Lions Clubs key partner of Special Olympics GB Families Programme
Lions volunteers to support 10th National Special Olympics GB Summer Games in Sheffield in 2017
Proudly boosting the daffodil appeal
Lions Clubs are proud to be fund-raising in support of the Marie Curie daffodil appeal
Minister thanks Lions Clubs for helping flooded communities
Government minister, Rob Wilson MP, has thanked volunteer members of Lions Clubs who have been working tirelessly in communities affected by the unprecedented weather conditions at start of 2016
About Lions
Wherever you live, work or travel across the British Isles and Ireland, you're likely to come across members of Lions clubs and the projects we support. Find out more...
#HelpRefugees in Serbia
Thousands of refugees travelling through Serbia need your help during the winter months. Through the Lions Gift for Living Project and Lions volunteers in Serbia, we can arrange for items to be sourced locally and effectively distributed.
Vaccine commitment
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) commitment towards US$60 million for improving access to vaccines
Contact us
Want to know more about Lions at the heart of your community? If you have any specific questions, issues or ideas, or would like to join us, then were here to help.
Welcome to Lions Clubs International! The global leaders in community service!
Lions Clubs International - Facebook
Lions Clubs International, Oak Brook, Illinois. 194,769 likes · 4,068 talking about this. Lions Clubs International & LCIF - The global leaders in
Lions Clubs International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lions Clubs International (LCI) is an International secular, non-political service organization founded by Melvin Jones in 1917. As of April 2015, it had over 46,000
The International Association of Lions Clubs
Moved Permanently. The document has moved here.
Lions Clubs International - Find a Club
Use our Club Locator to find a Lions club near you.
Lions Member Center - Lions Clubs International
Welcome to the Lions Member Center, where you have access to the resources you need to plan service activity projects, manage membership, lead your club or district
Lions Clubs Supplies Store
Welcome to the Lions Clubs International online store. Please come in and feel free to browse and shop for your Lions Clubs International branded merchandise.
Lions Clubs International
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) commitment towards US$60 million for improving access to vaccines Contact us Want to know more about Lions at the heart
Resources - Lions Clubs International
Lions are empowered to get the job done. There are downloadable Lions clubs member resources, including logos, program guides, brochures and forms to help you do so.
Lions Clubs International Foundation | We Care. We Serve ...
LCIF awards $100K Major Catastrophe grant to allow Canadian Lions to provide wildfire assistance. Make a donation to LCIF's disaster relief fund today