Gemini : AstrologyZone's May Horoscope : Astrology Zone

See Susan Miller's new Astrology Zone 30-minute streaming TV Show! For now, it will be seen once a month and will not duplicate any information you get on Susan's site - the broadcast will provide fresh, new material. For more info, see Susan's note to you found here, in the PS (post script) directly below your sign's summary and the dates to note. Express your ideas about Susan's new show in social media - we will be reading your comments. The show will not be seen yet on Susan's smart phone apps (stay tuned) but instead here on your computer or tablet. Please tell your friends to have a look!

Astrology Zone the Show from Television Four on Vimeo.

Gemini Horoscope for May 2016

By Susan Miller

So many good things are bubbling up for you in May, you may be surprised at how well things go. A lot of the superb aspects center on developments in your home or regarding family. You won't have to wait long - one of your happiest episodes in May will emerge very early on. Let's have a look.

I love May 3 for you - on that day, the Sun and good fortune Jupiter will be in brilliant harmony, and that is one of the finest configurations you could ever hope to see. The Sun is in your behind-the-scenes sector, and Jupiter is in your family sector, so it's family or a real estate deal that you were hoping would come though. You may see other bonuses on this day too. The Sun rules your solar third house too, so you may get an important new assignment that requires that you write, do public speaking, editing, proofing, or code writing or need to translate text. Or, you may become in charge of social media for your company, be interviewed on TV, or serve on a panel as a judge. If you launch a new publicity or advertising campaign then, it should do exceedingly well. Some sort of very good news is on the way to you on May 3 in the communications area, and you'll be flattered when it does. If you are an actor (or work in other areas of entertainment), plan your audition for this day. Your skills will be noticed and rewarded, and because Jupiter is involved, generous pay to you should result. If you work in sales, or are self-employed and represent various talented people, you may get a lucrative new talent to represent. If you find you have to travel for work on May 3, you will come back with the order - again, Jupiter will see that you do!

The beautiful new moon in Taurus on May 6 will come next and may bring up an offer or ongoing situation that you will need to keep confidential. You may be introducing a new product or service in a few months, or you may be switching jobs to go to a competitor and be asked to keep that news under your hat for now. For whatever reason, you will have to remain mum about what is going on. Keeping a secret is hard for Gemini - you love to share good news with close friends and family when it emerges, but this time you can't. Too much is riding on your ability to keep things under the radar, for the time being.

You can also use this new moon to improve your mind, body, or spirit. For example, this new moon is lighting your twelfth house of the subconscious, so you can use this new moon to consult a therapist or doctor if you have a fear, stubborn problem, or dependency that you would like to discuss and let go of in your life. With a packed twelfth house, you may notice you are unusually intuitive and may even feel a bit psychic. No matter what your instinct tells you, heed it, for it will be there to protect you.

Because your body is also included in the trend that will be started at the new moon May 6, you might decide to go back to the gym and gently work out without overdoing things. Be careful not to leave exhausted. You won't be quite as energetic as you usually are this month - you seem to have a lot going on lately, so keep things slow and easy, and treat yourself to rest.

This new moon will have remarkably strong and positive aspects associated with it. A grand trine (from the word triangle) is appearing in the heavens, linking your solar fourth house of home, your solar eighth house of money (covering such things as mortgage and home improvement loans), and your twelfth house of confidential matters. Meanwhile, at this gorgeous new moon, Neptune, from your solar tenth house of fame, will also bring gifts, and you may score a victory by getting enviable publicity in the week that follows May 6. This new moon comes packed with goodies for you!

Hold on to your hat, because independent of the new moon but happening at the same time, will be a close collaboration between Jupiter and Pluto, the two powerhouse financial planets. These two planets will encourage you to find sources of income. With just a little effort, you can see money pour in to your bank account, especially from sources outside of salary. The source, for example, may be from your immediate family or an inheritance, or from a court settlement, insurance payout, bonus, commission, royalty, licensing fee, sale of property, court settlement, or money sent to you by someone who has owed you for some time. This would likely happen in the early part of May, just after the new moon, May 6.

So many of the jewel-like days that sparkle so brightly will arrive early in the month. Here comes another one!

Put a gold circle around May 10 when Venus in Taurus will reach out to Jupiter in Virgo - again your efforts to improve your home living situation will glow, or your family will show you in a material way how much they (or one person) cares about your welfare. If you have my wall calendar, you already know May 10 is a standout day!

Incredibly, on May 10, Venus rules your solar fifth house of love, so romance could easily bubble up and bring an experience that will make your pulse beat double time. Reflecting on this day afterward, you are likely to smile. Do you see how many great days you have in store?

Mars will still be retrograde this month and next, a condition that started last month on April 17 and will continue until June 29. For now, Mars is still in your partnership sector, so you seem to be in collaborative mode, working closely with either a partner or intermediary, such as an agent, business partner, lawyer, manager, writing partner or other person who can help you get ahead. Until September 27, it appears your best success will happen when you find that right person who can build on your reputation and add to your status in the industry.

Or, Mars' presence in your committed relationship sector may point to your involvement with a romantic partner, and that you only have eyes for the one who means the world to you. In that respect, you may be getting to the next level - promising exclusivity, or getting engaged or married. If you are already married, you may also be making plans together, such as to buy a house together, to start a business, or have a baby soon.

Speaking of your closest, most serious relationship in love or business, you will have a full moon in Sagittarius 1 degree on May 21 that will highlight this person. One of your relationships is reaching a turning point, and because Mars is conjunct the moon, you may be aching to roll into action quickly. Mercury will go direct the day after the full moon on May 22, so try to delay announcing any decision until you get at least several days after the full moon. You will have a second full moon in the very same area of your chart on June 20, but of the two, this month's full moon is the better one.

This full moon will affect you most if your birthday falls on May 21, plus or minus five days. (Next month's full moon in Sagittarius will touch you more if you were born on or very near June 20.) Concerning the full moon this month, May 21, you will also feel it directly if you have 1 degree Gemini rising, or a natal planet in your birth chart that falls in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius 1 degree, plus or minus 5 degrees in any of these cases.

At times this month, you may notice that the month has a slow pace, where you take two steps forward and one step back. Here is why: Mars is retrograde, so you may have been thinking about your partner, looking back to decide how you can work together or love together more smoothly. Or, in business, you may find you get close grasping a big deal, only to see it fall away suddenly at the last minute. It's not you - people will be indecisive this month, and it is enough to drive us all crazy.

Mars rules your solar eleventh friendship house, too, so you may find friends will suddenly have to reschedule the date you had set to get together too. Like everything else, this trend won't be tragic, just frustrating. Mars is the booster rocket planet to all your most vital ventures, personal or professional, and when Mars is retrograde, you can't depend on Mars to give you a consistent, steady supply of energy. To make up for the strength and power you would normally be able to take for granted that would be sent to you from Mars, you will have to do all the heavy lifting.

In May you will not only be dealing with Mars be retrograde, but also with Mars' brother, Mercury, in retrograde until May 22. Mercury retrograde is notorious about creating delays, indecision, forgetfulness, miscommunication, and more. It's not a time to sign papers, agree to new ventures, or make large expenditures on any type of digital device. Mercury rules electronics, as well as the entire digital world including apps, websites, social media, virtual reality, and telecommunications, to name a few. It would not be wise to launch anything that deals in communication - including a new book, website, or article - when Mercury is out of phase. Don't share too much information on social media, and watch little things in your life, like making sure you don't send sensitive email to the wrong person due to smart email (which won't be very smart this month).

Mercury rules travel too, but I have never had serious problems with travel during Mercury retrograde. Yes, a flight can be a bit delayed, but if you leave early in the morning, you will have fewer difficulties with delays. You would have to be sure you have the correct address - it is amazing to me how companies move and don't inform those who travel to have a face-to-face meeting, only to learn the company has moved several miles away. Take nothing for granted - keep double checking all your appointments and accommodations, reservations, and so forth.

I will admit that during one Mercury retrograde I was locked out of our rental car at 2 AM upon arriving in Washington D.C. We had to wait for a locksmith to get us back into it so we could park it before checking into the hotel. (What a nightmare that was, because we were so tired and cold at the time.). Generally, however, things go well for me on my trips during Mercury retrograde. Be careful to clearly label your luggage and to have your business card taped to the back of your computer, iPad, and smart phone. Tuck your business card inside your Dr. Dre Beats earphones, and the case that holds your reading glasses and sunglasses. Being deliberate helps us all get through Mercury retrograde.

I suppose I should tell you that in the month of May, there will be even more retrograde planets. In addition to Mars and Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto will also be retrograde too. That makes five out of eight planets out of phase - wow. This is why you might feel as though you are walking through glue. You will have to go with the flow, for railing against this pace won't help one bit. Delays will actually benefit you. This situation will affect us all, so no one will have the edge here. Enjoy the extra time you will have when your schedule opens up.

Happily, good fortune Jupiter will go direct on May 9, and that's great news, as Jupiter will help you in a much more powerful way from then on, especially in regard to your home and family matters, and also in regard to your partnership matters. The major outer planets (the ones that spin on the outer rim of our solar system) such as Jupiter typically retrograde for four to five months a time. Jupiter has been out of phase since January 8, so this will make a difference to you. Watch the days that surround May 9, for you may get a signal from the universe about what's to come - and all of it will be upbeat and happy.

Romantically, I had already mentioned how well your social life will go when Venus and Jupiter are in sync on May 10. Later, when Venus moves into Gemini, you will have an entire month of favor, from May 25 to June 17. This would be a great time to stock up on new clothes and accessories, and to look for ways to freshen up your appearance.


Your family is making you mighty happy these days, for you have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, to bring such happiness to your home life. They certainly love you, and it shows. If you say, not exactly, then this month you may move to new quarters, decide to fix up your present space, or find ways to sell possessions to generate quite a bit of cash. Alternatively, your experience may be more spiritual, perhaps because one of your family members has had (or will soon have) a new baby. You might receive other family news that makes you happy, and makes you realize how lucky you are to have a warm, cozy clan. One day that will be fortunate for you will be May 3, during discussions you will likely see things will go your way.

Mars has been focusing you intently on your partner since early March, and this person will continue to play a vital role in your life. You seem to have an important venture or commitment that you are about to do together or have recently started. Your partner would be someone you know in a romantic or business sense. If you have such a partner in your life, a part of your plan will finalize at the full moon in Sagittarius on May 21.

Be careful not to sign anything nor completely agree to any plan verbally while Mercury is retrograde. Wait until after May 22 - leave a space of an extra few days from that date. (Both types of commitments, written and verbal, are considered the same in astrology.) If you have no such partner, you may find you are in a highly competitive situation, where your rival will be quite assertive about going after the very same prize you want to grasp.

In love or business, if you do have a partner, at times your partner will be kind and supportive but occasionally may suddenly have an angry outburst. This might be because your partner is under a great deal of stress (it seems so). Mars is the warrior planet that will be in your partnership sector and has been known occasionally to bring strife. If this relationship is important to you, give your significant other some slack for now, to see if this phase improves in a matter of weeks.

If your partner is holding a hidden resentment, it will surface this month, on the full moon, May 21, or next month at the second full moon in your marriage / partnership sector June 20. In that case, although it may be hard to hear, you will be better to know about those feelings, for by clearing the air, you both can move your relationship forward in a stronger position. There is an equal chance that there isn't anything wrong and that the full moon of May 21 will simply bring a plan you've hatched together to fruition.

No matter what your marital status happens to be, your social life will improve noticeably as you get closer to your birthday time at month's end. Work has been demanding, but soon you'll be able to divert your attention to creating a more fulfilling emotional life. Mercury, your ruler, will continue to retrograde until May 22, so as your schedule opens up due to cancellations and postponements, you will have a chance to breathe and connect with friends. Keep the faith, dear Gemini - the planets may be sliding in the wrong direction, but this month you'll prove you can work with any conditions and still make things work for you.

Happily, Venus will move into Gemini on May 24 and will make sure you are in demand socially from then on. Shop while Venus tours Gemini from May 24 to June 17, confident you will find many flattering selections. Gemini loves accessories, too, so save part of your cash for new shoes and other items that will make your look your own. You will turn heads, and once that happens, an introduction will take place, and after that, love can't be far behind. If attached, you'll get more attention from your mate, and that's a very good development.

For Dates to Note: Please watch my May TV show broadcast. You can get your special dates, with explanation.

Here is the link to use:

Previous Month's Forecast >>>


Paul Duddridge is executive producer and director of my monthly TV show for Astrology Zone. Paul has just come out with a warm and funny movie called MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS with Sharon Stone, Selma Blair, Susan Sarandon, Christina Ricci, Courtney Cox, and Paul Wesley. Be sure to see it! -Susan

Here is the link to see the trailer:

MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS features interwoven stories about what it means to be a mom, which are tied together via single gal Rigby Gray, a rock photographer who's riding a career high when an unlikely and unexpected pregnancy forces her to turn her lens inward. As Rigby slowly comes to terms with what it might mean to change her life forever, she discovers with fresh eyes her own relationship with her estranged mother. Through a series of photographs documenting motherhood in all its varieties, she considers what it means to be maternal at all. Director Paul Duddridge's film is a celebration of the unparalleled love between mothers and their children and the myriad ways they connect in today's modern world.

Here is the list of theaters so far.

My Upgraded Design for iPhone, Android, Samsung Galaxy, Are All Ready for You to Download!

Apple and Google approved the upgrade to my app two weeks ago, on March 16. I loved my present app (it is under two years old), but I made changes to make it even better for you. You now have video on your app, so while you are on the go, you can view my 30-minute free TV show or my Year Ahead 2016 films that I did with Deepak Chopra.

I improved the app's navigation, upgraded the NASA photography, added more essays and articles, and made it easy for you to see appearances - the works! I also have push notification now, so when Mars or Mercury is about to retrograde, I can remind you to wrap up activities. I can also alert you to my occasional appearances. Another new feature of my new apps is that it will automatically expand or shrink to fit your other devices, whether iPad or tablet, or any size smart phone you choose, large screen or small. These newly designed applications have kept screen size in mind, allowing users with phones or tablets to get a fully optimized experience for their device screen size.

I strive to give you the best astrology app experience on the market

You will still have a free daily horoscope, or if you prefer to subscribe, you will get a significantly longer, more detailed daily horoscope. On Sundays, I write a look ahead to the week, giving you your best days to act. The long premium daily version of my app is the one most readers prefer. I write those dallies three months in advance, and you get, automatically, your 12 daily horoscopes for today and tomorrow, with yesterday's still visible. You can try out this long text premium version by subscription for $4.99 for one month (on either Google or iPhone) or $12.99 for three months (iPhone only - these companies tell us what we are allowed to offer you.)

The new applications work with iOS 7.0+ and Android OS 4.0+.

If you are already a subscriber to my app on your iPhone, the new design will just slide in to replace the old design when you update your app. If you have a Samsung Galaxy smart phone, you use the Android operating system, so you will get the new design free too. iPhone users, if you have the Apple Watch, you can read your daily forecasts on your watch, too, and Apple helpers will show you how to use Bluetooth to make that happen. There is no charge for the Watch app.

The bugs in the iPhone are all fixed. Get my app from either one of our retailers, Google Play or Apple App Store, depending on your smart phone type. Search: "Susan Miller" or "Astrologyzone" as one word. It is free, and you can decide any time if you want to try the premium subscription version.

Keep in mind that if you buy a subscription, you are purchasing a subscription to my app from Apple or Google as retailers, not from us at Astrology Zone®. I get a commission on the purchase price of the subscription you buy.

Whether you choose the free version of my app or choose to subscribe to the premium version, either way you will still always have your monthly Astrology Zone report on your phone, and my previous month's forecast as well. You can check all twelve signs of the daily or monthly horoscopes too by simply going to the home screen and choosing a different sign.

Until now, only readers who went to their computers online would know in which city I would have new events. Also, you can see my Twitter feed on your mobile device too. In the same section as "Susan's Tweets" is my special note to you. Please always look for it. By the way, to read my Tweets, you don't have to join Twitter or tweet - you can, if you like, simply read my feed.

The designs for Android and iOS are consistent; you get the same visual design and features for either application.

I would appreciate you taking the time to review my app, for I will read all your comments. The place to do that is on the app's home menu of the app - you will see a VERY tiny round gear in the upper left hand side under the small photo of the galaxy. Press the tiny round gear and bingo - there will be lots of things revealed to you. You will want to play with the app and be surprised with how much is on there!

Thank you so much for reading Astrology Zone each month and for supporting me so enthusiastically.

Susan Miller's Year Ahead 2016 Astrological Wall and 2016 Pocket Calendar

My New 2016 Illustrated Astrological Calendar is shipping!

I am thrilled to show you my newest Year Ahead 2016 Astrological Wall Calendar that has come off the presses. This year we're using artwork by visionary artist Izak Zenou.

NEW Price: $9.99 plus shipping.

BONUS: You had requested that we print a small version of my annual wall calendar to carry with you, so we listened and chose to make one now - a pocket calendar!

Your wall calendar's features include:

All the important days with their corresponding aspects on the day they occur.

Every full and new moon is listed, with its sign and degree.

All Mercury retrograde periods

Your calendar has 13 months; January 2017 is included.

All American, British, and Canadian holidays are listed as well as many religious holidays.

Your Wall Calendar measures 14"x24" when fully opened, the same size and great quality as in previous years. The Pocket Calendar measures 3-½" x 6-¼". This time the paper we used for the large and small calendar is matte, to showcase Izak Zenou's art.


Susan Miller's YEAR AHEAD 2016 Astrological Calendar and the 2016 Pocket Calendar are ONLY available on Astrology Zone®. It is NOT available in retail stores or on bookseller's sites online. When you buy a calendar for yourself or as gift, you support Astrology Zone®

Shipping information

The Wall and Pocket Calendar are combined with shipping to all destinations. Place your order now before supplies run out.

Shipping for one or two copies will be the same. Shipping charge for every second copy will be waived.



$9.99, a 60% reduction effective May 1

The cost for the calendar is $9.99 as of May 1, plus shipping and any applicable sales tax (in New York State only). International First Class ships the Calendar with Pocket companion via Priority Mail to addresses in the USA and to foreign countries in a sturdy, flat mailer to protect the beauty of the calendar.

Volume Discounts

A discount of 10 percent is available for corporate or group orders of 10 copies. If you would like to order 25 copies, a discount of 20 percent will be available. You need not be an organization. If you want to order 10 calendars as holiday gifts for friends, you will still get the discount.

Call publisher Arthur Heydendael for more information. 914-271-3640, ext 14. Or go online to or write to Arthur at

Get Your Overview of 2016 by Zodiac Sign on Film, Written by Me!

Order your Sign and Rising Sign, and Be Set for 2016!

Done in Collaboration with Deepak Chopra

Instantly receive your 22-minute outlook for 2016 that I prepared for you by each individual sign in collaboration with Deepak Chopra. Just go to Healthwire.FM, and pay one dollar ($1.00) per film. This TV show with a digital-platform has beautiful visual production values. Once you pay the one dollar US, you will own the show, and will be able to view me speaking to you as many times as you like all year. I suggest you get one for your Sun sign, and one for your rising sign too. You can buy the entire bundle of 12 signs for $9.99 to share with family. Go to

Or, go to www.Healthwire.FM and look at the menu that says "Choose Your Shows" - mine comes up first. It was an honor to work with Deepak Chopra's team on this project, and until now this show that I did in early December has been a total secret!

Don't know your rising sign? Find out your time of birth and order the natal horoscope chart custom book I will write specifically for you with 65+ pages, made possible by print-on-demand technology. Cost is $55 and you will receive your bound book in two weeks. Go to my other website,

One Last Note!

Preorder your copy of my Year Ahead 2016 Book.

It's almost done!

I decided on a whim to write an entire book for you addressing your outlook for 2016. It is 85 percent done, and it would have been finished now if I didn't have to stop to write January's Astrology Zone®. Cost will be $9.99 per book, and we will eventually have a digital version for your tablet - that will take time. You can preorder my book now by calling Arthur Heydendael at 914.271.3640, ext 11.

You Love the Zodiac Jewelry Collaboration I Created With Sequin Called the Star Maps Collection

Thank you for your Overwhelming Response!


Last year, I was invited by Sequin executives to look at an idea their talented New York City Sequin Design Studio had for a collection of pendants with an astrological theme. Sequin's Star Maps Collection is based on original, hand-cast illustrations of constellations and zodiac symbols, and was designed & handcrafted in the USA with components from around the world. They are simply beautiful. I wear my Sequin necklaces all the time, as they work with almost anything. This month, Sequin is launching a new, related collection called Celestial.

The all-women executives at Sequin asked me to check to make sure all the designs and keyword descriptions of the signs on their site were astrologically correct. I was happy to see that they were all well researched. (Everyone, it seems, at Sequin reads Astrology Zone!) I love the quality of the pieces, and some are of silver, and others are gold. Many girls layer several of these necklaces over each other, using various lengths, and that's a great look too.

The styles are available in 22K gold-dipped or silver-dipped at a range of price points. Gold toned bracelets have been available, and shortly you will see a line of silver bracelets too.

The pendants are all made in America and handcrafted by artisans using material components from around the world. These designs are so well priced that I feel they will soon sell out their inventory during the holiday gift-giving season. I was impressed with the lovely chain that the pendants come with too, as it is tangle-proof and delicately made to look as beautiful when worn as the pendants. Whenever I wear my Sequin necklaces, I get many compliments.

These Star Map and Celestial necklaces make great gifts or a treat for yourself. I quickly chose those necklaces as part of my favorite things to give for friends' birthdays.

Imagine how surprised I was that Oprah had chosen this Sequin Collection as a part of her "favorite things" in her December 2014 magazine issue. I was happy for my new friends at Sequin and the incredible success of this new line of jewelry.

The new Sequin website now offers a Wish List feature - perfect!

Click through to see the entire range of jewelry:

Astrology Zone is now on the Apple Watch!

It's FREE to add, and loading is invisible and seamless through Bluetooth!

On July 7 my Susan Miller's Astrology Zone Daily Horoscope app for IOS that appears on the iPhone was approved by Apple to appear on their new watch! Apple had approached us with this option earlier this year, and we were all so excited to do it! My app developer, Phunware, immediately set to work on the extra coding to make my app work perfectly on the Apple watch, and it's been tested and approved by Apple for you!

If you have my app on your iPhone, the way this works is that your new Apple watch will "talk" to your iPhone and automatically load the Apple watch app from your iPhone, through Bluetooth. You need not use any wires or be concerned about downloading instructions - it all happens seamlessly and invisibly. There are no extra fees for you to pay either - it's free! If you already have the Apple watch, you know how much fun this is to use! From now on, I can be as close to you as your wrist, and it's remarkable how crystal clear my words can be read on the beautiful Apple Retina watch screen.

The Apple store helpers will assist you by loading my app on your watch, and it only takes a few minutes. It works best if you have the premium version of my app, so you might want to order a subscription to my longer, more detailed daily horoscopes. Try the premium version of my daily horoscopes for one month for $4.99 or for three months for $12.99. See how you like a longer daily forecast - most people do. We find 87 percent of readers opt for the upgrade. Or, you can always stick to the free, short version of my app for your iPhone. Tell me what you think on Twitter, @AstrologyZone.

I am so excited!

Proudly Announcing the Debut of my NEW TV Show!

For many years, I have had the dream of having my own TV show - that dream came true in February, when my show debuted. The show will stream internationally on, our host provider, and it will run 30 minutes.

Each month, I will explain points about astrology in an easy to understand way. All the material on the broadcast will be fresh and new, and I will not duplicate any information that already appears in my monthly Astrology Zone report. My aim is to help you understand how astrology works, and how you can harness this ancient art to make your dreams come true.

The show will now be available on the first day of each month - or even a few days before the end of the month.

Astrology Zone and my normal long monthly horoscopes will always remain free for you as they have every month for the past 19 years on the Internet. Please always look at my PS on my website each month as I list appearances and other free events that do not appear on my app. You can only view my TV show from clicking on the link from my site, as it is not possible to do straight from my app.

Viewing my TV show will give you special insight and detail on the coming month and also help you get more from the information you already get from me on Astrology Zone. I hope to teach you a few handy skills that will allow you to understand how astrology works and how you can harness that information for your own purposes to achieve enjoy a brighter future.

Tell us how you feel on my social media accounts, on Twitter @AstrologyZone, and on Facebook "Susan Miller." Also,, our server host for the show, provides a place for comments too, and so do post a note there too - all of us will be reading your comments

Live Overseas? Or, don't have an iPhone, Android, or Samsung Galaxy?

Subscribe to Daily Astrology Zone on

Get all 12 of my daily horoscopes each day by email or pick yours up each day on special password-protected site.

To plan ahead, receive several daily horoscopes in advance!

By subscribing to DailyAstrologyZone you will receive a week of horoscopes inside your cell phone and / or computer. This means if you have a BlackBerry or feature flip phone, you can still get my daily horoscopes as long as your device accepts email. You will also have the option of accessing your daily horoscopes from a website online, from anywhere, any time, through a password-protected site for members only, or receiving all 12 signs my email each day.

For more information:



Choose from 'My Personal Horoscope' for Adult, for Babies, or for a Relationship, the Two of Us either in Print or in PDF format.

For the Print version count on two weeks on average from Order receipt to Delivery for any US destinations. One week longer elsewhere.

For the digital PDF version count on one-week turnaround to receive the emailed download-link of the file with the same full-color illustrations by Jacqueline Schafer.

  • Adult Edition
  • Baby Edition
  • Relationship Edition
  • Annual Birthday Solar Return

My Personal Horoscope Custom Natal Chart Book $54.99 plus shipping / tax

For more information call Susan's publisher, Arthur Heydendael 914.271.3640 ext 14 or click here:

To view a forecast, select a sign from the menu below and click on Go.

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Gemini : AstrologyZone's May Horoscope : Astrology Zone Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Julie