erotic fun and games. Also, diplomatic Libra knows must how to get around Aquarius's quirky stubborn streak. Libra is waiting for a support from the Aquarius in this life full of adventures. They both like to live in a society and will participate in public affairs. They have a lot of friends, however they do not forget their own interests. While there are some aspects of their personalities that will irritate the other they will find it easier than most signs to compromise. The opinions of others mean very little to Aquarius he/she cannot understand how Libra can be wounded by a cruel remark from someone else and will possibly feel that Libra is being over sensitive. They will be happy together, even without perfect sex. This is a sensual connection and a good forecast for the conjugal relations.Libra and Pisces love compatibility
Here there is mutual attraction, but it seldom lasts long as they start off fine, since both are sentimental and affectionate. In a way they are alike: both want to impose their romantic visions on reality. Libra can get along will with mast people, but Pisces is more discriminating, and this is the source of their disagreements. Nothing makes Libra more miserable then a sulky, complaining Pisces. Finally Libra will become tired with a Pisces' desire to rely on someone. As for the Pisces -they can't stand the fact that the Libra has a vast variety of interests. If Libra becomes quarrelsome, Pisces will plunge into despondency. Does it sound sadly? Yes, it does.
Franki 2016-02-17 21:32:54

I'm a Libra woman and I have came across a lot of Libra men, and so far I have found that Libra men aren't really the best one's to marry if you are young. I have dated a Virgo man, and still until this day will be the love of my life. It became unfortunate between he and I when he got physically ill, but if I see him again, I do believe fire will spark again. Came across an Aries man, and he was too way too trigger happy as to trying to be in a physical relationship. Great leadership quality, but too dominant for my taste. I have a best friend who is a Cancer man. He is a sweeheart, but two emotionally unbalanced people should not be in a relationship until they both are confound within themselves. Aquarius men I havr found to be very fun. Leo men are very physically attractive but sometimes can be too dominant at times. Gemini men, never had an experience with them because they are very unpredictable and that sometimes scares me. As for Sage men, they are very good looking, but not really ideal for me in the bedroom. Scorpios are only best for friends with benefits in my opinion, and Piseces men are not only attractive but very sensual in bed. However, they tend to be fun snatchers at times. Lol

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Cricket 2015-08-10 06:56:33
I'm a female Libra and was ironically (per this "compatibility chart") married to a Capricorn for over 20 years.
He had problems with addiction, to drugs and other women (as well as men as I found out), however; we were happy for many years and even in the final ones we always got along, maybe more as friends, but still....

Now, close to my mid 40s, I've fallen in love with yet another Capricorn, and although it's unfortunately a long-distance relationship and we don't get to see one another very often (so far anyway), I've never been so happy and felt so fulfilled in my life.
If Libras and Capricorns are so purportedly incompatible, how then do you account for this.

My thoughts?
You can't. We fall in love, and continue to love, whom we will.

Here endeth the lesson.

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Zodiac sign Libra Love Compatibility - Goto Horoscope
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