byMichael McClain
YourSun sign and yourMoon sign is a special reading
Thissectionprovides a mini reading for all 144 possible combinations of Sun signscombined with Moon signs. The Sun and Moon are of course two of themost important considerations in astrology, and by combining andblending these two, a more unique and personal reading begins toemerge. This, in essence is the bringing together of the basicindividuality and the instinctive.Bear in mind the moon is your emotional life. Itrelates to immediate emotional responses. It's those reactionsinstilled by conditioning; the memory and learned habit patterns. Theinfluence of the Moon is more subtle, for it relates to personalitybeneath the surface; your feelings and your subconscious self. It showshow you react to those around you based on the sum of your conditionedviewpoint and unguarded self-projection. Often, the Moon's place in thechart shows a considerably different side of the nature, a sidefostered by emotions, upbringing, and habit patterns that havedeveloped over time.
The Sun the core of the individual; the overridingnature and will. Now it begins to be clear why each of the Sun signscan reflect such observable traits and yet still come in so manyvarieties.
Selectyour Astrology Sunsign here:
Michael McClain1996-2015. All rights Michael at: michael @
Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from menu.
Sun in Aries, Moon in:Sunin Aries, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces in you a truly explosive personality; dynamic, hard hitting,powerful, and magnetic. Every idea put forth in the reading of your Sunsign is intensified by the Aries Moon. Independence and self-confidencemay be so intensified that they become a stumbling block in personalrelationships, if they are not somewhat tamed. You are an individualistfirst, last, and always. You are extremely impatient with people,sometimes to the extent of being intolerant. People may view you ashardboiled because of a tendency for you to be too matter-of-fact. Youdo express yourself readily and forcefully, with considerable dramaticeffect. It's painfully difficult for you to listen to and understandthe woes of others. Yet you can be demanding of the attention of thosearound you on those rare occasions when you disclose your personalproblems. You are not an intellectual person, and you may not have eventaken the time to get a good education. In fact, well-educated andintellectually pretentious folks are among those you find the mostboring and uninteresting. You are not impressed with abstract thoughtsand ideas, only actions and accomplishments. This is not to say youdon't use your mind. Your mind is always active: reading, talking,discussing. When it comes to getting things done and done rapidly, yourtalents can fill the bill. This position provides exceptionalleadership traits, but a need to develop qualities of tact andconsideration for the feeling of others can impede progress.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signshows that you can combine forcefulness and enough tact to be effectiveas leader. For all the charm and dash ofmanner about you, there is a distinct layer of steely drive anddetermination. The aggressiveness and rough edges of Aries are softenedand smoothed by the influence of Taurus. You can be an agreeable andpolite person, with tactless behavior kept well in check. You have acurious way of appearing tactful even as you lay down the law anddemand your way. There's a "sugar and spice" way of driving your pointhome, and winning. You have a powerful magnetic quality, coupled with avery strong will and determination for leadership. All Aries arenatural leaders, but in this configuration, there is more stability andmore of a solid base to the operation. You think highly of yourself,though you aren't one to make a show of this. Yet a pervading sense ofyour abilities is the foundation of your life. You're never likely tosuffer from an inferiority complex. You need to learn to rule withoutdominating and to adjust your desires to the happiness of those aroundyou. Anyhow, regardless of your sex, you're likely to be the dominatepartner in your marital relationship, and you'll try to controlcircumstances in nearly any situation you find yourself.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs producesone of the most verbally active pairs in the Zodiac. You're likely todominate any conversation as your mind works fast and releases theinformation it has processed just as fast. You have to learn to keepthings to yourself at least until you've made up your mind, which youdon't find easy to do. It is easier for you to make decisions bysitting down and talking things out rather than by closing yourselfoff, studying the issues and concentrating on the alternatives.Speaking before you think and jumping to conclusions can get you indeep trouble. Success will come easier for you after you have learned,and practice, the art of secrecy, clearly thinking things throughbefore you charge off. This shortcoming notwithstanding, you are likelyto get far in the world because of your quick wit and good intentions.Your debate skills allow you to back lesser opponents into the cornerwith relative ease. Surprisingly, as quick as you act, you have anespecially good knack for details. In business, your command of factsand figures gives you the semblance of the perfect executive.Nonetheless, you're often guilty of a little oscillation and indecisionstemming from too many superficial facts and too little depth of study.Anyhow, fluency of mind is your primary attribute. Your style ofgetting bits and pieces of information and using them in a glib andeffective way can take far. You may aspire to become an executive.However, the hard decision making necessary here may not be as naturalfor you as a spot in advertising, the literary world, or in other areaswhere your outstanding business acumen focused on anything dealing withthe spoken or written word can be employed. You should try to overcomea certain superficiality with respect to both intellectual andemotional matters.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signblends the determined and aggressive traits of Aries, with thesensitivity, sympathy, and intuition of Cancer. This pairing produces aunique quality that generally permits you to succeed in a variety ofendeavors. Unlike many dynamic Aries types, you can "feel" out theother fellow before jumping to an immediate conclusion. The Cancerinfluence slows down a tendency merely to react with an aggressiveresponse to any stimuli. You are apt to put more thought andunderstanding into your actions. You have a knack for handling peoplebecause you know how to capture their imagination with your flair fordramatic appeals, and your seeming concern for their general welfare.This is not to say that you are a humanitarian by nature. In fact, likeall Aries, you are somewhat self-centered in many ways. But talentedenough, and sensitive enough, always to present yourself in a veryconvincing light. Though it is unintentional, at times you are damagingto others, or hurt them, without understanding that you are doing so.Your social perceptions are so keen that you can rise very rapidly withmuch popular support. The ease with which you can lead is sometimes awonder even to yourself. While you have much pride in your abilities,you may often find yourself a little inwardly unsure. You may questionhow you can gather the dash and excitement that permits you to expressyourself so convincingly. It's important that you remember not to takeyourself too seriously and avoid excesses in dramatization.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that blends the Aries drive for success with thewarmth, nobility, and balance of Leo. People respond to you naturallybecause of you are an interesting, active, adventurous, and excitingperson. You pursue your ideals with great energy, excitement, a senseof adventure, and boundless enthusiasm. You love people and theyrespond to you in a very positive way to your magnetic personality.Self-image is all important to you, and you have a natural faith inyourself and probably a total confidence in your abilities. You respectyourself to a high degree and see yourself as a natural born leader.You need to achieve to reinforce this wonderful sense of worth, and tomaintain a rightful position of leadership and popularity. Success maycome because you can come up with good ideas, but more often it isbecause those above you and those below you both like you a lot and arewilling to listen and follow you. You don't hesitate to tell peoplethat you "need" them, because in your open and honest way, you'reconfident that they will respond to you and back your cause. You have awarm heart and an affectionate nature, because of a harmonious blendingof individuality and personality; thinking and feeling are very much intune. You have a talent for clear vision or for visualizing your goalor objective, concentrating on these goals and objectives, andattaining them.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signshows that you are very cool emotionally. A fine critical nature seemsto replace a good deal of the impetuosity often associated with Aries.You are likely to have a mind that is channeled into practical matters,and you have a "no nonsense" attitude about most issues. Efficiency isall important to you. You have a driving determination to get thingsdone, and to get them done right. You are definitely an achiever,combining your cool-headed judgment and the energy to put your thoughtsinto action. You may be lacking in creativity and originality, but youreadily absorb knowledge and put it to use in a very efficient way. Youfigure things out from every angle and never overlook the smallestdetail. You're hard to work for, because you're so exacting. You can bevery pointed in your manner of criticizing a half-finished job or workthat in any way reveals unacceptable quality. You are potentially avery fine executive if you can keep from making too many enemies withyour aggressive and critical nature. You're not a romantic or asocially outgoing person, and you may even be something of a "lonewolf" type.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs producescontradictions in your makeup because these signs are preciselyopposite one another, a full 180 degrees apart. Aries is naturallyindependent; the Libra Moon is sometimes very dependent. Thus, there isa strong balancing element to this combination sugging an Aries Sunthat is uncommonly open to outside influences. This is adifficult position presenting a problem between the emotional andmental nature. You are ambitious and eager to please people, with thesort of personality that seems to reach out to others as if you are inneed of reassurance and guidance. Your nature is highly individualized,yet you are just as highly dependent on support and sympathy. Thecontradiction in your nature is that you value your freedom intensely,and while it would appear that your need for support could even resultin you being dominated by another, this is never likely to be the case.You can ignore the feelings, opinions, and wishes of others when youget an idea in your head. The ability to concentrate on one thing for aprolonged period is very difficult for you. You can be daydreaming evenwhen by all appearances you are hard at work. The dramatic side of yournature will always make it hard to keep your feet planted firmly on theground and remain totally practical. Much of the strongexecutiveskills of the Aries Sun become modified by the artistitly balancedLibra Moon.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces an individual who combines assertiveness with a strong driveto control, improve, and revolutionize. This is a somewhat difficultposition because of the intensity of your feelings, and the only thingthat you may be satisfied with, is you. You are a very competentperson, and you recognize this as a fact. Even when things are notgoing well, you are never one to become discouraged or inclined to giveup. You are always seeking a new mountain to climb or a new challengeto meet. Change and revolution fascinate you, and you eagerly yearn toengage in any sort of competition or turmoil in which you can be apart. You may seem genial enough and have a pleasant, smiling face, butsomehow others know that you are not one to be imposed upon or takenfor granted. You are neither a materialist nor a humanitarian, butstrive instead for recognition and admiration. The only reward youreally seek is the personal satisfaction of seeing the job done rightor the challenge met. In fact, to you, the work you do can be an endunto itself. You can get things done on your own, and you are likewiseinspiring to others. People find you magnetic and interesting. Thoughpeople are drawn to you, the converse is not always true, and you mayhave few close friends. Self-sufficiency and self-respect seem all thatyou need much of the time. You are so self-contained and capable thatyou may often fail to receive any reasonable degree of sympathy andconcern from others when these might be called for. This is not aconcern for you because, just as you are harsh and demanding on thosewith whom you deal, you are just as hard and uncompromising withyourself.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of yourSun and Moon sign produces self-determination affecting the way youthink, act, and speak. This is a position ofdynamic ideals and popular appeal. You believe in your "truth" withcomplete confidence. This belief is perhaps not in the facts ofreality, but more likely a philosophy oflife and other large issue beliefs you hold dear. The natural tendencyfor Ariesto be the pioneer, the fighter, the doer, and the initiator newconcepts and ideas is not greatly modified by this combination. Yet theSagittarius Moon does impose a personal code of ethics and honor thatmay not always be present in the brash Aries native. In you, executivepowers are strongly marked, taking the form of controlling others withideas and principles. The proper path that should be followed is soclear to you that you are not one ever to mince words in plotting thecourse. Your intensely emotional approach to getting somethingaccomplished can sometimes limit your awareness of the feeling ofothers and you can be tough on those around you. The human frailties ofpettiness, emotionalism, and jealousy are not well understood by you,and do not relate well with your totally open and frank personality.You are definitely a leader of men, though you may not alwaysunderstand them, conversely, people may completely respect you, butfault you for a lack of sensitivity. In all types of dealings there istendency to employ a broad brush approach often finding it difficult tocome down to the real and personal everyday issues. You are a gamblerwho is unafraid of the risks involved - you know how to get things donewith a broad brush stroke leaving the finishing details to others.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signblend the attributes of the Ram (Aries) and the Goat (Capricorn),equipping you well for the task of battering and climbing. Thisposition gives natural talents for managing and directing as thedriving force of Aries is tempered with the persistence and deliberatejudgment of Capricorn. You have an inner drive for success that israrely equaled. There are also very definite ideas about where you aregoing and how you are going to get there; and you're not one to letanything stand in your way. In many ways you are an opportunist whoknows how to judge people, spot problem people, and problem situations,before they get the upper hand. You may not get to your goals asquickly as many fellow Aries, since avoiding the pitfalls and waitingfor the chance that is really what you want. This is a strength thatother Aries may not possess. Nonetheless, your drive is always hard,and fast, compared to normal standards. Though you are full of energyand determination, and you seem to waste very little of these onnonproductive activities. You seem to know how to direct your effortsto get what you want. Being a very worldly person, fame and recognitionare your top priorities or at least very near the top. You will give upa lot in a personal sense for success. You may make a good spouse, butmarriage is not likely to be all important in your life, but rather anevent. The career may be foolishly placed ahead of family. Yourintellect is not unsound, but abstract knowledge or knowledge for itsown sake, holds little appeal to you. Common sense seems much morevaluable so far as you are concerned.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signindicates a nature that, while being somewhat discriminating, is verysociable and magnetic. People respond to your likable personality withfew reservations. You have a good sense about want is modern andprogressive, and you're always eager to play an important role in anykind of progress. But in fact, you are not an especially tolerantperson. Holding to the establishment more as a reactionary than aliberal is more than likely your style. While you work well with thepublic, there is a tendency within you to feel that everyone shouldfend for themselves. You are not one to be particularly charitable tothose less fortunate than yourself. This factor notwithstanding, youhave innate social skills allowing you to make each person you meetfeel that they are uniquely important to you. You have a noble airabout you that is impressive and seems to signal that you have a gooddeal of self-esteem. A certain aristocracy of breeding is denoted bythis position. This impresses those with whom you come in contact andthey respect you for this. You are quick to judge people andsituations, as your whole life seems to moves at a pretty rapid pace.You are romantic and highly idealistic. This is a good placement formaterial success and well-being, and for some degree of publicrecognition.
Sunin Aries, Moon in Pisces
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces asomewhat introverted, self-analyzing, soul-searcher; not at all thetypical Aries. Though you may have great potential in many directions,you seem to always harbor doubts and underestimate yourself. Makingeveryday decisions can, at times, be a trying experience for you.Strangely, however, you have a very determined streak in your nature, aneed to be independent. You take things very personally, andimpressions that come to you via your senses leave a very indeliblemark on your mind. It's hard for you to avoid being very moody andworrying entirely too much. Your natural demeanor denies this, as yougive a great impression of forcefulness, but internally you are timid,a little afraid of the world, and even afraid and unsure of youropinions. Again, you don't let the world see the shy person that youare. You dislike being imposed upon and you aren't shy about lettingothers know this. You express yourself readily with a facile manner ofspeaking. Bold as a lion on the outside, but meek as a lamb underneath.You have some difficulty concentrating, simply because you're a littletoo much the dreamer. You're not a very executive person and you aren'twell suited for business; decisions are just too hard to make. It maybe best not to worry about such matters, and instead concentrate onmore congenial endeavors such as art, music, or writing, any of whichwould appeal more to your creative nature.
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Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signshows you to be a strong individual with an even stronger anddetermined drive to achieve your ends. You can be very dedicated inyour efforts to further important personal ambitions. The congenial,peaceable, and placid attributes of the bull (Taurus) are sure to bepresent, but Aries provides an emotional stimulation that makes youmuch more assertive that most Taurus natives. You have a sparklingenthusiasm which keeps you on the move asserting your naturalleadership traits. While involved in an issue, your mind is activelyand restlessly searching for loopholes, weak points, or contradictions.When you find an inconsistency in logic or in the facts, your quicknessto judge comes into play and you form a definite opinion on the matterin seconds. If you later discover a contradiction to this argument, youmay just as rapidly drop your position and with equal rigidity, hold tothe opposite view. There are great inconsistencies in your nature, muchmore that you may realize or admit. You can be tolerant andbroad-minded in your viewpoints one minute, and totally biased andunreasonable the next. Even when you aren't insisting on something, youhave a way of making your wishes known by a manner, a gesture, or alack of enthusiasm that clearly states your position. When you aredirectly arguing a point, you have a way of being so plausible andapparently reasonable that you wear down resistance. You have a way ofeliminating opposition by the shear strength of your will. The traitsof this configuration are ones that demand harnessing and controlling.If this is accomplished, there is little that you cannot accomplish.Generally, your ability to interact with people will be difficult, andyour greatest achievements will be realized by directing your effortstoward impersonal activities.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signamplifies the determination and purposeful nature of this sign of theBull. Your concentration and staying power is second to none.Concentration is the base of your renowned tendency towardstubbornness, in that when you apply your mind to a subject, nothing islikely to distract your attention. Accordingly, you can focus withequal tenacity on your work, your domestic life, and your leisureactivities. You are never one to jump to conclusions, but once you havemade up your mind, you are never likely to modify your views. You arehighly conventional, and you have a great regard for the establishmentand the status quo. Change is something you prefer to avoid because youare slow to adjust and dislike being required to do so. You make a goodfriend because you are honest and loyal. You enjoy good friends, goodfood, good music, and in general, the "good life." You arematerialistic, but with a special knack for saving and reinvesting. Youare always a hard worker, and you don't mind starting at the bottom andslowly working your way to the top. You can achieve success because thework you do is done well and you are totally dependable. Patient andcalm, your "tongue in cheek" diplomacy designed to humor opponentsuntil, in the end, you have your own way. You respect authority simplybecause you expect someday to have it.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signgives an affinity for sociability, and a definite air of simplepleasantness marks your personality. The contrasting elements ofslowness of Taurus and speed of Gemini generally produces a Taurusperson more apt to make errors of judgment. The natural trait ofstubbornness may still be present, but the Gemini Moon often shows atendency to jump rather quickly to conclusions and the natural Taurusfixity is not nearly so apparent. But sometimes trouble can arise whenyou form a quick opinion and do hold to it, no matter what. You arementally alert, but apt to lack the great memory usually possessed byTaurus natives. There is an ever present tendency with this pairing tobe too critical of other people. This is the most restless and fickleof the Taurus combinations. You may find yourself constantly jumpinginto friendships and romances, finding reasons why the other person isnot right for you. Continuous challenge and stimulation is required tokeep your undivided attention. You need more education that most peoplebecause study and learning steadies your nature. Your capacity forattainment increases in direct ratio with your interest in study andeducation. Fortunately, your intellectual tendencies probably endow youwith good abilities or talents. You're apt to show especially goodverbal skills; speaking and writing. With education you can be lessrestless and more contented. The mind is always needing somethingtangible and concrete with which to relate. Keeping yourself mentallybusy is very important for you.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signis somewhat contradictory and confusing. The Moon placement suggestsyou are sensitive, easily hurt, and sometimes very resentful. The Sun,conversely, shows that you are not one to be pushed around easily, andat times you can be down right stubborn. Usually you hide your dislikesvery well and rely on diplomacy, making it a little unclear to othersexactly where you stand or what you are thinking. You have a way ofchanging your tactics to suit your purposes, and to avoid conflict. Inbusiness you are a shrewd tactical planner who can come up with theright strategy, often influenced more by feelings than reason. Yours isa rather sensitive nature, endowed with an emotional side that caneasily be aroused. Your foundation and the stabilizing factor in yourlife is in the home and with the family. Self-assurance, that may seemstrong in your nature, is really only skin deep. Your capacity forconciliating different views is noteworthy, but it can seem that youhave no real conviction of your own sometimes. This is not usually thecase however. There is a tendency for you to hide your light under thelamp shade when you need to be making decisions and taking firmactions. You need not be such a pushover because your ideas are verysound and well constructed. Your ambitions are strong and you nevergive up on a job. Yet there is a tendency to be a little negative andpessimistic when things don't go the way you think they should.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a strong determined will, well defined opinions, and a veryforthright, honest, and fearless personality. There is much pride tiedup in your nature. You respect others, but you listen to yourself andtrust your personal abilities first and foremost. Not tending to relyon your intellect alone, you depend more on your hunches, and your keyto success should be your high self-esteem. Creativity and pragmatismmark your nature, giving you an excellent sense of how things should beconstructed, organized, or planned. You are a good manager or boss, andpeople respond well to working for you. At your best you arepersistent, sure and reliable. Personal confidence and pride can attimes cause you to be domineering and inflexible in attitude, and youpossess strong likes and dislikes. Because you are usually so steadyand consistent, you rarely blow up. You can be critical, but in a fairand constructive way. Wanting things done your way, you don't like tohave your action very closely monitored or scrutinized, although youare not above doing this to others. Too your few close friends, you aretrustworthy, honest, and devoted. You seem to like or dislike peoplebecause of instinctive feelings about them rather than for matters youhave reasoned out. This is a very fixed and stable personality, but inthe early part of your life you probably had tendencies towardextremes. Throughout your life it will always be important for you todouble check decisions and avoid overestimating possibilities becauseof confidence or pride. Behind the spirited, but pridefully impulsivequalities in your personality is a practical, solid, determinedinternal nature that serves you much better.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces charm, poise, balance and a good deal of common sense. Unlessthe Sun or the Moon has some difficult aspects to contend with, youwill glide through life with few problems, because of the pragmatic andstable physical characteristics of Taurus blended with the coolintellect of Virgo. You have much to offer the world, but someone mayhave to spur you into action. Once the inertia of getting started isovercome, you can throw yourself into work with the greatest energy ifyou so desire. You may be prone to complain about the way life istreating you, but without some of these minor irritations, you wouldcoast along and let someone else shoulder the responsibility. A littleadversity is good for you and wakes you up so that you can become veryconscientious on the job. You have an innate ability, if left to yourown devices, of slipping by with the expenditure of very little energy;living by your wits and your practical nature. When you apply yourself,results can be amazing. A natural student, your mind is quick andretentive. You love to read, and you can grasp and retain material thatother may often overlook. Though you are stubborn and don't like to betold what to do, you are inclined to end up in a subordinate rolesimply because you aren't very aggressive at grabbing the reins ofcontrol and responsibility. You have charisma and magnetism combinedwith the ability to see people for what they are. These characteristicsare what makes life easy for you and allows you to become very much theopportunist who takes advantage of charm, common sense and innateabilities to produce a comfortable lifestyle.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces one of the most likable personalities in the Zodiac. Othersmay have more wit, ambition, or intellect, but none equal the charm andappeal of this combination. A nice home and a close family are yourfirst loves; social contact and involvement, a close second. Your keensocial personality is aided by a fine sense of humor and an easygoingoutlook. This personality is marked with optimism, even if you're up toyour ears in private woes. Anyone that doesn't like you is probablymotivated by jealousy. You are expressive and idealistic, your natureis inclined toward the dramatic and the artistic. Though your positiveattitude allows you to accomplish a great deal when you settle down towork, when forced to face the world of fact and figures and engage inanything that restricts your creative talents, you can never really behappy. You can never handle conflict matters very well as you sufferfrom nervous tension when placed in a confrontation situation orhostility of any kind. Your great sense of balance and harmonyconstantly protects you from ever go off the deep end. You may have awide range of emotional responses from rapturous joy when you arehappily with a special someone in a solid relationship, to almost goingto pieces when you are confronted by hostility and forced to react toit.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality possessing a good deal more emotional intensitythat is normally observed in the very stable Taurus Sun sign native. Avery attractive cover hides the emotionally temperamental side of yournature. There is a very "definite" quality about you that insists blackis black and white is white, and the many shades of gray don't exist.You have a very strong and passionate nature that knows what it wantsand how to get it. You are very headstrong, self-willed, andindependent. Your charm is instantaneous, and this coupled with yourdramatic flare, shows talent for acting and speaking. You like beingnoticed and there is nothing at all timid about you. You are veryappealing to the opposite sex, but the temperament you release whenyour reserve breaks down can make personal relationships very stormy.With all the tools that you have to get ahead, it wouldn't be hard foryou to go far. Strangely however, your ambition to do so may not be asstrong as many of your competitor who you pass along the way maybelieve. The tension that seems always to be building up constantlyproduces the urge to get away from it all and let yourself completelyrelax. You need this reprieve to avoid the stress to which you arerather susceptible.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and Moon sign blendtwo signs that are both extroverted and sociable, and enjoy having agood time. Your sense of what constitutes a good time is variable;sometimes simple and earthy, and other times much more venturesome.Your highly developed social sense suggests that you like people, butthey must be the right people. You would rather be alone than confinedwith people that you consider dull or uninteresting. This is not to sayyou are necessarily class conscious, for you can get along with alltypes of people with your ability to say the right thing at the righttime. Your manner of speaking is, however, forthright and direct andyou have no difficulty making your sincerity and decisiveness felt.Your stubborn nature can express itself in such a flexible way that youcan discuss a subject at great length without wavering from youroriginal position. A tendency to stick by your very high principles andcode make you come across as a moralist and one not above sitting injudgment of friend and acquaintances. You feel you have a right to thisas you are a pretty good, law abiding, conventional human being. Talkis a specialty of yours, especially when the talk can take on apersonal touch. You always enjoy exchanging tidbits of gossip andpassing on rumors. You try to like a good life; full and satisfying inan intellectual sense, but pleasant and luxurious all the same.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces apersonality that is gentle and easygoing, unless some way provoked.When you are asked to do something against your will, the nature ofboth signs is to resist with a great stubbornness. Your makeup is verystrong and durable emotionally. You can handle much stress and stain inyour life and always emerge from a crisis in good shape. You are stableand decisive, and there is little that is frivolous or whimsical aboutyou. You don't waste time daydreaming because you are just toopractical. You may spend a good deal of time planning or putting thingstogether, but you prefer to deal in tangible, matter-of-fact affairsthat lend themselves well to your close scrutiny and critical analysis.You are a dependable person to whom others bring problems or projectsand count on for help. You actually enjoy a sense of responsibility,perhaps even more than the recognition or power that usuallyaccompanies authority. Security is of the utmost importance to you. Youdon't necessarily want wealth, but security of home, of position, andof a degree of prestige are all important. You are a proud person, witha strong sense of your own worth, which you like to see manifest in thematerial things in your world . . .your accomplishments or yoursurroundings. You have much executive talent because of yourdown-to-earth way of approaching problems and you keen understanding ofhuman nature. You have an instinct for knowing what people are thinkingand what they will be thinking in a little while.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces an affable personality and an easy, friendly manner that makesit easy for you to meet and deal with strangers. You know instinctivelyhow to get along with people. This conceals a core of hard purpose andsolid convictions. Your charming manner and pleasant demeanor drawsothers to you like a magnet, and you can achieve your ends withdiplomacy and friendly persuasion. You are, likewise, very tolerant ofpeople and always very interested in them, albeit in a rather detachedway. Sometimes you are even too quick to trust the untrustworthy,because you are so prone to have an initial sense of faith in others.Few can live up to your code of treating other people as you would liketo have them treat you. Your major motivating power or personal drivestems from your deep feelings. You can feel deeply about things, yetbecause of an impersonal quality in your external personality, you areseldom likely to go overboard because of emotional pressures. You knowhow to control and wisely direct your feelings making them work for youin human relationships. You have an excellent, very studious mind,curious and inventive. You have an innate ability to work well withcolors and forms and may have a good deal of artistic talent. You donot ask for much in a material sense, and thus, you may not achieve agreat deal in this regard. Strangely, inertia can be your only enemy.You possess a good deal of self-esteem that will aid you in attainingmuch in life. Though shrewd in business, your honor never deserts you.Your friendliness and ability to put people at ease can prove to beyour greatest asset for success and attainment.
Sunin Taurus, Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces much creativity and imagination, but at the same time itcreates a somewhat private dream life that may not have a firm grip onreality. Taurus gives you a restful or stable internal nature, but theMoon gives a rather changeable personality. Despite a need and desirefor sympathy and affection, you may isolate yourself from others andmaintain strong powers of restraint in relating your feelings. You arehighly sensitive to emotional matters, impressionable to love andflattery. You are somewhat susceptible to being imposed upon by friendsand associates. Insights to people are continuous being formed andevaluated and the conclusions formed are generally accurate. It isimportant that you exercise discrimination in selecting your friends.The passive inclinations in your nature makes you inclined to attractimposition by others playing on your good nature and kind disposition.You take life seriously, but view things that are going on around youas though you were not part of the picture, and it is somewhat easy foryou to lose sight of reality. You can be extremely amiable when youpermit yourself to respond to people in a spontaneous and naturalmanner. Because of this, you are a natural for romance that is alwaysstrong in your nature. You have a stubborn streak that can be aprotective device and helpful, if you don't let it become too powerfulin your personality. A tendency toward overindulgence can cause yousome problems at times; too much worry, food, sex, pleasure-seeking.Avoid brooding and feeling sorry for yourself. You do much better whenyou open up to people and keep yourself on a positive track. MichaelMcClain1996-2015. All rights topSelectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs makes youmentally "quick as a cat," witty, versatile, and mobile, both in mindand body. You are naturally alert, active, and aggressive. At yourbest, you have a very ambitious nature, asserting yourself in apositive and confident manner in whatever direction you decide to go.You are a fun companion and a dangerous opponent, especially in abattle of words. You are intellectually motivated with an inclinationfor study and education, a desire always to stay up to date by studyand the gathering of information on vital topics. Thus, you generallyhave a vast fund of information, stories, and quips, and when you'rewith friends, you're likely to be the life of the party. You will getfar in life simply because of your natural popularity and your aptnessin human relations. The problem can be that you may rely too much onwit, cleverness, and quickness to replace serious application.Nonetheless, people follow you instinctively because you seem to knowwhere you are going and how to get there. Your sense of balance anddirection is often based on a whim of the moment rather than logic andforethought. But you are a good leader because you are so sure ofyourself, and because you make people feel that you think they aregreat, too. You are especially shrewd in business matters in a more orless a wheeler-dealer sort of way. In this you can show a selfish side,as while you are such a social person, you never forget to look out fornumber one. Emotionally there is nothing very deep or profound aboutyou. You know what you like and what you don't like, and it's hard foranyone to tie you down for very long. You need to be constantly inmotion, physically and mentally.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces one of the most popular personalities in the zodiac. You havethe cleverness that attracts friends and a stability that retains them.Both signs are sociable and outgoing, and there is something likableabout your easygoing, cool headed intellect that people relate toautomatically. Intellectually you are impressive, having practicalwisdom to back your broad expansive plans. A natural conversationalist,you are loaded with interesting tidbits of information to share. It issurprising that you can have such a driving personality, able to movea mountain in record time under a highly social and charming cover.Yourintelligence is unassuming and your driving force of your personalityis not readily evident. This lack of pretentiousness makes it even moresurprising when you reveal your accomplishment. Your judgment andbusiness sense are inevitably sound and accurate. Your fluent mentalability is underscored by a determination to see any task through toits conclusion, a trait most Gemini fail to possess. Highlyunderstanding of a broad cross section of people, you are rarely fooledor taken in. You are too smart for most people with whom you come intocontest, but you won't hurt their feelings by letting them know theyhave a lot to learn. Your sense for sociability extends to all.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moonproduces what can be described as very high voltage electricity. Notsteady smooth electricity, but rather static charges bouncing from oneplace to another, constantly active. This energy can be channeled, butnot for long. No matter how hard you try, you're not apt to burn a holeof concentrative intensity through anything. You have tremendous mentalcapabilities, and the lack of willingness or ability to focus yourinterest and your direction, may be the only impeding factor in yourlife. You feel comfortable with your abilities whether they are withyour hands or with your mind. Yet you can't feel comfortable byyourself and if you don't have someone to talk to and be with, you'rehigh-strung temperament immediately takes over. You will fidget, worry,or do calisthenics until someone comes along to calm you down. You'rean avid reader, but not an especially deep student. Always a greattalker, you are glib, facile, witty, and clever. You have a greatbusiness or law head, since emotions don't usually play a role in yourdecision making and thinking.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signis beneficial to both, but often produces a somewhat high-strungemotional nature. Life is full of stimuli and fascinations, and themind is always searching for experiences, romances, and revolutionaryideas to explore. You possess unusual emotional depth for a Gemini, andwhat your quick intellect doesn't pick up on, your emotions do. Youhave a greater ability to concentrate than others of your Sun sign.Keeping your mind focused is the key to controlling an ever presentproblem with nervous tension. If you can concentrate on some study orpursuit, putting your mind on it and leaving it there, problems withnerves seem to disappear. But when you dwell on personal issues andpetty problems, you may find yourself becoming progressively moresubject to tensions. You have a great need for peace, quiet, andstability in your life, and it is important that you establish theseearly in life. Unfortunately, domestic stability doesn't come easily ornaturally for you, but it is important all the same. For all yourproblems with thinking and emotions, you always come out well. You aresure of yourself and confident of your analyzes. You know what is goingon in the minds of men, and you have little difficult predicting theiractions. Tricks and games people play seem crystal clear to you, andyou have an intuitive sense of how to react.
Sunin Gemini,Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signplaces you in a class of true "personality people." Your interests areso varied, your tastes so inclusive, your attitudes so tolerant, thatyou have a very broad appeal to many different people with whom youcome in contact. An apparently happy-go-lucky nature conceals a core ofsound good sense, just as the apparent fickle in your nature hidesdeep-seated loyalty and fidelity. You may be changeable in many ways,but when you settle to person or a course of action, you stay settled.Your mind turns from one subject to the next, from one relationship toanother, but sooner or later the wavering and fluctuating stops, andyou establish yourself. People have difficulty understanding you, notso much because you are complex, but merely because you are so hard topin down. When your mind is made up to go after something, however, youdon't hesitate. Your warmth and amiability make you the life of manyparties. You are confident of the impression you make on people and youare a study of joviality and good nature. You can get along very wellin life with your kind of personality. Even when people don't agreewith what you say, they admire the way you say it. Oddly, a somewhatbrooding spirit can invade your personality when things (especiallyromances) don't come together as you feel they should. Nonetheless, youare blessed with a good personality, a good level head, and more thanyour fair share of good luck.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signsuggests that you are dominated and motivated by intellectual pursuits.The natural tendency of a Gemini Sun to have a bright outlook and aversatile nature, is shaded by the Virgo Moon. You may become carriedaway by trifles and petty worries. You are moody and temperamental,with a good deal of self-dramatization and a tendency to feelmisunderstood and unappreciated. There is a degree of tension and anervous energy in your makeup that can be an advantage or adisadvantage, depending on how it is used. You are very alert, andalways think things through, even if you don't always see them throughto completion. You may often jump from one project to another withlightning speed. Digging deeply into any subject is not your style. Youcan be critical of people, finding fault in their reasoning, and youare never shy about telling it the way it is. You are thought of as a"straight shooter" and your air of efficiency is impressive. Thoughyour expression may be pointed, it is never vengeful in a heavyemotional way and you are never intentionally mean or unreasonable. Youare sociable and entertaining, with a desert-dry sense of humor andwit. It may not seem so, but you are rather serious and if you canforce yourself to stick to a job, you can accomplish much, especiallyif the project involves mental processes. Your mind is sharp as a tack,and you have the logic and facts to back your every move.Unfortunately, you may enjoy explaining your theories and plans morethan executing them. Developing the ability to relax and be satisfiedin the world as you find it will help you a great deal.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is ethereal, lighthearted, bright andtotally enjoyable. You have a clever sense of humor and active wit. Ina very charming way, you can persuade and cajole the people in yourlife to usually come around to your way of thinking. This placement isvery favorable for having many very influential friends and aprofessional career of some sort. You don't, however, have much tastefor really hard work, especially when this requires much concentrationand sustained effort. You lead an active life in which you combinebusiness and pleasure to good advantage. You are very independent andnever like to feel beholden to anyone or any obligation. While you canforce yourself to do about anything, no one else has much luck tryingto stimulate your sense of duty or obligation. Life never seems dull toyou because you stay so busy traveling (you love to travel),socializing, working and playing, as you please. Although you aresomewhat high-strung, nothing keeps your moods in a depressed state forvery long. Expressive, artistic, and able to communicate on manylevels, you are a natural extrovert. You are such a goodconversationalist that your stories sometimes become very detailed,complex, and long. Romantically, you may be somewhat fickle, and verydemanding of complete justice in all your relationships.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces an intellectual quickness, and an emotional depth that makesyou an exceptionally forceful, magnetic, and versatile person. You areespecially quick and active, while being extremely receptive, and tunedin to other people. Surprisingly, these exceptional traits may notnecessarily make you the leader that is implied. With all thisstrength, you are easily persuaded and influenced. You'resometimes ledastray or distracted from doing what you might be thought capable ofdoing. You're never opposed to taking a chance or getting out on alimb. Sensationalism is always appealing to you, and this is reflectedin your actions, and perhaps in the friends you select, as well. Youmay expend a good deal of your energies chasing personal pleasuresrather than keeping your nose to the grindstone. You can pursue anyproject with such great intensity, but never for any long periods oftime. Overindulging and getting your finger into too many pies canresultin problems if you aren't careful, and you are not one who isusually very careful. There is little you couldn't do if you could getyour mental and emotional nature pulling together in the sameconstructive direction.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moonsign produces a very uncontrollable personality charged with the desirefor intellectual freedom, travel, adventure, and the quest forexcitement. You are frank, honest, restless, never stop learning andgrowing. Your highly individualistic nature has you running in highgear nearly all the time. You are the type that knows a little bitabout many things, and you're sure to have an opinion on almostany subject that comes up. Oddly enough, though your knowledge is oftenrather superficial, your quick wit and gift for oratory makes you adebater to be reckoned with. Your honesty and frankness can lead youinto difficulties at times; your mind works so quick that tact anddiplomacy sometimes are forgotten in your instantaneousrepartees. Your witty personality, quickness of mind, andfacility of thought will take you far. This is perhaps one ofthemost independent combinations. Deciding on your life's workand sticking to a plan may not be easy. You simply must have thefreedom ofmind, body and spirit. Highly social and outgoing, yourconversation skills are admired by all.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is worldly-wise and shrewd. Under thegenial front of smiles and good humor lies a core of steel, strength ofpurpose, and ambition. You operate with a healthy respect fortradition, law, and authority, able to become a law unto yourself, andto others. You can meet any challenge, especially one requiring a coolhead and objective reasoning ability. You are affable, social andgenerous, but no one can impose on you; your business judgment isamazingly sharp. Your keen wit allows you to talk people into agreementwith your position before they know what has happened. Your manner ispoised, charming and disarming, enabling you to succeed in the businessworld where you can sell yourself or close a deal with casual ease.People relax and let down their guard around you. Outgoing andextroverted, you seem to inspire confidence and usually come out awinner. Your mind is so well constructed that analysis and criticalability come naturally. You are fair and utterly honorable, but younever fail to bargain shrewdly. Nervousness and restlessness are wellcontrolled, and you are likely to be intensely ambitious. There is acool detachment about you that keeps you from opening up to people in atrue sense. You are highly sensitive and likewise conscious of otherpeople's sensitive points. You're more analytical than creative ororiginal. Your sense of diplomacy is active and leads you to a policyof rarely antagonizing others to achieve your ends.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces the quick mind and broad scope of intelligence that may enableyou to achieve public notoriety. Your mind can grasp details withoutmissing the big picture. You seem to have the gift of foresight andinsight, seeing both the fact and the potentialities. Your uncannyforesight or intuition allows you to be one of those people with theability always to be looking ahead and anticipating the need for changeand improvement. You are a true progressive. You can organize andexpress what you know in a clear and concise fashion. You are genuinelyhumanitarian, generous, and possess a desire to help others, so you canmake an excellent teacher in whatever walk of life you choose. You seemto have a romantic outlook on life that can find, rather than create,beauty in your surroundings. Philosophical to an extreme, you are veryunderstanding, tolerating, and accepting of others in a broad sense. Soyour circle of friends is probably extremely large and loyal. You aredepressed by any sense of restriction or restraint the keeps you fromdoing your thing. Routine activities or affairs that confine you toomuch are impossible to tolerate. Your mind is agile and flexible, youseem able skillfully to handle either side of an argument with equalease, and you often do. Enigmatic and interesting, you are always anentertaining person to be around.
Sunin Gemini, Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signprovides a high degree of what would be called a sixth sense thatalways helps you get along in the world. This blending is one of themost versatile and adaptable, but one in which frequent change andinconstancy can be a problem, at times. Learning the difficult lessonof concentration can be an early life challenge. You are highlyreceptive and sensitive to the intangible vibrations around you, andthese will at least guide you along a path of survival. Thisreceptivity of mind encourages assimilation of knowledge, making itpossible for you to be well-informed on a variety of subjects, whilenot really becoming an expert on any of them. Sometimes you havetrouble seeing things in true perspective because you are anything buta realist. Even when your senses are wrong, it's hard to convince youof the mistake. You have an illusory quality about you which keeps yousomewhat remote from the world. Your goals and ambitions are neverreally high, but your creative and inventive abilities areconsiderable. You are happiest when in a harmonious environment whereyou can escape the various pressures and stresses of general businesslife, for which you are temperamentally unsuited. Your best talentscenter on the intellectual, literary, aesthetic or artistic, althoughyour versatility may open up opportunities for you in any number ofother areas. Your many talents notwithstanding, you may lackself-confidence. You try to justify the motives for all your actions,even when it's not necessary that you do so. You have an innate feelingthat you are often misunderstood. You're very introspective, oftenholding fixed ideas about yourself that may be at complete variancewith the facts. You have a quick perceptive mind when you aren't toobusy daydreaming. You have an instinctive hospitable nature, and thisnature has a good deal of sympathy and understanding for fellow humans. MichaelMcClain1996-2015. All rights top- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Cancer and the Moonin Aries
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs gives youa quick mind and a remarkable memory. You are a person with muchself-respect and determination. Yet this never seems to make you at allself-centered or insensitive to others. In fact, you are very sensitiveto everyone, and you live by the code "Do unto others as you would. .." There is no great complexity about your emotions. They are just nearthe surface, and as a rule, do become easily aroused. If offended, youoften reply with a quick and ever so intense emotional reaction. Butthere is not much depth to this temper, and you become quickly cooledand back to normal. Emotions are quick and changeable. Sometimes yousay things before thinking that you later regret. This is unfortunate,because your intentions are usually sterling. Although you mean thebest and you'll go into battles for your friends, you're not so good atrespecting their ideas. You may dismiss such ideas and principlesbefore really giving them any thought. You are anything but a naiveperson, and about the only way you can be fooled is by playing to youremotions. Your nature is a little on the suspicious side. You seem tosucceed much more readily working in some humanistic profession orartistic endeavor, rather than in a business. People and ideas appealmore than money.
Sunin Cancer, Moon inTaurus
- The combination of yourSun and your Moon signproduces a very accommodating and gracious personality. Though you havea core of determination and purpose, you come across as a verycharming, sensitive and adaptable individual. You aren't one to takeyourself too seriously, and you are always honest and considerate.Thus, it is to be expected that you have little difficulty being verypopular and well-liked by most people. You seem able to handle peoplein a frank and straightforward manner, but always in a tactful andacceptable way. There is a modesty and unassuming way about you, andyou're likewise impressed with other that display this trait; perhaps alittle put off by those who don't. So you may share your inner feelingwith few. Not necessarily being over secretive and isolated, but merelyselective and careful in your relationships. Sincerity and loyalty aretwo traits that you seem to possess and likewise, you require thesetraits of those closest to you. You know what you want and you can bevery objective by nature. In many ways you are introspective and seemto know yourself very well. You are impressionable, but have a goodsense of balance and perspective; a well organized and controlledperson. There is a strong material side to your nature and money mayseem attracted to you naturally. You know how to accumulate wealth andmake wise investments. Some born under this combination even becomemiserly, though the appreciation and enjoyment of the finer things inlife usually will forestall this tendency.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a highly sensitive and intuitive personality. Flexibility andadaptability are your strengths and sometimes your weakness, as well.You are tuned in to your world and always eager to please. You areessentially a warm and feeling person, and little escapes yourimpressionable mind. You are a trusting sort, but after too manydisappointments and discouraging experiences, you have a tendency towithdraw into yourself. You enjoy social events and really hate feelingthat you have been left out of any group. You have a strong curiosity,and don't mind experimenting. Yet if things don't turn out well on yourfirst effort, you are quick to give up and go back to tried ways.Sticking with an endeavor is not one of your strong points. Yourfeelings are easily hurt, and until you learn not to let it happen,you'll find yourself in a fuming turmoil most of the time. You'rehighly flexible and adaptable, but indecision may be a lifelongproblem. Even if you don't let it show, internally, you're never verysure of yourself.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon sign,a double dose of Cancer, intensifies the natural traits of the sign andproduces an added depth of feelings. You are an extremely emotional andtimid person. There is an aloofness about your nature, as though youwere waiting in the background for someone to make the first move toestablish a relationship. Since most people are caught up in their ownproblems and often fail to understand this nature, you may feel thatyou are being ignored and snubbed. It's hard for you to come out ofyourself and meet people halfway. It's not that you are self-centered,but you may give the impression that you are by not coming acrosspositively. You are so self-protective and seem to have a shell thatyou crawl into periodically, or even permanently, as a defense againstthe intrusions of the world. You are touchy with a keen sense of injuryand hurt at real or imagined offenses. You can be very suspicious ofpeople and their motives that can make you unapproachable to many. Ittakes a long time for someone to win your confidence. Though you areextremely domestic and a very protective parent, you're not likely tomarry early and your basic nature can make it hard to achieve a stableand concrete relationship. But when you finally put aside thisself-protective shell, you are exceptionally warm and genial, a trueold-fashioned romantic. You have a deep sense and sympathy and a needfor the same. A clever diplomat, your style is to work around an issue,rarely becoming confrontational and direct.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a Cancer that is a good deal less shy and demure than isnormally expected. In personality, you are positive and confident,emphasizing pride, dignity and self-respect. You appear open-hearted,amiable and outgoing. You always strive to make a good first impressionbecause you are a proud person, and you care a good deal about whatpeople think of you. You expect and enjoy having a broad base ofsupport and respect from those whom you come in contact. Your securityis knowing others like you and you seem to crave attention and respect.You attract this with your warm, sunny personality, but somehow youmanage to keep most people at a distance and never get really closewith very many individuals. You distrust people, but you tolerate theirshortcomings and feel that you can control most individuals andcircumstances. You meet unexpected situations and do the right thing atthe right time. Your style is always neat and organized and you don'tlike to be around sloppy people or disorganized situations. You takeyourself seriously, perhaps even to the degree of being a littlepompous and self-righteous at times. You know how to get your way whilemaking others feel that they are the winners, and that you are the onewho is compromising. Under a rather gentle exterior is a core ofindependence and determination that others rarely see or realize.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signsuggests a strengthening of the common traits between these two, suchas conventionality, caution, and unpretentiousness. The blend focusesthe emotional sensitivity of Cancer with the discrimination andpracticality of Virgo. You appeal to people because you seem to havesuch solid control on matters; expressing the ability to reason outwith particular emotional concern and caring. You try hard to appearsure of yourself, and manage your affairs with a cool, calm andpractical head. You don't make decisions until you have had a chance toreflect on the situation and make certain you make the right choice.Early on you may have been especially shy and prudent in your behavior;seemingly unsure of yourself. Confidence increases as you maturebecause of an innate desire to absorb knowledge and master details ofall sorts. You rationalize and analyze things very well. This talentnotwithstanding, your snap judgments and hunches often miss the mark,especially when you are judging people. Yet when you give yourselftime, you are especially skilled at sensing the needs of other people.You have a natural inclination to serving the needs of the public insome way. You handle authority well, because you respect principles,codes, laws and traditions.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourCancer Sun and Libra Mooncreates a curious blending of independence and dependence, an entwinednetwork of contradictions. The Cancer side of you wants to withdraw andbecome emotional; the Libra reaches and can remain detached andanalytical. There is a constant pull between sheer objectivity andintense emotionalism. You want, and in fact need, companionship.Nonetheless, it's hard for you to give much of yourself, beingsensitive and a trifle introverted. You do seem to absorb other peoplewith a charm that makes them readily respond to you. Socially, you arealways a winner, but more so in a large gathering than in twosomes orsmall groups. In many ways, you are a romantic. You like to have peoplearound you, and you like to receive your fair share of attention andnotice for what you do. Yet you may have some difficulty responding inkind. There is a strong self-protective mechanism between you andothers, and you seem to keep everyone at arms length with a certainsuspicion and analytical cleverness. You have an innate ability to seeall the strengths and flaws in those around you, and unless you findfew or no weaknesses in a person, it will be very difficult for them topenetrate the barrier and get very close to you.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of theSun in Cancer and the Moon inScorpio produces a forceful and temperamental personality. Youremotions are so near the surface that it takes more than the ordinaryamount of understanding to reach you. You are intense and somewhatdramatic in your actions. Though not necessarily the life of the party,you do have a certain magnetic appeal and commanding demeanor. Thisdraws people to you in the political, educational, or social arena oflife. You are not so popular as you are impelling. When your feelingsstay out of your way, there is no limit to what you can accomplish. Butwhen the sensitive side of your nature does come into play, you can beequally destructive. You can show extremes of concentration on apurpose and a very dedicated devotion to duty. You are never the typeto be unkind or mean. You have a deep sense of protectiveness, most foryour family or for those friends to whom you are particularly close.You are not the idealist, but rather are attracted to the practicaldollars and cents issues and personal worldly ambitions. The romanticside of your nature is ardent, demonstrative and lavish in affections,but apt to be extremely jealous if given a cause. Defensive behavior isstrongly marked in your nature, and you seem to have your feelers outfor threatening vibrations almost all the time.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of theSun in Cancer and Moon inSagittarius blends the contradictory elements of caution, tenacity, anda need for security, with the much more outgoing Sagittarius tendencyto be outgoing and independent. This pairing gives you a more sociableand progressive demeanor. You can relate to generalities and ideals,but on a more real and practical basis. You can inspire confidence inpeople. In your relations with others you demand absolute honesty. Whenyou detect falsity and insincerity in your dealings with people, thesensitive and defensive side of your nature quickly appears. Pettyjealousies and trite behavior repels you. You live more or less by yourown set of rules, often trying to live up to some ideal or idol youhave set up as a goal or inspiration. You are innately the philosopherin the way that you look at life and consider those around you. In manyways, you are a true "free spirit." While you are extremely polite andtactful, you seem to have no difficulty being firm and definite.Communication is frank, open, and no one has to wonder where you standon an issue. Weakness or timidity is rarely a problem with thisplacement.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces agood deal of ambition and determination in your personality. Yet thisis well disguised in a mask of congeniality and understanding. TheCancer Sun is naturally understanding and affectionate, lessening thenormal coldness of the Capricorn Moon. This lends good insight and apenetrating look at human nature. You are well equipped for a role insome type of public or official responsibility, and apt to gainrecognition for your work in this regard. Prestige and status arelikely to flow your way if you make any effort to achieve before thepublic. You have a reassuring way as you always seem willing to assumeresponsibilities, and work hard to reach goals. You expect things ofvalue to require a good deal of effort. Unassuming and unpretentious,you are ever willing to tow your share of the load. You appreciate thevalue of a dollar, but you're not likely to spare cost when it comes toobtaining quality for your investment. A high degree of self-disciplineallows you to save or even hoard money for that rainy day. You have ashrewdness that produces a genial and warm manner, but your purposeremains steely and determined. This nice blend of the personal and thesincere, with the calculating business core, allows you to accomplishmuch without hurting anyone's feelings. It permits you to muster andretain many friends along the way. You know how to drive a hard bargainwith a smile on your face, and you have a keen sense for understandingpeople and instinctively sensing their motives.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces the kind of personality that can transmit an excellentunderstanding of yourself to others around you. You relate well topeople and are likely to have the reputation for being one who isunderstanding and sympathetic. Yet you have a rather objectiveintellect that always seems to hold a large viewpoint. Your appeal maybe to large groups of people more than to individuals as your aloofnessand detachment draws people to you rather than drawing you towardothers. You often appear preoccupied, as though you were caught up inmany thoughts at the same time. You are critical of people, but alwaysin a well-intentioned way. You have a good deal of pride and you're notone to bare your soul to those around you. There is little that ispetty about you, and you have little time for pettiness in others. Youhave a way of achieving power over people, and you seem to spend littletime or effort making friends. Nonetheless, you are well accepted foryour general concern for people. With an aristocracy of bearing, youraise people to your level, rarely stooping to theirs.
Sunin Cancer, Moon in Pisces
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a highly fluid nature with much emotional depth. You store aconstant flow of impressions and your instincts and hunches are usuallyvery accurate. Your polarity reveals that your personality blendsharmoniously with your individuality, but also accentuates youremotional nature, making you mentally receptive and impressionable. Youhave a very peaceable and amenable personality, and is agreeable andrarely on the wrong side of an argument; agreeable, friendly anddiplomatic. Not a fighter, you are so affable and pleasant that issometimes hard to tell where you stand or how long you are going tostand there. This is not to say you don't have ideas, but you keep themto yourself rather than produce conflict and turmoil. Your practical orpolitical sense is so clear and your ability to apply tact to mostsituations usually assure you success in most endeavors, but you mayhave to develop your self-confidence and be a little more willing toact on your hunches and highly accurate intuition. You're suspicious ofothers, and you may keep many secrets locked inside. In fact, you areself-protective, a bit defensive, and some would say too cautious, agood deal of the time; but because of this, very able to protectyourself from designing people. Never easy to fool, you have goodbusiness sense and the ability to drive a good bargain. You can bepopular in a large broad way with groups of people, though in personalcontacts you are likely to remain a little suspicious and overlycareful.
- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
- Sunin Leo, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces intense instincts and a strong personal drive. You may displayexceptional courage because there is little that you are afraid of andfew challenges you are hesitant to undertake. You throw yourself intoevery project with total commitment. You have a quick temper and youare easy to excite to action. You consider any setback or loss as aserious matter that must be responded to immediately and positively.When your honor is questioned, even in the slightest way, you are quickto respond defensively. Combativeness is almost overpowering in yournature. You attack every problem as though it was going to attack you.In personal relationships and the everyday world, you come across as anexecutive person. Dynamic and willing to pursue any possibility tofurther enhance your image and self-confidence, you go after what youwant with enthusiasm and intensity. You may be rash and impulsive, butyou're still willing to give about any idea a try. Never hesitant orshirking, you assume responsibility and meet obligations. You fear onlysomeone who is your intellectual superior, as you don't consideryourself particularly brilliant. Few will ever notice any shortcominghere, as you always appear in complete control and superior to allsituations. A quick common sense mind is your special gift. Fullydeveloped, you'll easily remain in the drivers seat.
Sunin Leo, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very strong personality for better or for worse. You havethe capacity to see things in the large, with a good deal of practicalidealism and a very fixed attitude. This can make you successful inbusiness undertakings that require foresight and executive ability. Noone ever has to wonder where you stand on an issue. Although you areprone to make errors in judgment, you are just as emphatic when you arewrong as when you are right. You can be stubborn and lacking in innatediplomacy. You can learn to hold your tongue, but it's difficult foryou not to express you views with conviction. You are utterly honest,but capable of believing what it is that suits your purposes andsupports your ideas. Making mountains out of mole hills and alwaysrefusing to compromise, can make life a bit difficult at times.Nonetheless, the combination is one that gets things done and usuallydoes it very well. In all undertakings you have a good head formanaging and controlling. Though never one to yield anything to anopponent, you are very loving and sharing with those close to you. Forthis you do require their complete devotion, eternal love, infiniteadmiration, and constant sympathy. You are an earnest and well-meaningperson, but one who may need to try to become more detached and seeyourself a bit more objectively.
Sunin Leo, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs suggeststhat you are a person possessed with both action and ideas. Thiscombination blends the vitality, personal warmth, generosity,authoritativeness of Leo, with the intelligence, cleverness,flexibility and adaptability of Gemini. Your personality is perpetuallysearching for ways to impress others via these action or achievements,and, especially by matters of the mind, or your ideas. Your mind isfacile and intuitive, rather than profound or over serious. Yourability to make good impressions on people serves you well in yourpublic life and in dealing with those within your sphere of influence.Your ideas, while not based on deep philosophy, are usually plausible,and always delivered with a manner of expression that is persuasive.You like to work with your mind, and you're rarely found working veryhard for a living. You believe in easy money and seem to know how toget it without exerting great amounts of physical energy. Mentally, youwould never be called lazy. At times you can become so mentally activethat you would turn into a bundle of nerves. You never really stoptrying to impress others with what you know, and you are a veryinteresting conversationalist. You are also very social and love toentertain, especially when your guests are interesting people whostimulate you mentally. Your glib analysis and sharp observations makeyou a favorite with such groups.
Sunin Leo, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a well integrated personality as both bodies are placed in thesigns with which they are naturally associated. The positive force ofthe Sun placed in Leo serves to offset any tendency toward moodinessand being too introspective, traits of the Cancer Moon, keeping you upmost of the times. The Leo tendency to boast and grab the spotlight arewell balanced and controlled by the modest reserve of the Moon. Youhave a natural warmth and sympathetic friendship, and people areattracted to you because you are such an understanding listener. You'renot exactly a social butterfly, but you do enjoy good company and agood time. Friends never hesitate to confide in you because you are sodependable and trustworthy, and when there is some way you can be ofhelp you always do. You know your worth so well that you take it forgranted and don't waste time trying to impress others with it. You arerealistic about life, always applying common sense to situations andstriving to do the best you can do. Your feet are planted ever sosolidly on the ground. Romance and love are very important to you andyou'll never be very happy until you have found someone on whom you canlavish your affections. Soundness is the keynote of your nature, andeverything you do seems to have a stamp of character, persistence, andthe honest desire to maintain good will.
Sunin Leo, Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a forceful, ambitious, and concentrative personality; one benton achieving a good deal of prestige and success in the world. On thesurface, you appear jovial, sunny, full of vitality, and alwaysexpressing good spirits. Underneath, there may be a hard streak in yournature, a degree of ruthlessness that never forgets or forgives aninjury or a slight to your pride or vanity. Somehow you can be jovial,sunny and friendly, yet remain so independent and authoritative,seeking the ultimate in leadership and prominence. There is somethingmagnificent about your methods of fighting, whether for yourself or forothers; a scorn of your enemies that enables you to demolish themruthlessly, but without malice. A detached and impersonal quality marksyour nature. You are not naturally introspective, and many of youractions are based on instinct rather than analyzed personal motive. Youhave a tremendous control over yourself, and in time, over others aswell. You have a good deal of pride and vanity that can be satisfiedwith personal issues such as admiration, flattery, dress, and the like,or by the broader method of satisfied ambitions. There is a constanttendency to be excessive in a variety of ways. You are endowed with avery strong will, and this will can be used in either positive or innegative ways.
Sunin Leo, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signpairs two very different influences. The warm, impetuous, and dynamicLeo and the cool, cautious, and introverted Virgo. The expressionresulting features very strong opinions and emotions. You're criticaland accurate in thought, but often too outspoken. Attention is vital toyour happiness. You seem dependent on praise and the admiring attentionyou can command, even if it's nothing more that the sympathetic concernyou can muster. Nonetheless, you are particular about friends and letrelatively few close to you. You can be extremely stubborn andopinionated. To you there is your way and the wrong way. You have arigid moral code to which you consistently hold, and you expect othersto live up to these standards as well. Though there is an underlyingtimidity in your nature, and an always present need to please, for somereason your independence and a somewhat militant pride impels youfrequently to do the wrong thing out of impish delight in watching theeffect you cause. As you mature you can teach yourself tact, but it isnot a natural trait. You do have a natural politeness and charm you canturn on at will. If you use this to your best advantage, you can bevery successful in all that you attempt to do. You have an exactingnature and a pride that must always be carefully controlled.
Sunin Leo, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very independent, idealistic and romantic person. You have awarmhearted, almost sentimental approach to life. You are highlyhonorable and have a sense of your integrity. Conventional andtraditional, you have a tolerant and logical approach to life, and ahealthy respect for public opinion. As straightforward as you are,there is much that you don't reveal about yourself in a first meeting.You are a bit elusive and hard to pin down. You may know what peoplewant of you, but your method is usually to put a good bit of thought inyour actions and not always commit yourself too soon. People haverespect for your opinion because it is not the first one rendered andgenerally is well thought out and solidly founded. You are not one togo overboard or fall prey to any sort of extremes. Besides thiscapacity for clear, methodical thinking, you also may be blessed with agift of creativity and imagination. Art and drama may appeal to you.There is much that is dramatic and appealing in your makeup. You canlive almost independently, and the emotional depth necessary inrelationships can be somewhat lacking in you at times. Complexemotionalism can cause you to retreat and become a bit aloof. You arean avid observer of human nature, but not one to want to get too deeplyinvolved.
Sunin Leo, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces avital and highly charged temperament. Passion and temper have to becontrolled and directed for you to achieve the high potential offeredby this placement, for it is a very dynamic and powerful combinationindeed. There is a natural tendency for you to become very emotionaland personally involved in problems or debates; it may be anunderstatement to say that your likes and dislikes are well-defined.Sometimes a bit of ranting and raging can result if you fail to keep atight lid on your natural inclinations. Your success and happiness maydepend on maintaining full control over your emotions and feelings, anddirecting your energies along constructive lines. A natural magnetismpermits you to achieve a much success as a leader, but there is likelyto be much more emotionalism than mental depth in your makeup. Yours isa very confident and positive nature, revealing considerable pride andself-regard. You don't seem to rely on logic, intuition, or reason, butinstead you react on pure instinct. High in moral attitudes, you drawthe line on others quickly, and too readily judge others on your statedstandards, which you may not always live up to yourself. Everything iscolored by your personal biases, and you have little capacity forobjectivity or detachment. This is a very driving placement, bent ongetting power and authority, and very capable of fulfilling theseobjectives. In business or executive affairs you are keenly alert toyour interests, aggressive, vigilant and determined. You act on ideasquickly and without hesitation. You are determined and shrewd. You areessentially dramatic, with yourself being the main character occupyingcenter stage.
Sunin Leo, Moon inSagittarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a constant passion for travel, adventure, change, andexcitement. You are continuously looking for another mountain to climbor stone to turn, and life seems a never ending chain of games to winand adventures to explore. The combination here blends the Leovitality, authoritativeness, magnanimity and warmth, with Sagittariushonesty, directness, versatility, and sincerity, yielding a veryoptimistic and enthusiastic temperament. Yours is a restless, butalways positive and alert mind. Your challenge is to keep the white hotflames of this dual Fire sign ablaze, and avoid the tendencies forenergies to go up in smoke and be wasted with lively, but unproductiveactivities. You are more subject to burn out than most. By harnessingyour fiery emotional nature to constructive purposes and setting goalsfor yourself, there is little that you cannot do. You charm people withyour dash and enthusiasm. Your boundless energy and imaginativeequipment assures you have the abilities to go far if you can onlychannel your efforts and remain true to your goals. It's hard for youto settle down to a job, to a relationship, to a solid base ofoperation, or to a truly focused purpose of any kind. Pettiness andtriteness infuriate you, and subtlety is not your style. You may getinto trouble by saying exactly what you feel, never mincing words orsparing feelings. While you remain mobile and independent you arehappy, but when you begin to feel confined and harnessed, you canbecome very unhappy and dispirited.
Sunin Leo, Moon inCapricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signmakes you highly purposeful. You have a strong sense of what you expectout of life. This configuration confers a good deal of mental abilityand quickness. There is a hard inner core that may keep you from beingas sociable as many with the Leo Sun sign. You're not the type ofperson that anyone ever walks over. Your reputation, and the impressionyou make on others, is vitally important to you. You make every effortto make a good impression by your appearance and your demeanor. In thisregard, you usually maintain a cheerful, good-natured exterior thatrarely exposes this inner core of hardness and resolve. You are notexactly secretive, but subtle in disclosing your plans and objectives,and you really have no desire to be understood too well. You may becomevery depressed at times, but you'll never admit you have any doubtabout yourself or your abilities. Your public face rarely breaks awayfrom your upbeat mask. You have a great respect for yourself, and youexpect others to respect you, as well. Success, in your view, dependsheavily on building up a sound reputation for integrity andreliability. You want to be known as a person who can be trusted andrelied upon. You are materially ambitious, and back this up with steadypurpose and great will power.
Sunin Leo, Moon inAquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signis an interesting one, usually producing a very attractive personalityto most people. Your combination blends the vitality, warmth,generosity, magnanimity, and pride of Leo, with the originality,ingenuity and friendliness of Aquarius. Whatever you undertake isusually met with popular support. You are highly social, likable, andextroverted. There is a natural desire to project your personality intopublic affairs or activities of a creative nature. You are veryphilosophical and inclined to mental expansion and creativity. You maynot be as purposeful as you are idealistic and romantic. On the manysubjects that attract your interest, you are sincere, but not deeplyinvolved and committed. There is a tendency to skim the surface anddrift from one idea to the next, never getting more than the mostsuperficial understanding of anything. You don't like to get tooinvolved because your interests are so varied, and so, you're reluctantto remain focused on one idea or one type of person for long. Thisromanticism and idealism seems to out distance ambition and commitment.You like knowing a little about many things and you get along well inlife with this gift.
Sunin Leo, Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourSun and Moon sign bringstogether influences of very different natures. The confident majesty ofLeo and the more regressive, fluctuating and variable traits of Piscesblend to produce what is usually a very kind-hearted and likablepersonality. You are genuine in your attempt to make those you areclose to happy and secure. Tuned in and very aware, you have the timeand sympathy to listen and try to help those around you. Emotional andsentimental, your advise and counsel comes straight from the heart.It's really hard for you to remain cool and aloof. It's also hard foryou to say no to almost any sincere request, a fact that can sometimesdrain you physically and emotionally. Your makeup includes a good dealof intuition, and you know well your abilities, and try to live up toyour high personal ideals. You are a very honest person and find itvery hard ever to fool others. Fortunately, it may be equally hard forothers to fool you, for yours is an exception understanding of humannature and motives. Outwardly, you can seem aggressive and forward, abubbling and vigorous exterior, while inwardly, you are so sensitiveand sentimental, perhaps brooding and philosophic. Subject to deepthoughts, and sometimes fits of depression, you need many true friendsand companions to keep your spirits up. You are likely to be a veryserious person with motives that are usually the highest. MichaelMcClain1996-2015. All rights top- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Virgo, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces some degree of conflict in your nature because of vastdifferences between these signs. The common qualities are hardness anda true strength of purpose. Real emotions are not likely to be commonto your nature. The variance of these to signs suggests a personalitythat is high-spirited, combative, and critical. Sociability is notsecond nature to you, and you seem to hold on to friends and lovers inspite of, not because of, the way you project yourself. You aredemanding and exacting; always such a perfectionist. You have much lessself-confidence than most perceive. You express yourself in a dynamicand executive way that makes you a strong, but probably not always themost popular manager. Mentally, you are both thoughtful and accurate,having piercing insights into people and situations. Being not at alldisinclined to voice your dissatisfaction with others, many will viewyou as an exceptionally demanding leader. You may have difficultyseeing yourself objectively as a sense of detachment and the lack ofemotional involvement retards self appraisal. You may express emotionswhen you feel this would serve your purpose, but sentimentality andgushy emotions are viewed by you as character weaknesses to be avoided.You are repelled by others that openly demonstrate such traits.
Sunin Virgo, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very solid, dependable and salt of the earth typepersonality. This is usually a materially fortunate position. Thoughyou may have a natural tendency to worry, you may have little to worryabout. You have a sharp mind and an affable personality that endowssuccess with little difficulty. You are strongly rooted in security andappear to others to be a most stable type. Though nerves may sometimesflare up, when you are given time to think things through, they areeasily brought back into control. You can get a little flighty,sometimes a bit extreme, even eccentric, or at least unconventional inyour habits and general behavior. Ambition is not strongly marked inyour nature because you never seem to need it as things just naturallyseem to flow your way. You have the capacity to stick with any jobuntil it is done and done right. Yet you may never be the one toinitiate the big project, scheme or dream. You excel at overseeing andkeeping the troops in line. You have a way with people because youdon't "beat around the bush" and play games. Straightforward andconstant, you manage with integrity and purpose. If you weren't borninto a fortunate environment, you know how to create one. Common senseand a wise practical bent will lead to success in business and inpersonal relationships alike.
Sunin Virgo, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs makes mindpower your greatest strength. Quick, brilliant reasoning is thehallmark of this configuration. You are rational, capable of figuringthings out analytically, and of grasping details and intricacies.Because you are so inclined to live by reason, the emotional side ofyour nature is not nearly so responsive. It isn't that you're notsympathetic or emotional, but cold logic sometimes gives thatappearance. You can detect underlying motives and feeling with ease,thanks to your careful perceptions. Your responses to what you haveperceived may not be particularly emotional or sympathetic, as it isdifficult for you to mix or integrate your logic and your feeling. Youare a natural student with a thirst for knowledge, and you do almostequally well with definite, detailed work and abstract, philosophicalthought. In a sense you may appear fickle and too changeable because ofthe variety of mental interests that appeal to you. Physically, you mayhave a tendency to "go to pot" if you don't make a special effort tokeep in shape. You'll never be fat as nervous energy burns thenecessary calories, but your muscle tone may deteriorate, and you maygrow pale and wan from lack of exercise. In your youth, active sportswere important to you, but as you mature there is too much of atendency to become sedentary. You're inclined to take to a good book orto any number of hobbies that are passive in nature. Exercise is thebest medicine for the enormous amounts of nervous energy associatedwith this configuration.
Sunin Virgo, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signshows a sensitive, but harmonious personality; one that can think andfeel very deeply. The intelligence, analytical insight, anddiscrimination of Virgo, blends well with the emotional sensitivity ofCancer. You have a receptive temperament often deeply influenced byoutside conditions or other people with whom you come in contact.Inwardly you are practical and discriminating, but outwardly you seemchangeable. The combination of practical intelligence with feeling anda vivid imagination, can support success with relative ease. Anintuitive insight into facts and details allows you to often "feel" thetruth of an issue. Your have a good sense of values and find it easy toknow what things are worth. Your intuitive knowledge of humanpsychology, and of the things people are interested in or will buy,supports progress and opportunity in business. Security means a gooddeal to you, and to some extent you can emphasize protective anddefensive instincts in your affairs and activities. You form closeattachments to those people who are near you, but you're ever shyaround those you don't know so well. Reserved and perhaps even a littletimid, you project a conservative attitude. You are attached totraditions, convention, and habit, with change being a concept that youaccept slowly.
Sunin Virgo, Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces avery earnest, if contradictory personality. The pairing blends theintelligence, analytical insight and discrimination of Virgo, with thevitality, confidence and authoritativeness of Leo. There is muchinternal indecision in your nature, but the Virgo personality is sureto rule. You do what you should, instead of what you would. You arenaturally conscientious, revealing great working capacity or devotionto duty. You have a very confident and positive personality, oftenproving assertive, sometimes aggressive. Your assertive impulses maycause you to spend some time worrying when you later take the time toreflect and analyze what you have said or done. You feel better whenyou can hold back until you have that inner confidence that thedirection you're headed is correct. You're a person of very highcharacter and strong principles. You rely on individual worth andexpect others to recognize your sincerity, and they usually do. Youhave a practical individuality and a discriminating nature. Yourstrengths of character and high principles should help you attain yourpotentials in life.
Sunin Virgo, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signshows that you are strongly attracted and engaged with intellectualinterests. Never much of a romantic, ou are nonetheless a steadfast andfaithful friend and partner. With any permanent relationship, you mustconnect at the intellectual level. A very discriminating individual,this trait largely dictates your daily routine and associations. Youare veryfinicky in your tastes in matters of the company you keep, how youdress, and how you live. Proper and conventional, you are never one totake big chances or color outside the lines. You aren't one inclinedtoward risktaking, You are very secure in your practicality.Flightiness, insincerity, and frivolity, heavy emotions orhalf-thought-out ideas have no place in your life. Since you thinkmatters through so carefully, you are not likely to be gullible oreasily convinced. You are a very socially oriented person. You believein preserving law and order. and when issues need changing,youwant the improvements to occur in an orderly and gradual way, accordingto the rules of the game. The revolutionary spirit is not strong inyour nature. You are a peaceloving person, and fighting a arguing arenot things you engage in very often. While you are one to holdrigidly to your well conceived ideas, you have no difficulty fullyunderstanding and appreciating the ideas of others. At times, thismakes a firm and decisive course of action hard to plan and execute.When a direction is decided, your creations are marked by care andprecision and a flawlessness that is amazing. You are theperfectionist, always placing many demands on yourself.
Sunin Virgo, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is discriminating, intellectual, andpeace-loving. This position blends the intelligence, analytical insightand discrimination of Virgo, with the emotional balance, courtesy andfriendliness of Libra. You are friendly and know how to make a goodimpression, but you can remain detached and impersonal inrelationships. You have a sense of restraint and diplomacy in yournature that prevents you from ever coming on very strong. You may noteven voice your opinion unless you feel you really have something ofvalue to offer. Mental stimulation and study keep your quiet andobservant personality occupied and content. You enjoy companionship andin having a good time, but excesses and extremes are not your style.The critical aspect of Virgo is softened by the Libra Moon, creating afine and precise balance. The elements of discrimination and criticismblend to make you very selective in associations, and contained orrestrained in the saying or doing of anything that might hurt or offendothers. Your reaction to coarseness is avoidance. While perhaps a loverof humanity in general, your tendency to examine individuals closelybefore you accept them in any social sense, leads others to view you ashighly aloof and particular. You have a way of eluding the issue andbeing thought of hard to get to know. You practice a quiet andunassuming approach to life, having a live and let live creed. Thesocial aspects of Libra make you inclined to enjoy friendships, but notthe deep, intimate relationships associated with romance. You have anintellectual curiosity and love to experiment, to muse over what youhave learned. Mental analysis and impartial judgment are the majorstrengths of this combination.
Sunin Virgo, Moon inScorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces one that looks and acts like an intellectual, but with anemotional nature that is truly the driving force. This is perhaps themost emotional of the quiet Virgo breed. The quick mind and commonsense that is so notable in all with Virgo Sun, is charged with anintense rashness and impulsiveness common to Scorpio. Your ability toreason and rationalize is well developed, but you often seem almostincapable of believing what is foreign to your internal emotional bias.Thus, you become very partisan in whatever causes or ideas light youfire. These you may rationalize and try to give intellectual status,but you usually color judgments with intuition rather than logic. Youare facile at thinking up reasons why your ideas are right and alwayspersuasive at putting them across. At times you appear near genius, andat other times, way off base. You are often to be found among thetheoretical and radical thinkers, able to prove nearly anything onpaper with diagrams to show how it should work. Whether it really willor not in real life may be another thing. Your intellectual powers arestrong, but you're often less than realistic. You have a certain zealthat makes it hard for you to remain still and listen to what othershave to say, and you can be dominating in your approach to groupendeavors. Underneath, you have a somewhat brooding personality that isforever probing, turning over stones and delving for ideas with whichyou can either feel affinity or enmity. In business you are likely tobe successful and valuable to your employer because you do possesspowerful leadership qualities. In this environment you seem to becomemore objective and less emotional. Nonetheless, learning to restrainthe natural tendencies of this configuration will make life andrelationships much easier.
SunVirgo, Moon inSagittarius
- The combination of yourSun in Virgo and Moon inSagittarius in many respects produces a dreamer that thinks in largebroad terms; a Virgo who consistently belies the nature of the sign.You are capable of doing things that you probably disapprove of, forthe sake of adventure, romance, and excitement. The puritan nature,commonly the hallmark of Virgo, may have to look the other way whileyou accumulate a few experiences. You are definitely not a classicVirgo possessing a narrow and focused mind. Many of the thoughts thatrun though your head bear little connection to everyday life. You aresurprisingly philosophic and somewhat introspective, but instead oflooking inside yourself, you seem to hold preconceived notions of whatyou are or would like to be. You can be so idealistic at times that itwill be hard for anyone to meet your expectations. You can spend a goodpart of your life just daydreaming, though you do possess a practicalanalytical nature allowing you to be a very creative person when youdecide you want to be. Your challenge will always be to control yourrestlessness and concentrate on things that have true relevancy. Youcan be very dramatic in all your actions, and you likely have a goodtalent for acting. Your use of body language and gestures can clearlycommunicate. You must be especially careful in this sometimes, and beaware of a tendency toward bluntness in dealing with other people.Often they will take a tactless comment much more personally that youintended it. Human sensitivities are something that you will have somedifficulty understanding.
Sunin Virgo, Moon inCapricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a well-integrated personality with a fine mind, but one who ison the critical, rather than the creative side. The intelligence,analytical insight and discrimination of Virgo blends well with therealism, conservatism and deep ambition of Capricorn. You are your ownsource of strength, moral support, and ambition. There are few who canclaim such self-sufficiency as can you. This is one of the mostpractical Sun/Moon combinations in the Zodiac, endowing you withsplendid abilities, business shrewdness, a calculating and realisticmind, and the ability to place emphasis squarely on material values.Your healthy ambition wants wealth and power. Your ability to organizeand systematize your knowledge of business facts assures success andsound enterprise. Your mind can exclude trivial issues and concentrateon the important matters. You are committed to personal integrity andpeople recognize this and trust you. A quiet determination anddedication to purpose describes your resolute demeanor as you upholdconvention and follow routine. You are independent or you dislike therestraint or control of others. Public recognition or executiveposition means much to you, and you need a high objective on which tofocus your energies for major accomplishments.
Sunin Virgo, Moon inAquarius
- The combination of yourVirgo Sun and Aquarius Moonproduces one who, in part, is very earth bound and practical, whileanother part is somewhere above the horizon searching for truth,understanding, and knowledge. You strive to be aloof from the mundaneelements of everyday life, as this is not a combination featuring muchhuman emotion and passion. Periodic moods of emotionalism andromanticism notwithstanding, you're inclined to be cool andself-sufficient at heart. You can be insensitive in the way you handlepeople. You tell them what you think rather than what they want tohear, expecting them to be big enough to handle it; supremeobjectivity, it might be called. You are a sympathetic person, but it'smore because of your totally objective way of looking at things, ratherthan just a bleeding heart. You can use sympathy and understandingwithout letting your judgment get too clouded with emotion. In romance,the intellectual connection and perhaps romantic idealism, is moreimportant to you than the emotional and physical side of love. You canbecome absorbed and occupied with an idea or a plan, a true mentalexplorer, dreaming, scheming and trying to satisfy an endlesscuriosity. You are a somewhat suspicious person, critical and judicial.Your mind may often be unconventional, but you are usually guided by asound analytical and intuitive sense.
Sunin Virgo, Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces insight, an understanding mind, a profound personality. Youare both intellectual and intuitive, can reason things out by coldlogic, learn facts, and absorb figures, while your hunches are activelyat work. Born wise, you know a lot without being told. The combinationblends the intelligence, analytical insight and discrimination of Virgowith the emotional sensitivity and intuitive understanding of Pisces.Born during a full Moon, you express a profundity of mind, studiousinclination, and deep understanding that sets you apart from mostpeople. Success in business or a profession is aided by a keenintellect and sound retentive memory. However, the strong blending ofthe intellectual and the intuitive may steer you toward morecontemplative inclination of mind and away from the practical. Perhapsyou are interested in the arts, music, or the metaphysical. You caneasily balance practical interests and the theoretical. The vastdifferences in your individuality and your conditioned responses cancause a good deal of restlessness in your nature. Thought and feeling,logic and intuition, observation and impression, all are balanced wellin this configuration. Understanding, but critical, you are highlyrespected for your ability to listen and advise with trustworthydiscretion. While not being very ambitious and perhaps not the bestexecutive, you are willing to shoulder a good deal of responsibility.You really don't want to be in the spotlight, yet you are very popularand people seem to just naturally rely on you. MichaelMcClain1996-2015. All rights top- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Libra, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality not easily tied down, fenced in, and one thatdoesn't like obligation, duty, or possessiveness. Routine,responsibility, and details depress you. You enjoy practical jokes andcatching people off guard. Erratic and impulsive, you enjoy life mostwhen it is exciting and full of surprises. This combination blends theemotional balance, courtesy and friendliness of Libra with theconfidence, assertiveness and enthusiasm of Aries. Born under a fullMoon, you are extroverted and open. You are likely to appear moreassertive or forceful than you are, as despite personal impulsivenessyou strive to maintain equilibrium and peace; but from time to time youcannot help displaying a devil may care attitude. You like to supportthe underdog and in many ways you are a true soldier for justice.Enthusiasm carries you along and your interest is maintained while yourenthusiasm lasts, but you can be inconsistent at times and not finishwhat you start. You influence people with the intensity of yourthinking and the positive emphasis of your personality. Self-sufficientand mentally independent, your ability to control your emotions andfeelings increases your authority or influence over others. An innaterefinement, courtesy, kindness, and need for justice in all things,definitely favors success.
Sunin Libra, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a charming personality with plenty of independence andpurpose. Personality is your greatest asset; with Venus ruling both theSun and the Moon, personal charm and attractiveness become the keynote.A friendly personality and the ability to put your personality acrossmakes people like you very much. The emotional balance, courtesy andfriendliness of Libra blends well with the stability, firmness,determination, and set purpose of Taurus. You are naturally easygoing,even slow in getting started along lines of major activity, yet youpossess ability for sound judgment that assures practical results.You'll look for shortcuts and efficient ways of doing things to avoidwasting energy. Despite looking for that easier way, you have a strongdetermination to get the job done. In business, your personality is agreat asset as you know how to get along with people. You avoid doingthe wrong thing since you have control over emotional impulses. Thetactful handling of business contacts, associates and partners attractsopportunities for you. There is much sentiment or romanticism in yournature. Happiness may depend upon assuring firm or lasting romanticassociations. Aesthetic inclinations are strongly marked, giving youdeep interest in art or music. You appreciate the finer things in lifeand may succeed in a cultural direction. You have a good sense ofbalance or equilibrium, and possess a deep understanding of the majorprinciples of life. Good judgment, with practical talent and patienteffort, can carry your far. Your capacity for mental and emotionalbalance assures peace and success in life.
Sunin Libra, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very airy and magnetic personality, voluble, expressive,talkative, with an ability to hold an audience. Dramatics are yourspecialty and you know how to get your point across with flair. Thiscombination blends the emotional balance, courtesy and friendliness ofLibra with the intellectual cleverness, flexibility and adaptability ofGemini. Success is gained through a wide array of intellectual interestand self-expression. You don't dive deeply into any subjects, but youhave a sharp mind that penetrates quickly and accurate. You may workyour mind overtime, but otherwise you don't believe much in hard work.You can be hard to pin down and draw out of the clouds. Glibness andsocial poise attach to this position. You don't like to take onresponsibility and you don't work well under pressure. Restless andnervous, you need to be kept busy and occupied. You can see both sidesof any question and at time you have some difficult making up yourmind. You definitely belong to the intellectual group and you may feelthat there should be no limit to the amount of education one obtains.You have a sense of balance or equilibrium, tending to keep affairsharmonious and pleasant.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourLibra Sun and Cancer Moonproduces an idealist bent on finding romantic adventure. You are a deepfeeling and understanding person. The emotional balance, courtesy andfriendliness of Libra blends well with the depth of feeling,sensitivity and tenacity of Cancer. There often may be some confusionin your life because what you think and what you "feel" may be at odds.It's very difficult for you to decide what to do. Reality and unrealityconstantly battle for your attention. Very much the idealistic dreamer,you hold yourself somewhat removed from the rest of society. Yet you dolike people. You want and need human contact, and you are so consonantthat there is some danger people with take advantage of your malleablemanner. You understand the feelings and moods of others, so you're veryskilled at avoiding conflicts and clashes of temperament. This positionpersonifies the ideals of any peace movement as you are a true lover offreedom, justice, equality, and independence. By nature so peaceful andtactful, you will avoid argument and strife if you possibly can. Youare exceedingly adaptable, taking on the color of your surroundings.You mind your own business and don't impose on the rights of others.You aren't likely to become a fighter for social justice or the rightsof the masses because you are not a very assertive person. Yourphilosophies are pretty much centered in yourself, a live and let liveattitude. Refined tastes and a strong aesthetic sense encourageinterest in the artistic things in life.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very romantic personality. You may make a career of loveaffairs and no matter how dull the rest of your life may be, matters ofthe heart will never be routine or boring for you. While you arerefined, devoted, and discreet, a wild love affair is well within yourcapacity. Your ideals are your guiding stars, and you stick with themno matter what. You go after an ideal with the greatest of enthusiasmand dedication. You seem to have a tendency toward extreme excesses inmuch that you do. There's a streak of pride in your nature thatrestricts you from ever stepping below your natural position or stationin life. In certain ways this combination can result in a passivenature as far as ambitions are concerned. In your career orprofessional life you seem held in low gear by a force working like thelaw of inertia. Both Libra and Leo are signs of pleasantry, love ofluxury, and sociability. These traits lessen motivation and to increasecomplacency. You like and enjoy people, and when someone crosses you ortakes advantage of you, you're a little bewildered.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is very self-sufficient, analytical, andcritical. You reason things out and are not likely to be swept off yourfeet by anything emotional that doesn't fit your needs. There is littlethat escapes your perceptive and meticulous attention. You seem to haveabsolutely no reluctance to get things off your chest, and at times youcan be a little vocal in expressing your views. You seem reasonable inarguments, but usually you merely do exactly what you want, no matterwhat is decided in the discussion. When you do get really upset, whichis not very often, you never hold a grudge. Things are always very cutand dried to you, and it's hard for you to understand how anyone couldrationally see things differently than you do. It's so easy for you tobe objective since emotions have little impact on any of yourdecisions. Because you do have a very significant sympathetic side canmake you seem more warmhearted than you really are. You're a goodlistener when someone has problems to unload, but your counsel may lackthe human touch and you oversimplify your resolution of the problem.You're always ready for a good time or a social gathering. You have anattachment to old friends, but not much emotional attachment to pastevents. You're not very emotional about anything. Most or yourassessments and pronouncements have a "matter of fact" tone tothem.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a highly romantic personality and a somewhat mystic faith inother people. You are perhaps a bit gullible and easily influencedbecause of a tendency to be too trusting. You thrive on love,attention, and dreams, and often you seem to live in a dream world. Youare an optimist that refuses to look on the dark side of any issue.This combination shows a very harmonious nature, rarely holding to anyextreme position. You are naturally very refined, highly artistic,intuitive and peaceful. Slow to make decisions, you like to justifythings in your mind before you commit yourself to others. You like toget balance and harmony in all things. Your strength lies in an abilityto make adjustments or to compromise. You can easily see the otherpersons view of an issue and make an impartial judgment. Inconstancyand vacillation is something you may have to deal with, and you shouldtry to establish and hold to goals and objectives in your life orbusiness endeavors. You are a very friendly person, and you can get farin life with an attitude that is ever polite and amiable. Your goodtaste and sense for the artistic also will take you far in many fieldsin which these traits are important. Your natural impulses and feelingsabout things keep you on the right track, and you instinctively say anddo the right things. With these attributes, it not necessary for you tobe too active or to aggressive, and you aren't.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signdenotes a nature that is independent of mind and action, thought andexpression. You are both mentally quick and penetrating, with anabsorbing curiosity. Thus, you are a ready student, precocious, andwanting to make rapid strides in the world. Your superb logic andanalytical abilities are wrapped in a wave of emotionalism. You have adetective approach to things. Sneaking up on a question, figuring outwhat it is you want to achieve, and pouncing on it with full force.This is not a vague and undecided Libra. There is spice in your nature,excess and extremes in your actions. You have a strong sense ofjustice, and you can fly off the handle when you feel you have beentreated unfairly. On the surface you can seem docile and amiable, butunderneath you'll fight at the drop of a hat. You are a born idealistand rebel, a radical, always on the side of change, progress andnovelty. You are an enthusiast in all matters, and have little time forpeople that pussy foot around and seem to lack conviction. Yourinterests are broad and sweeping...ideas, philosophies, the arts. Soyou're inclined more to the professions or the artistic, instead of abusiness career.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of theSun and the Moon in your chartforms a nature that is aspiring and expansive. You are highlyadventurous and apt to move about and seek a variety of experiences.You are open and accepting of others, and to you, people are people. Noone is more openhearted and unbiased than you. You have a positivespirit and the feeling that your ideals are workable, and you hold tothem until they are absolutely proved not to be. This extends to verymuch to people as you believe that everyone is essentially good, thatgood will triumph over evil, that dogs can live with cats, and so on.You expect happy endings as you're an incurable optimist. You areoutgoing and eager to meet people, but often you give them the sensethat you haven't much time for them. There is little that is stable orsecure about you, and you seem so much on the go that roots are neversunk deeply in anyone or even in any social issue. You achieve successthrough charm and positive efforts, but being abstract in yourthinking, you become visionary and impractical in business and personalaffairs.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a basic makeup that possesses a good deal of self-esteem.Recognition and admiration are very important to you, and you arewilling to work hard to achieve your just rewards in this regard. Thetendencies of these two signs are contradictory to one another as Librais outgoing and unrestrained, while Capricorn, the great taskmaster, isrestrictive and shows a good deal of seriousness. When the two arecombined, there is a lesser tendency to direct oneself outwardly and agreater inclination toward self-discipline. For one born under theplacid sign of Libra, you may seem hard, cold, and a bit like amachine; less than typical of the Libra social animal. Even when youreflect your natural genial nature, there is a core of strength lyingbeneath the surface, producing a very warm and reliable personality.You come across well, though not particularly extroverted. Capricornseems to give Libra a high degree of drive, purpose, and a morereliable direction. Common sense and good judgment make you well suitedfor a serious approach to business and commerce. You know how tomaneuver people, not in a malicious way, but nonetheless in a fashionallowing you to achieve your purposes. Accordingly, you make anexcellent manager. Committed neither to materialism or humanitarianism,your drive is more likely directed to status and a shining reputation.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is a delight in any social circle. You havemuch to offer because you are so extroverted and outgoing. Not aparticularly deep person, you are sought out and popular for yoursympathy and warm, yet detached, understanding. Never one to get reallydeeply involved with other people and their problems, you are,nonetheless, unselfish and don't dwell on personal matters either. Thiscombination blends the emotional balance, courtesy, and friendliness ofLibra with a healthy portion of originality, ingenuity, andindependence brought from Aquarius. You have splendid foresight,natural refinement, and an inspirational outlook; a happy andoptimistic personality. High ideals and good taste in all things enableyou to develop a very fine type of mentality, with a strong and broadsocial sense. Yours is a great ability to judge human character and akeen insight into human nature. You are alert to original or ingeniousideas and can use these to considerable advantage in your work,profession, or business. Sociability, as an important aspect of yournature, can aid in your advancement and opportunity in life. This isnever a superficial sociability; you are sincere and open in yourapproach to other people, revealing kindliness of heart and genuineinterest in others. You possess strong and sincere urges to be ofservice to others. You also possess a good aesthetic sense, and apossible flair for creative expression. Keen intellect, with a strongsense of proportion or balance, assures that you will be successful inlife. Your sincere friendliness and sociability encourage willingnessto serve the public and to deal in a friendly and pleasant way, evenwith strangers.
Sunin Libra,Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality with much breadth and scope. In your quiet,pensive way, you are always watching, staring, observing, and mullingover in your mind what you have seen. You are extremely sensitive, andthere is much more to you than ever really meets the eye. Pisces ishighly receptive and deep. You are quite timid for social Libra, andmost will consider you one who stands off and is aloof or distant. Assuggested, the Libra influence pulls against this tendency because itis the most sociable of signs. These contradictory pulls in your naturemake you very difficult for others to understand. Reserve and shynessseem your main strengths. You are not a social hermit only because acore of strength within you that urges you to become involved in lifeinstead of sitting on the sidelines. In group situations, unlike manyLibra types, you don't overwhelm others with your polite charm andoutgoing personality. Instead you express a quiet, reserved manner thatseems to take no effort on your part no matter how much activity isgoing on around you. You have a genuine concern for others and you canconvey this to them. You are a superb listener. You are an idea person,but not necessarily an idealist. You get along with moderate effort,relying on your good sense. Perhaps a sixth sense helps you in many ofyour endeavors as you can grasp abstractions and intricacies, bothmentally and emotionally. You are good at guesses and always a gooddetective.Michael McClain1996-2015. All rights top
- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a realist with little interest in generalizations orabstractions. Your focus is definite and highly personal. Ambition isstrongly marked in your nature. You have little feeling for right,wrong, justice, philosophy, or other intangibles unless they touch you,or someone you are interested in, personality. You are extremelyindependent and highly impulsive. You know that you are personally astrong person, and you have little compassion or concern for those whoare not. An understanding nature is not your special gift. A shrewd andhard-headed demeanor is more likely to describe your individuality.Your effervescent personality and good sense may keep you from clashingtoo often with associates and friends, but you are never one to runaway from a fight, and when aroused, you are capable of voluble andforceful resentments. You are mentally quick, clever, and highlyprotective. An accurate critical mind can handle hard work and longscientific analysis. You are ardent and passionate in yourrelationships, but you're not an easy person with whom to share arelationship. You are demanding and exacting of others, but notnecessarily willing to be imposed upon in return. Though yourtemperament is rash and forceful, you are admired by others for strongdefinite opinions that you never hesitate to put into practice. You area fighter that attacks problems directly with little concern for tactand diplomacy. Nonetheless, you are the one people will call on whenthey want to get a difficult job done, as you will let little ornothing stand in the way of reaching your goals.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a nature that is solid and down-to-earth, with a great deal ofstrength, intensity and concentrative power. Your mind is occupied withthe realities and facts of the here and now, with little interest orconcern for ideals or the philosophical. Your thoughts, emotions, plansand aims are all on the wide and sweeping scale. You think and act inthe grand manner. You attract and control people with the strength ofyour personality, but you are tactful and considerate of others in ageneral sense, although your goals are usually clear. This combinationblends the emotional force, power of will and determination of Scorpiowith the stability and practicality of Taurus. There is a great deal ofdetermination and intensity of purpose, perhaps showing a relentlessaspect to your personality. You cling to habits and routines with greattenacity, rarely being swayed from your point of view. Though it isdifficult, you should attempt to develop a degree of flexibility andversatility, and the ability to relax. A constant struggle foraccomplishment often causes problems with tension.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a highly versatile and clever personality. You have a flairfor people that makes you very popular. You have a keen, if sometimessarcastic, sense of humor. Sometimes you can sound a bit cynical inexpression or be too clever. Your mental capabilities are verysignificant, as you have the ability to reason on your sensations. Youare an exceptionally quick and retentive learner. The depth ofScorpio's intensity and tendency to dig to the bottom of every issue,is challenged by the Gemini desire to always be into something new anddifferent, and this factor seems to generate a great deal of nervousenergy or hyperactivity. Thus, you seem to always be engaged in aflurry of activity, constantly moving from one project to the next. Youobtain more satisfaction from addressing a wide variety of problems atthe same time rather than concentrating your efforts on getting asingle project finished right. You thrive on change and you are rarelycontent or satisfied with current ideas or opinions. In contrast withthe inherently fixed, stable and determined character normally found inScorpio, you are much more flexible and changeable in your mentaloutlook. There are periods when you are wavering and indecisive,because of your ability to see both sides of a question. You are cleverand quick with words and you may achieve success in fields that takeadvantage of your critical or analytical and investigative skills.Success is not, however, all important to you, as you wantto moreor less just slide through life with an attitude of indifference andnonchalance. Nonetheless, brains and personality will usually go fareven when the attitude in completely determined.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces feelings that are deep and emotionally supercharged. Thecombination blends the emotional aggressiveness or intensity of feelingand determination of Scorpio, with the emotional sensitivity, tenacityof feeling and possessiveness of Cancer. You are proud and aloof,tending to rely on yourself more than you rely on others, but it ishard for you to say no and stick with no when you are approached withan emotional appeal. Not necessarily an outgoing personality, you don'tgo out of your way for others, expecting friends to come to youinstead. By nature you are somewhat demanding, even harsh, but with anintuitive understanding of the world and of people. You can be reachedby those emotional appeals far more easily than by logic or good sense.You are a magnetic individual, with a tremendous amount ofself-confidence. Your emotions are very powerful, your intuitions keen,and you have a great respect for your hunches. You are suspicious,shrewd, defensive, and in affairs of heart, very sensitive and jealous.The danger of this combination is that you are too receptive, tooimpressionable, or too easily influenced through your feeling andsensations. There is never anything wishy-washy about your attitudesand opinions and you cling tenaciously to your ideals, loves, hates,and dreams. You are strongly opinionated and capable of defending yourposition by argument, although logic may not be one of your weapons inthis war. Your arguments twist and turn, frustrating an opponent whowould attack your position with pure reason.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Leo
- Your Sun in Scorpio andMoon in Leo creates a strong,positive personality, with fixed opinions and fixed emotions. If youdon't let your intense emotions completely take over, you will become aperson of considerable influence and importance within your circle. Theblend combines the emotional force, power of will and determination ofScorpio, with the pride, dignity and authoritativeness of Leo.Certainly the two will naturally produce a very strong character and apersonality that is full of personal confidence, persistence,determination and courage. Your weakness may be that your feelings andpassions are a little too strong, requiring rigid control at all times.You have a complex set of ideals that you strive for, and you're a verypassionate person in many ways. You have a rather idealistic view oflove and romance, and in fact, most of your other interpersonalrelationships. You are a bit harsh on your partner, or just aboutanyone else, when they show weakness or human frailties. Integrity andcharacter are all important; you expect a great deal in this regardfrom everyone to whom you are close, and especially from yourself. Youhave a great deal of pride and consequently a strong ambition for highand authoritative position in life. You have a keen ability to analyzewhich can help you in may different businesses or professions. Yourenthusiasm, spirit and flare for showmanship permit you to succeed atjust about whatever it is you choose to do.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signblends the emotional forces, powers of will and determination that arenative to Scorpio, with the intellectuality, discrimination, andcritical analysis of Virgo. This produces keen mental insights and apenetrating awareness of things around you; this includes manyconditions that other people usually miss. The scientific methodassuring objectivity and detachment is your way. You know how toconcentrate mental energies on research or investigation. You need tobe careful not to become too absorbed in detail for you are are aperson who can sometimes miss the big picture because you are tooinvolved with a piece of the puzzle. You are also prone to be toocritical of those with whom you come in contact, and you especiallyneed to be tolerant with friends and loved ones. You may have fewreally close friends, but people do appreciate the fact that you arealways willing to listen attentively and provide wise advice, though itmay not be especially deep and sympathetic; you are not one to providea shoulder to cry on. Avoid setting too high of standards for others tolive up to. Sometimes, there may be a need to apply your talent forcritical analysis to yourself, in analyzing your own scope foradvancement and success. By knowing yourself better, you can assuresuccess in the many businesses and professions that require employmentof the scientific methods, persistence, and attention to detail.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a socially warm, enthusiastic personality, with a good deal ofcharisma and poise. The great intensity of Scorpio, producing anabundance of energy and vitality, is socialized by the amiable andbreezy Libra. The blend marries the emotional forces, determination andwill of Scorpio to the perceptiveness, mental equilibrium andfriendliness of Libra. You are a likable and charming person who iscertainly able to capture the hearts and minds of men, by being eagerto please and ready to help. There is a degree of vanity in your naturegiving you a strong sense of exactly how things should look. You insiston balance and harmony in your environment, and this definitely extendsto your personal dress and appearance. Your surroundings must be up tothe standard that you consider acceptable, and your friends must,likewise, live up to your rather lofty standards, preferably living onthe "right side of the tracks," as well. A suspicious nature, absent inyour youth, develops a you mature. As this occurs, you become lessdirect, and more discriminating. Your judgment in maturity contains anextraordinarily high degree of good taste and idealism. Yourself-confidence amounts almost to pride, but rarely becomes offensive.You know how to put everyone at ease and make an incomparablehost/hostess. Your circle of friends is wide and diverse. In romanticrelationships you are keenly "tuned-in" to the other, and you aretolerant of their wishes and always sensitive to their needs.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signshows a terrific creative force in your nature. This is a very hardplacement to predict because you can be so executive and commanding attimes, and at other times your riotous emotions and sensationaltendencies take over. The pits or the heights, with little in between,is the way that your life seems to go. Emotions are normally the causeof these enormous changes in mood. Nothing you do is ever half-hearted.You are very emotional, but people may not realize this because of younatural ability to conceal or hide your feelings. You can be veryimpulsive or quick on the trigger, and you do best when you keep yourimpulses under direct and conscious mental control. You have suchintensity that you generally get what you want by shear determinationand persistence, not to mention a huge capacity for hard work. You area real whiz in an emergency; forceful and in complete control. You havea powerful sex nature that would try to control a partner utterly, andyou may have a bitter determination to do just that. It requires astrong degree of self-discipline for you not to dominate all those withwhom you come into contact, for the cooperative spirit is not strong,and the will-to-power in personal matters is great. You have a sort ofrule or ruin attitude that makes you a very formidable opponent. Whenyour devotion is fixed, you are capable of the extremes of loyalty. Butit takes a very strong and tactful person to arrive at this position,and even then it takes a good deal of flattery. Your vanity is great,and you need to be made to feel you rule the roost. In one way oranother you usually do. Relationships are hard for you because you willnaturally fight with people that are strong and have pride themselves,but you hold those not measuring up to such a standard in completedisdain. You have no time for weak individuals. For this you live asomewhat lonely life, and in many respects, you are a very privateperson.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is assertive and expressive. The emotionalforce, determination and will power of Scorpio becomes somewhatexplosive when combined with the directness of manner and utter honestyof Sagittarius. You are idealistic, with a viewpoint that is aloof, andyou live in a philosophic world of your own. You are social-minded andeager to help others, though you are apt to find it hard to ever getstarted. You are affectionate, loyal and sincere, almost to a fault.You can do well in some idealistic sort of job such as medicine,religion, or public service. You may be too idealistic for business andtoo critical of anything that you feel smacks of shrewdness. You arenot one to compromise your ethics for money or status gains. There is agreat deal of enthusiasm or spirit in your nature, but success may bedifficult until you have learned to control impulses that often resultin outbursts of temperament, brusqueness of manner, or tactlessassertions. You react too quickly, without due consideration andforethought. As you mature, you must study the effects of your words onothers, particularly on sensitive people, and avoid attractingantagonism and misunderstandings. After harnessing your powerfulemotional energies, your high principles and sense of honor can takeyou far indeed.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signshows honor, integrity and authority as very important to you. You arenot concerned with your popularity as long as you are true to your highprinciples and honesty with yourself. This combination blends theemotional force, determination, and will power of Scorpio, with theambition, shrewdness, realism, and practicability of Capricorn. Youhave a prudent attitude of mind that features patience, perseverance,endurance and determination. Business strategy and the details ofmanagement organization come naturally to you. A natural sense ofcaution and reticence marks your professional personality, and you usetact and calculating shrewdness in handling other people and inachieving your long-range goals. Ambition is very strong in yournature, as is the urge for recognition and high office. Steadfast inyour opinions, you are slow to change, and you uphold tested andestablished procedures. Control, management and organization are yourstrengths. Your reputation for sound, trustworthy handling of affairsis rarely equaled. You have considerable powers of self-control or deepinward firmness of nature. Yet, circumstances can alter your controland ability to mask your feelings, perhaps stimulating impulsive andaggressive action when you feel the need to force issues. You have akeen understanding of psychology, particularly in matters of groupaction, control, management and decision. You feel things deeply butmanage to exercise personal control, and your feelings and emotionshelp serve personal interests and ambitions.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signmay create a rather quiet exterior, but inwardly there is a great dealof mental pressure and a constant flow of undercurrents. You often seemto be absorbed in another sphere of existence and above being activelyinvolved in mundane activities surrounding you. This combination blendsthe emotional force, determination and will power of Scorpio, with theoriginality, ingenuity and friendliness of Aquarius. You have a strongwill and deeply fixed attitudes and ideas. Keen judgment of humannature and the ability to sense the motives of others gives you a verygood knack for handling people. But you can be a tough boss, for onceyou lose respect for someone's ability to think and reason, you havelittle use for them in any way. Never showing this outwardly, you canalways be polite and civil, while feeling nothing but scorn anddisgust. You don't believe in discriminating against anyone, so youhide the intolerance you can not help but feel. You have a need foradulation, but unless you feel that you deserve it, you resent peoplethat flatter and compliment you. You have the ability to influencepeople and as you progress up the ladder, you are apt to becomesurrounded by "yes men", for whom you can hold no respect. Shallownessor superficiality completely throw you off. You have a profound mindthat is broad and tolerant (at least in theory), and quite creative.Pride is strongly marked in your nature, and you set great store byintellectual and artistic accomplishment. There is a depth to yournature and your emotions that few can understand. You're outstanding atobservation, at analysis, at imagining and creating.
Sunin Scorpio,Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a person with terrific intuition and sense that ordinarypeople simply don't have. You are overly dramatic and frequentlyexaggerate problems. You are, likewise, able to capture the drama ofyour surroundings as well as the imagination of the public. Yours is anemotional profundity that lends a great deal of inspiration to yourpersonality. You attack any problem with unswerving enthusiasm anddevotion, always giving more that just a part of yourself to yourcauses or ideals. Here there is a blend of the emotional force,determination and will power of Scorpio with the sensitivity,impressionability and intuitive insight of Pisces. This produces astrongly emotional and somewhat psychic or receptive and impressionablenature. A studious and intellectual bend permits you to succeed,especially in literary or artistic endeavors. You are very creative,but your success may be more from a willingness to apply yourself thanfrom pure talent. On the down side, you are anxious and worry too much.Positive thinking is essential for you to attain personal balance andpeace of mind. There are unexpected depths in your nature and yousucceed by concentrating your energies on definite objectives, avoidingthe tendency to dispense emotional energies and intellectual power inoveremphasis on romance, daydreaming or negative apprehensions orworries.Michael McClain1996-2015. All rights top
- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Sagittarius, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces the ultimate in energy and pioneering spirit. You are apt towork hard for the common good so long as it advances your own personalambitions and satisfies your desire to be in the forefront of theaction. You are defiant and extremely self-confident. You are sure ofyour manner and consequently, you handle people with the greatest ofnatural ease. You love to assume responsibility and you'll move in andtake over wherever you can. This placement blends the sincerity,directness of manner, expressiveness and versatility of Sagittariuswith the assertiveness, personal ambition and enthusiastic spirit ofAries. Excitement, adventure, advancement are what you want. Sometimesyour aggressive temperament can get in your way. Restless, impulsive orprecipitant in action, you can benefit in overcoming excitability andthe decisions made to quickly. You need to be more deliberate and avoidbeing in too much of a hurry which can lead to carelessness at times.Test ideas and plans before putting them into action. You have strongideals and high principles with intense convictions. You are flexiblein your thinking and you're capable of changing your mind with just asmuch speed as you made it up in the beginning. You are a leader andthings move rapidly when you are in charge. A natural executive, youare never afraid to make a decision. Moderation is the key to yoursuccess.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces arather warm, genial, and romantic individual. You are very idealistic.Almost to the extent that your ideology absorbs practical purposes. Youare aspiring rather than ambitious, and you generally look foridealistic rather than realistic satisfactions in life. You never seemto be particularly concerned about everyday matters, such a making aliving, working under the assumption that your needs will somehow beprovided for, and usually they are. You really have too much faith inpeople. Most of time people do respond to you as you had hoped andexpected they would. When they don't, however, you really let it getunder your skin and bog you down. You have so many dreams andillusions, but you really let it get you down when people are ugly orunkind, and the harsh realities of your environment start to close inon you. You can't seem to handle criticism or put downs well. Yourhighly romantic nature is ardent, impulsive, loyal and devoted.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is by no means shy, timid or backward. Youwill step to the front when the call for leadership is made. You are avery adventurous person, both physically and mentally, never satisfiedto stand still in either sense. Because you are naturally lucky in afinancial way, you are never really very concerned about security. Youknow how to sell yourself and achieve a good deal of popular prestige.You are apt to see a lot of life before you eventually decide to settledown. Variety, travel, changes, mental stimulation, and a wide range ofpersonalities around you are all needed to busy your extremely restlessnature. Stability is your challenge; staying with a project, a cause,or even a person sometimes, can be a really hard task for you.Concentrating your efforts in one focused direction can be yourweakness. Nonetheless, your broad range of interests and yourenthusiasm will allow you to continue to be effective in working on alot of things and making continuous progress on all of them. Pettinessis something you have difficulty understanding and of which are neverguilty. Everything you do is above board and rendered in a grandfashion. You rarely exercise caution or care, never one to shy awayfrom taking a risk, so long as there is a reasonable chance things willwork out. You want to get to the top and you very well may, guided by amixture of idealism, faith in yourself, and cool, practical good sense.Yours is a high spirit and a good grasp of reality.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signyields a personality that is idealistic and very much the romanticist.You are a dreamer and a visionary. This versatile and sensitivecombination blends the sincerity, optimism, enthusiasm andexpressiveness of Sagittarius with the emotional depth, feeling andintuitive insight of Cancer. A desire to learn, with practical ability,suggests a flexible, versatile or adaptable expression of talent. Anintuitive foresight guides you and may keep you out of trouble ineveryday affairs. An emotional awareness enables you to understandpeople, and know what it is they want. In business, you can actuallysense the public trend or interests. An optimistic and enthusiasticnature vitalizes your feelings and emotions, and stimulates youractions. Because of your emotional nature you are prone to extremes.Control your excitement and enthusiasm. Don't let emotions distortreason as they are apt to do. You can be somewhat impulsive inexpression of your feelings or sympathies, and consequently, yourchoice of friends is sometimes based on how you feel rather what youknow about an individual. You do better when you are more careful andchose friends from those who have proved to be reliable, honest andintelligent. Because of the nature of your Sun and Moon polarity, it islikely that emotional extremes or a tendency toward sensationalism canbe a problem for you. You may often attempt to reach too high or strivefor too much recognition. You succeed most easily when you combine yourintuitive skills and develop a habit of steady concentration.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very warm-hearted, honest, and open personality. The pairingblends the personal dash, optimism, enthusiasm and directness ofSagittarius, with the warmth, generosity, pride, and authoritativenessof Leo. You have a love of mankind and a code that combines goodjudgment with a very tolerant attitude. This combination is verydedicated; dedicated to honor, prestige, and achieving stature in theworld. And to attain you goals, you are not one to take shortcuts; notone to lie, to cheat, or to do anything underhanded in order to gain anadvantage. Honor is all important and your word is an unbreakable bond.The fiery combination of these two signs doesn't need any unfairadvantages to succeed because there is more than enough energy andenthusiasm to get where you want to be. You'll keep pursuing your goalslong after others have thrown in the towel. When you go aftersomething, you go after it tooth and nail. Any obstacle you face isconsidered only a temporary problem and little gets you down for long.This is a very positive combination, quite indicative of happiness andsuccess. If you can avoid scattering your energies, you can movemountains. You are naturally inclined toward public service, either inlaw, education, or government. The prestige of the position being moreimportant than the salary. This is a high-minded combination, full ofideas and ideals. You may have problems dealing with the small peopleof the world that refuse to grow and progress. You are intellectuallyphilosophic, broad-minded, and highly creative. Your creativity is inthe ability to form an image in your mind and then bring to realitythat clear picture you envisioned. You take life seriously, with a keensense of the importance of making the most of it. Unless something isreally messed up in your chart, you are truly a super person.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a good deal of intellectual power, and with it, the ability tobring generalizations down to details and specific plans. This positionblends the personal dash, optimism, enthusiasm and directness of mannerof Sagittarius, with the intelligence, analytical insight anddiscrimination of Virgo. Consequently, this combination produces a lotof achievers and outstanding people. You have an excellent mind,capable of handling broad concepts and minute details with equalability. Your well-developed mental powers permit you to move frombroad concepts down to technical details assuring versatility andadaptability in business or in a profession. Realism tinged with acritical analysis, romanticism without being too impractical, these areyour gifts. You see clearly without the help of rose-colored glasses,and you relate what you see and know with honesty and and awell-defined authority. No one has to guess where you stand on anyissue. Thinkers that dwell on issues that are philosophically practicalare always in demand. You can be pushy, but not to the extent that youoffend. Rather, your manner can be described as diplomatic andcharming, but still there is the authority of a director or tutor. It'ssometimes necessary to guard against a tendency to be somewhatimpulsive. You are at your best when you don't rush things or allowyourself to be pressured.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a purveyor of harmony and peace. Blended are the personaldash, optimism, enthusiasm and directness of manner of Sagittarius, andthe tact, personal charm and friendliness of Libra. Both signs areindependent, but in neither is the tendency toward perseverance verystrong. Shortcomings in this regard are well compensated by the factthat you have a great deal of confidence in yourself and which you caneffectively reflect in your dealings with others, and a very goodunderstanding of people in general. Good will, a cheerful nature, and asincere concern for friends and family are at the core of thiscombination. You excel at avoiding an argument, and when one does breakout you take on the role of the mediator. You may even sacrificewinning your point to maintain the peace. You aren't so open-mindedthat your brains fall out, but you are one of the most tolerant peopleyou know. Much more intellectual than emotional, little seems to getunder your skin and you slip through life pretty much a free spirit.While you have a strong sense of pride and won't tolerate anything thatdegrades or people that try to make you feel inferior, you are notoverly ambitious. Regardless of what you achieve in life, you willprobably feel content. This is not to say that you stand still. Infact, you are probably in perpetual motion, but the motion is notheaded in any special direction most of the time. Success can come inbusiness simply because you have such sound reasoning abilities,accurate perceptions, strong powers of comparison and balancedjudgment. You know how to eliminate extremes and excesses. Social lifeand friends are extremely important to you, both in a personal senseand because success and advancement are tied up somewhat with friendsand contacts. The impression you can make is your most important asset.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces much self-reliance, and a life that develops very rapidly inthe early years. You know what you want and you know how to achieveyour ends; a true go-getter. Blended are the well-developed capacityfor judgment and wisdom innate in Sagittarius, and the Scorpio's knackfor throwing everything into a project and fighting until the battle iswon. Thus, it is easy to see why you can accomplish so much when youset your mind to it. Optimism and determination; a truly hardcombination to defeat. Your nature is subtle and clever, as well,making you good at strategy in handling affairs in business or in theprofessions. The challenge of this position is handling people withtact and diplomacy, controlling temperament, and avoiding too direct ortoo blunt of an approach. You have to avoid conflict to really succeed.Your mind is quick and the ability to think on your feet is reallysuperb, but all of this quickness is wasted if you are too impetuous.You have a lot of emotional energy, which when under the control anddirection of your will and your mind, gives the force to achieve veryhigh objectives in life. Actually, there is a good bit of sensitivityin your nature, and much of your aggressiveness is a defense thatinstinctively attacks. Your attacks are aimed right at the mostvulnerable spot in what you say or do. You need to concentrate onlistening to the opinions of others, and control your emotionalreactions, allowing them to work for you.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces an explosive personality that is always on the go and verymuch involved. Mentally and physically you are a hair-trigger andrapid-fire type. You're quick to play your hunches, and these impulsesare generally fairly sound. Your nervous energy is so high you requirefrequent periods of rest and relaxation to avoid mental fatigue. Youaccept a lot of responsibility because you don't like to see thingshalf done or poorly managed. You think in large terms, and people withpessimistic attitude turn you off. You can even get down on yourself ifyou don't feel you're living up to your potential. You see things inabstract ideals and you live by your stern judgments, expecting othersto likewise conform to your standards. You are not necessarily devoidof emotions, but you're a little short on human sensitivities. You havea dramatic way of stating your views, sometimes bordering on a sort ofpomp and circumstance. As serious as you are, your actions are oftenmore reactions, based on a solid core of common sense and youridealistic views. There is much indication of leadership in thisplacement, and when others don't adhere to your lead, you are veryquick to express your righteous indignation. There seems to be animpersonal detachment to your nature that relates on principle andideals rather than specific situations and individual problems.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a vigorous thinker who is capable of rising to a high positionthrough the strength and originality of mind and expression. Weprobably don't have to worry too much about your self-esteem; it isnaturally strong and a key feature of your success. This is a verypractical and executive combination. It blends the personal dash,optimism, enthusiasm, foresight, and directness of manner common withSagittarius, and the ambition, shrewdness, realism and practicabilityof Capricorn. This is great for dealing in business affairs. Mentalprudence or instinctive cautiousness enable you to keep expansive plansor ideas on a practical or realistic basis. Good foresight lets youchart the way things turn out and intuitively understand the futurecourse of business. Viewed as practical, realistic and ambitious, yougarner a good deal of responsibility. Personal integrity is a strongpoint in your nature and this help you build a flawless reputation.While the Capricorn Moon will never let you lose sight of your goals,the Sagittarius Sun want more than just power and is ever seekinghappiness and personal satisfaction in the job well done. While itsalmost certain business will be the center of your attention, otherinterests will be important, as well. Cultural associations such asmusic and art can have decided appeal. You are highly executive, anddefinitely an executive with outstanding balance.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is independent, idealistic, romantic andhighly expressive. The pairing provides the dash, optimism, enthusiasmand foresight of Sagittarius combined with the originality andindependence of Aquarius. You have a great sense of timing andpersuasive abilities which enables you to inspire and move people,whether the topic you are expounding on is profound or merely chatter.You have a dramatic way of putting things that gets your point acrosswith emphasis. You easily become a crusader for any cause that you takeup, whether it be broad or petty. You generalize and provide a constantstream of philosophic reasons to justify whatever moods, actions, orideals that may have grabbed your immediate attention. You areextremely trustworthy and people find you so, and put a lot ofresponsibility on your shoulders. Because you can manage popularfeelings, you are generally capable of getting what you want out oflife. Dramatic and artistry are your forte. You have an excellent senseof what people want to hear and see. Assuming a leadership role isnatural for you. Even if you are not in a leadership role, you areusually able to pull people together, and because you are so sociallyaware, you seem to always do or say the right thing. You are trulyinterested in people and you have a great intuitive insight tounderstanding a broad range of individuals. You may be very well suitedfor work in politics, public, civic or community service, or inorganizations or movements.
SuninSagittarius, Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a nature with much scope and depth. Your love of mankind isgenuine and deep-rooted, and you are always looking for a cause towhich you can devote your time and effort. You respond to people insuch an understanding and broad-minded way. Tolerance is so pronouncedin your nature that it can sometimes be to your detriment; you canactually be understanding when you should be putting your foot down.Most of the time, however, you have such great powers of insight and ofrecognizing the truth. You live in a world of ideals and are notgreatly interested in things on the material plane. You are not one toblow your own horn, in fact, it would almost seem you possess a truesense of humility of spirit. Emotionally, you are impressionable andromantic, and you can be imposed upon by individuals who play on yourgeneral sympathetic approach. You are forgiving, incapable of holding agrudge, and utterly free of meanness, spite, jealousy, or vengefulness.Perhaps you aren't practical minded, but you do know your own worth andyou can succeed in your own way at whatever you do. Success may dependupon overcoming restlessness and perhaps a tendency to worry too much.You underestimate your own abilities, to keep in the background ofaffairs or lack somewhat in self-confidence. You dislike petty detailsand boring routine, but at the same time you can gain most indeveloping concentration and in focusing your energies on definiteobjectives.Michael McClain1996-2015. All rights top
- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Capricorn,Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces avery forceful and purposeful personality. You have a strong drive tosucceed, and you're willing to work very hard to insure that thisbecomes a reality. Prestige is vital to your happiness. You know how toimpress people, but you steadfastly refuse to give any appearance ofbowing and scraping, or to make any gesture of empty flattery. You canbe counted on to be tactfully agreeable while barely being able to holdback your own very distinct personal opinions. With some experience,you may at least learn to hold your tongue and exercise a minimaldegree of patience when dealing with the many lacking your capacity forputting thought into action. This pairing suggests a rather shrewdquality in your nature, and it likewise makes it very clear that youunderstand well the ways of the world and you know how to deal withthem very effectively. Your brand of tact is to speak softly and carrya big stick; diplomacy combined with a vigorous invulnerability. Youhave a good head for working out solutions to many sorts of problems.You have an honorable, if gruff, way of dealing with people. You're notone to pull the wool over someone's eyes, but you may do a bit of fasttalking to win your point when this becomes necessary. You know how toget a project off the ground, to generate enthusiasm, and getlong-range plans into effect. You are the type that will take on somuch that you can work yourself into a nervous breakdown if you're notcareful. You should learn moderation in work, in opinions, and in thegeneral forcefulness of your nature.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of theSun in Capricorn and the Moonin Taurus creates a very solid and fixed personality. A sense ofdetermination is strongly marked in your nature. You have a realisticand determined mind, and much stability of character. You believethings will work out for the best for you and very often they do. Youhave little difficulty maintaining a focus on your goals, and youcontinue to work toward them with a special determination. Youambitions are deep-rooted, with a doggedly persistence of will. Youenjoy facing challenges and having many tough problems to solve. Youseldom change your mind or alter you path of progress. You are sosteadfast in your direction that it is hard for you to adapt tochanging conditions. You may lack somewhat in versatility orflexibility, but make up for slowness in adjustment by persistenteffort and firmness of judgment. You are a conservative thinker, andyou function best in well established affairs. You have a really strongsense of service in your nature and there is something of the Fatherconfessor in you. People find your judicial and calm attitude aboutlife's little problems very reassuring. Your criticism comes in theform of gentle firmness and usually with a smile. Calm judgment andrealistic evaluation of conditions help you become a strong executiveor professional. You are a manager, an organizer, with solid andpractical ideas.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very mentally ambitious personality. You are likely to bevery studious and interested in developing your talent forself-expression in respect to writing or public speaking. A lot ofmental curiosity keeps you alert to new ideas and simulates yourinterest in learning. The Gemini Moon makes you flexible, versatile,and adaptable. This shows up mostly in your mental quickness; you aresuch a fast learner, swiftly assimilating impressions and ideas andmaking quick decisions. Your variable nature is also shown by thenumber of times you change your mind, your opinions, and your ideas.You are always so clever, never at a loss for words and this is thetalent you can really build a reputation on. A good planner andorganizer, you have much personal ingenuity and inventiveness producinga constant stream of new ideas and methods. Your talent in all forms ofself-expression may guide you to some type of work that involveswriting, or in the field of advertising. With you outwardly glib, wittyand clever personality, it's surprising that you are really ratherserious, practical and ambitious. In fact, at times, you worry a bittoo much and allow anxieties to assume an undue proportion. Then youcan be volatile and buoyant and act as though you didn't have a care inthe world. Emotionally, you are a puzzle to yourself and certainly tothose around you; inwardly sound, reliable, and practical, outwardly,changeable and contradictory.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun and Moon sign produces asensitive mind and personality endowed with a highly refined intuitiveinsight. You can "feel" the truth about people and conditions. Whilehighly sensitive and somewhat introspective, you can gain by using yoursensitivities along practical lines. You don't waste time trying topeddle things that people aren't buying. You have a knack for makingmoney and the conservative instincts to hang on to it. You can berather secretive at times, keeping things to yourself until you areready to take others into your confidence. At times you feel the needto withdraw somewhat into yourself, establishing poise and balance inenjoying moments of quiet peace and introspection. Generally, you needto cultivate demonstrative or extroverted tendencies of personality bycountering excessive introspection. There is a very strong domesticside to your nature; a deep interest in home and family. You need thesupport of these close personal and sympathetic relationships.Popularity is attained by combating an excessive personal reserve. Yourmain strength is will power and a tenacity of purpose. Be willing to totrust your intuitive impressions or feelings about things to guide youin the right direction.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs producesan individual designed to be in charge. You have a vigorous and vitalpersonality capable of great popularity and of much success in theworld. You are a very self-sufficient person, and somewhat aristocraticin your demeanor; a sort of aloofness and detachment that makes youseem important even before you are. You possess a charisma that allowsyou to work things out for your benefit without making a big display oradamant demands. You know how to be assertive and diplomatic at theright times and in the right manner. You may want power and position,but you go about getting these in a quiet, cool and collected way. Youbelieve in yourself and know how to translate your belief to others.You like to be the leader in any undertaking because you usually feelthat you are the one most qualified to run the show. You are a verydown-to-earth person, a materialist. The abstract, the philosophic, orthe visionary, hold little interest for you. Emotionally, you areardent although not exactly warm-hearted. Emotions are not likely toever interfere with duty and responsibility.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces asomewhat reserved personality, but one that is well concealed by thepleasant and outstanding image that is shown to the world. You bluffthe appearance of being sure of yourself and your purposes. Actually,you have a great deal of difficulty making decisions and yourself-assurance is very thin indeed. You progress best in activities inwhich the rules of the game are well established and decisions play aminimal part in the evaluation of success. You are well-endowedmentally, possessing a logical, systematic, analytical anddiscriminating mind. Your strong point is in analysis or analyticalcriticism, as you seek to build up a strictly rational foundation ofthought. You control feelings and emotions with an iron grip. In allemotional matters you're careful and controlled. Much of the time youare content to be pretty much a loner. You are not an easy person totalk to or to live with because you are so aloof, reserved, andcautious. Academically you may be outstanding, especially when it comesto facts and realities. Perhaps not so when it comes to theories andhypotheses. A precocious knack for grasping facts may aim the focus ofyour life toward scholarly pursuits, and your real strength come outwhen you are allowed to focus your capacity for concentration on asingle objective.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is drawn in two opposite directions. Thenature of Capricorn is highly disciplined and cautious, while Libra isrash and impulsive. What tends to result is a rather positive persona,with a sort of inspirational faith in your own infallibility, a bit theeccentric at times, but generally a very amiable individual. You likepeople, but the driving force in your nature may be more material thanhumanitarian. You are not very romantic, and there is a detachmentabout you that belies your real need for people. You are extremelysocial, and like to have people around you, but at the same time, youdo not warm up to them very quickly; you are somewhat proud, a bitsuspicious, and as a result, you remain aloof. You have a talent formixing socially, however, and for getting along well with yoursuperiors using a tact and diplomacy that assures progress in businessinterests. You capitalize in business, or in a profession, onpersuasiveness and a friendly attitude of diplomacy. You very muchdislike direct conflict or hostile situations, and your instinct to dothe right thing to preserve peace and order is generally appreciated byall. Your talents also feature the ability to exercise sound andimpartial judgment, especially in a business environment; the abilityto mentally balance things, criticize and compare. There is a certainmental foresight that lets you see the flaws in plans before theybecome reality and cause problems. This well-balanced mentality is wellbacked by serious purpose and thoughtfulness, a desire to get ahead andassume responsibility. Maintaining balance and equilibrium can prove tobe the key to your success and happiness. Your interests in businessare enhanced by your ability to win others to your point of view bypersuasiveness and utter charm.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces in you an extremely strong inner drive and a keen sense ofyour own importance as an individual. A certain rigid inner pride keepsyour self-respect always at a high level. Early on, temperament may bea problem, but as you mature cooperation is learned and a judicial andrather stern nature rules the personality. A very reserved individual,you often express yourself in quiet ways, always remaining perfectlycapable of communicating disapproval without saying even a word. Mostpeople think of you as a very reasonable person and in may ways youare. It is very difficult, however, to ever persuade you that you arewrong because of a highly inflexible core within. Often you may use thetactic of appearing not to understand the other person's point of view,even when it is quite clear to you. You are very honorable, loyal, anddevoted, with a keen sense of the sobriety of life, and of your duty asa part of it. Right or wrong, you hold to your first impressions ofpeople, especially if those first impressions were not good. You are avery understanding of people and their problems, and while you usuallycan remain very much detached, you are a good listener and providesound advice. Emotions never seem to interfere with your reasoningpower.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a high-powered physical and mental person. Your energies, attimes, seem boundless. This is a strange pairing of strict disciplinewith bold enthusiasm and idealism. The openness and outgoing attitudethat Moon in Sagittarius brings is a fine complement to the oftenmorose and easily depressed nature of Capricorn, producing a somewhatworldly-wise personality that handles self and others with the greatestof ease. You love the camaraderie of getting together with the gang,becoming involved in a multiplicity of interests and activities. Butsuccess and attainment in life may depend on development ofconcentration and encouragement of staying power in maintaining yourdrive and purpose. You are a traveler at heart, and your restlessnature has a need to be on the go all the time, either physically ormentally. With the enthusiasm you naturally possess, recklessexpenditure of energies can be a problem. You do have a lot ofambition, and you can be both political and direct in going after yourobjectives; diplomatic or shrewd, as well as frank and sincere. Usingeither approach, you are instinctively honest and truthful. You are avery expressive person with high ideals and a keen sense of values. Agood mentality and quick wit give you a way with words. The developmentof this ability can be a major key to success. You must be aware thatyour words do have impact on others, especially the sensitive types whoyou may offend with your very direct speech. Although you are a broadand inclusive person with strong humanitarian instincts, in many waysyou are a little picky when it comes to friends and closerelationships. You insist that those you associate with beintellectually compatible, and when you find yourself in the company ofpeople you consider intellectually inferior, you are not at allcomfortable. Companionship is very important to you, but intellect isusually placed ahead of sentiment. This is a very powerful andachievement oriented combination. It is one in which enthusiasm blendedwith serious purpose and realistic understanding of values, can assurea great deal of success.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very serious individual indeed. Saturn, ruling Capricorn, isa restricting influence, a taskmaster, and an overseer. When both theSun and Moon are positioned in this sign, the personality is a littleon the heavy side. Although you are likely to have a heart of gold,your nature is somewhat rigid and unbending. You demand realism, truthand facts, rejecting anything that is superficial or frivolous.Ambition is powerful and self-control is almost a fetish. There is agood deal of character associated with this placement, although you canbe single-minded in achieving your goals and ambitions. Reliability isthe key, as you are ever dependable, and people can depend on you doingexactly what you say you are going to do. You are not one to settle forsecond best no matter how hard it seems to be first and best. You arenot a humanitarian by nature, and it can almost be said that your drivefor power and status make you self-centered and perhaps even a littleselfish. There is a cold, hard, invulnerable streak in you that resistspersonal associations, even as you know how to appeal to others in ageneral sense.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a thoughtful, sincere, and responsible inner nature, and afriendly personality. A good healthy respect for yourself and your owntalents demands the respect of others. Your sincerity and genuineinterest in people makes you very popular, and you enjoy involvement ina good bit of public activity. The Aquarius Moon gives you a streak oforiginality and sometimes genius that sets you apart from mostCapricorn; you're more progressive and apt to be attracted to newinterests and sudden mode changes effecting the way you feel aboutthings. While you believe strongly in traditional values and testedmethods, you are not afraid of the future and you rarely fail to sensethe merit of a good progressive idea. You have good insight into humannature as well, and you're usually able to choose the right friends andassociates. You are at your best when involved in important groups andassociations, clubs or societies, for you know how to put yourpersonality over, and draw people to you. In this arena, your greatestskill becomes apparent and you are opportunistic in selecting the rightpeople to deal with and to help you. In business, you have splendidorganizing abilities and skill for making money, often along unusuallines, and especially when it requires using your special talent fordealing with people. You have an independent streak in your nature,however, and you work best without personal supervision. You are notone to make snap judgments. You need time to think and reflect. Giventhis time, you can always make sound progress through prudentforethought and an ability to bridge the past to the present and thefuture. Although always friendly, you have a hard determination aboutyou that is going to make itself felt. Your pride is great and you maybe something of a social climber; status is very important to you. Youremotions are very controlled and guided by your intelligence andjudgment. Your calm and intelligence makes you a good companion, butprobably not a passionate lover. What you lack in ardor you make up instability.
Sunin Capricorn, Moon in Pisces
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signis harmonious and interesting. You have a receptive temperament andyou're strongly influenced by outside impressions and environment. Youmix a very practical, serious and ambitious side, with a somewhatrestless and variable personality. It may be hard, sometimes, for youto exhibit the firmness and steady purpose so often attributed toCapricorn. Often this is overshadowed by a sentimental and sympathetictouch to your nature. You have an intuitive insight that makes you veryaware of the feelings of others. You have a rather serious andpenetrating interest in life, and to you, most issues seem to havedepth and complexity. Honest and trustworthy, you would never resort totrickery or deceit. You are thorough in your work and eager to know allyou can about a variety of things. Your nature is very humanitarian andyou are likely to be much less materialistic than many fellow Capricornnatives. In personal relationships, you need to exercisediscrimination, overcoming a somewhat passive tendency that makes yoususceptible to the influences of others.
Michael McClain1996-2015. All rights top
- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a quick aggressive mind, a keen sense of your ownintelligence, and a sort of judicial attitude toward the rest of theworld. You have to look out for smugness and self-satisfaction for youare somewhat prone to have a bit of a superiority complex. You are avery solid thinker, and what you know is usually accurate, well thoughtout, and well stated. But you can be cool, aloof, and detached, foryour emotional side is anything but strong. Oddly, you do better whenyou don't seem so sure of yourself. This polarity combines theintellectuality and originality of Aquarius with the high spirit andindependence of Aries. There is a lot of leadership potential in thismatch up, and indeed there is a firm and decided character. You pushissues aggressively, often with the limited prudence or forethoughtthat characterizes Aries. You don't like supervision generally becauseof fixed and independent nature; you're best when you can work on yourown without much interference. Although, as noted, you have a veryfixed or stubborn disposition, you readily respond to bright new ideas,and in fact, you come up with your fair share of these, so it can neverbe said that you are the least bit reactionary. Personal impulsivenessor the tendency to precipitate matters suggests a need for patience, orperhaps just a willingness to wait for the right time to do things thatyou know instinctive need to be done. Enthusiasm keeps you on the move,and you find it difficult to be inactive either mentally or physically.Happiness can be increased by decreasing the demand for total personalindependence and taking time to cultivate smooth relationships.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces apersonality that people find easy to like and admire. This is not somuch for what you do as it is for what you don't do. Your never pettyor small, and your appeal is to those in the higher as well as thelower rungs of society. You don't pester people with your worries andanxieties, but when others come to you, you drop everything to listento their problems. You're interested in people, and like to be aroundthem as an observer, but somehow maintaining a distance and not gettingtoo involved individually. You rate people not on their position orrank, but simply on whether they interest you or not. You have acertain self-sufficiency about you, and you never feel that you have toput on airs to impress anyone. You have all it takes to be executive,except the desire that would be required. You seem to be devoid of anydomineering or missionary spirit, willing to "live and let live." Thiscombination blends the originality and independence of Aquarius, withthe determination and powerful will of Taurus. These two fixed signstogether give a will that is so strong that it may become obstinate andintransigent. Happiness can depend on assuring peacefulness and harmonyin environment or home life, and in respect to human relationships. Youneed to be deeply interested in people.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Gemini
- Your Sun and Mooncombined produces, quitesurprisingly, a romantic personality. Idealism is strong, mixed withsome critical tendencies. A romantic, but definitely living more byyour mind that by your senses. You dramatize life and yourself, oftenexpanding and enhancing the facts of a matter, idealizing love affairsand life in general. You rarely exclude much of the fat from yourstories. The Aquarius/Gemini mix yields a very harmonious and versatilecombination, blending the independence and originality of the Aquarius,with the wit, versatility, and intellectuality of Gemini.Intellectually you are quick, apt, and intuitive, but with a tendencyto skim only the surface of most subjects you encounter. In the realworld business, this can be a handicap. Your attention span is rathershort. It's hard to pin you down to reality, and you can easily findyourself drifting in life. If this is not so in business, then itprobably is in your personal life. Having and holding a fixed purposecan be a problem. Actually, however, your nature is truly much morefixed than it appears. Success depends on emphasizing the decisivepotential in your nature, and becoming involved in some form ofcreative activity that allows you to express yourself mentally. You putfacts and ideas together so quickly that you are a natural foradvertising, writing, public speaking, or in just about any kind of jobthat allows you to live by your wit. You tire easily of routine anddetail. There is a duality in your nature that shows rapid changes inmoods and attitudes. You change your mind often and abruptly.Companionship is extremely important to you. You need someone to talkto constantly, and that someone must be mentally compatible andstimulating to your intellectual growth and cultural achievement.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces apersonality that reflects less of the Aquarius nature and emphases moreof the influences of the Moon than in any other possible Aquariuspairing. This is simply because the Sun in never really strong inAquarius, and the Moon is always especially strong in its natural sign,Cancer. You are far more subjective and not nearly so detached andaloof as the typical person with an Aquarius Sun. Nonetheless, thiscombination blends the originality and independence of Aquarius withthe feelings, sensitivity and tenacity of Cancer. You possess asomewhat restless and changeable nature because of a deep sensitivityand receptivity to outside influences. You're susceptibility tosurroundings and associations enables you to respond quickly to otherpeople, as you intuitively know when you are liked or disliked. Youruncanny faculty for responding to others allows you to always be verypopular and to have a wide circle of friends. You possess considerablepersonal charm, normally proving gracious and considerate in contactwith other people because you have a kind disposition. Social life andpersonal relationships mean a good deal to you. You can be very popularin business life because you take a personal interest in the affairsand activities of employees and business associates. A naturalinclination for industry and persistence or tenacity of purpose inbusiness or profession should assure success. You have the knack forfeeling the truth about things rather than having to reason them out.Your ability to think things through is never as reliable as yourfeelings about a matter. Usually you can maintain a realistic, ifoptimistic, approach to every job to decide to tackle. You think interms of success, the maximum, and the best that you can do. You enjoycasual social gathering and you're always a good host. You can achievesuccess in many field, perhaps as much on your personality as youractual talents. Your greatest asset is no doubt your understanding ofhuman nature, and your greatest weakness may be the lack ofunderstanding of the complexities of your own nature.
Sunin Aquarius,Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces the sort of personality that is always there to help people inneed; a true humanitarian. Because this trait is so strong in yournature, you're a bit of an easy mark for con men or other friends andfamily that would take advantage. You are the one people come to whenthey have problems and need help. You are proud, independent, andself-reliant, and you don't like to have your original good opinion ofpeople upset. Because of this, you keep a bad bargain and perhaps staywith a relationship that has gone sour. There are times, thanks to yourdeeply emotional but expansive and friendly nature, that you need to behard-headed and practical in dealing with people, particularly inhandling people making demands on your time or money. This combinationblends the originality and independence of Aquarius with the emotionalwarmth and confidence of Leo. Born near a full Moon, you possess theinclination to project your personality into the world or affairs.Sensitive and affectionate, marriage strongly influences your life.Naturally friendly, you have a great capacity for kindness andsympathy, and you love very deeply. Sometimes romantic interests maycloud your judgment and ability for practical action. Just the same,these are both fixed signs, and you are very hard to convince againstyour will. You follow your inner feelings and can be positive anddetermined when you feel you are right. As a leader, you employ a styleof warm and affection rather than by using more stern and harshermethods. You have a tendency to be impulsive and jump to conclusions,often making decisions without due forethought. Principle means a greatdeal to you and you are strongly influenced by this and by yourfeelings, affections, and emotions. Success comes most easily, however,when you can keep your emotions under the control of your intellect.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is very outstanding in anything thatrequires critical and analytical ability, for you indeed have a greatintelligence and true mental prowess. You are believable and sincere; aperson who gives excellent sound advice, usually in a verymatter-of-fact way. You plan precisely, and proceed with confidence andassurance. You insist on taking your time in the thought processes, andyou rarely ever go off half-cocked. This combination blends afriendliness, originality and independence that is Aquarius, with thediscrimination, precision and practical abilities of Virgo. Both signsare noted for producing intelligence, reason and logic. The blendedpersonality is neat, careful and prudent, and shows a persistencetoward learning and concentration on detail; there is the ability todetach yourself from personal issues, and focus on the problem that youhave at hand. Emotions never interfere with your thinking because ofyour ability to face facts and to reason things out with a keencritical analysis. Hence, you don't make many mistakes. You aresomewhat fastidious in your tastes, neat and orderly, and perhapsparticular in dress. Your ability to analyze gives you an intuitiveinsight into peoples feelings, but your responses are largelyrestrained, and you come across as being somewhat aloof. Demonstrationof affection may need cultivation at times to assure harmony andhappiness. You have a great deal of potential in business because ofyour ability to marshal facts and important information relating toscientific matters, and apply your knowledge in a practical endeavor.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun and your Moon signproduces a personality that is somewhat akin to a gust of wind. It canbe powerful and forceful, but lacks constancy and is often subject todirection changes. Your impact on an issue can be amazing while yourinterest in maintained, but you're apt to leave the project halffinished and be off to another. As long as you are dedicated andenthused things move swiftly, but as soon as you tire of concentrating,you move on to something more interesting and more exciting,uncommitted and unchained by emotional ties. This attitude may apply topeople just as it does to projects or tasks, and you may abandon arelationship without so much as a "fair thee well." Your circle offriends may be wide, but few are close or enduring. Marriage is veryimportant to you, but settling down to a stable relationship will bedifficult and will take some time. You have a somewhat frivolousattitude about living life, and a tendency to ignore conventions andrules of conduct can cause you to be periodically ostracized orcriticized. Your outlook is broad and tolerant, and you are veryforgiving of others for their errors as you hope they will be forgivingof yours. You have an ability to analyze and categorize people in avery effective way. You know how to sell yourself or sell your productwith forcefulness and persuasiveness without being objectionable, andyour ability to success depends on heavily on this asset.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs producesan individual that appeals to others, but one that lives strictly byits own laws. There is a highly fixed blending of the originality andindependence of Aquarius with the emotional intensity and will power ofScorpio. You command a lot of respect, but more importantly, you have ahealthy self-respect, as well. Your personality is very strong, and youpossess tremendous powers for good or for constructiveness if you canonly keep your emotional impulses under mental control. You have astubborn desire to get your own way, and you're a highly determinedleader. As a leader, you are one to work right along with yoursubordinates since you never expect anything from anyone that youyourself are not willing to do. You have a good deal of ambition andenterprise, and these are well supported by a dogged determination,making you very forceful when it comes to getting things done. Some ofyour action may seem a bit impulsive and ill-advised, but no one everhas to coax you to take an initial step or make a decision. Theintensity of your personality and the determination to achieve keepsyou constantly on the go. It's important for you to learn to relax, forthe restlessness of your driving nature can have a damaging effect onyour health if you don't learn to unwind and perhaps communicate withnature a bit. It's also good for you to learn not to take yourself soseriously, learn to laugh at yourself, and refrain for being to rigid.Certainly, there is nothing superficial in your nature, and there islittle that you cannot accomplish when you put your mind to it. Yourpersistence and tenacity of purpose light your way to success.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produce anindividual who is very active, both physically and mentally.Independence of mind and action, thought and expression, are thekeynotes of your nature. This pairing combines the friendliness,originality and independence of Aquarius, with the honesty, sincerity,directness and enthusiasm of Sagittarius. Your personality is friendlyand active, expressing independence and freedom in your thinking and inyour abilities to see ideas through to completion. A friendly and avery understanding nature tends to place you firmly on the humanitarianside on most issues, and you are likely to busy yourself doingsomething that in some way directly benefits your fellow man. There isan instinctive and deep-rooted love of truth and knowledge that endowsyou with a noble and sincere nature. You intensely dislike any sham ordeception, and you play the game of life and business by the rules. Younever are willing to in any situation to compromise your principles.You admire honesty and straightforward people, and you hold more toindividuals possessing these traits, regardless of their station inlife. You have a common sense approach to life; although you are putoff by intellectualism, you love to philosophize and dream. Actually,you have the qualities of an uncompromising intellectual; honesty,strong opinions, and a broad viewpoint on world affairs. You areimpulsively quick to act on your ideas, advanced and revolutionary asthey may sometimes be. You believe in getting things done, and done inshortest possible time, employing the most innovative methods you candevise.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a positive and authoritative personality; a very solid andpractical individual with individualistic qualities. The Aquarius sideof this nature brings originality and independence, but this istempered by the conservatism, deep ambition and caution of Capricorn.Your calm persistence, deep determination and talent for coldcalculation or prudent thinking assure sound judgment and realisticevaluation of conditions or situations. You know your course in lifeand you are not one to be diverted by emotional factors. Restless attimes, you need to keep busy in your profession, business or publiclife. You have a powerful sense of responsibility and deep seriousnessto your nature. Business responsibilities may be heavy. You have greatinner sources that enhance your personality. This is a combination thatshows the talent to cope with large enterprises and for handling largenumbers of people. You have strong, deeply rooted convictions andideals, and you conduct your business with a strict code of ethics. Youare a natural executive with humanitarian leanings, as you combinefriendliness and fair play with your strict business principles. Youstrive more for power and authority than for wealth and materialsuccess.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a nature that is strong--a little bit indefinite, but strong.This is a combination that is somewhat of another world-ethereal,philosophical, and extremely open-minded. Your individuality andpersonality is a blend of the Aquarius traits of refinement,intelligence, and a broadly humane nature. Refined and intelligent,this combination provides the possibility of high talent or a streak ofgenius to be constructively developed. Ideas are prolific, and likelyrange from the conventional to the eccentric and the unusual. This is aposition that is hyperactive mentally, but perhaps a procrastinator.Mentally, you are a trail-blazer, but one who definitely has a veryshort attention span for you apt to get yourself involved with a widevariety of subjects and avocations. Aquarius has very humanisticinstincts, a natural friendliness, and a talent for understanding andreading character. It is easy for you to blend with with strangers, anddealings with people rarely cause you any problem. Just the same, youare independent or somewhat individualistic, and require considerablepersonal freedom of thought and action. You are apt to success rathereasily in business because of a combination of traits you possess. Youare people oriented and thus, able to understand the needs of thepublic. You are original and progressive in your thinking; new ideasand advanced techniques are your forte. Aquarius is a so called fixedsign, so there is a strong fixed element associated with yourpersonality, a high degree of focus and determination in your nature,giving the tenacity to see any of the many tasks that you undertake,through to completion. Whether you are in business or scientificpursuits, you are motivated by very deep interest in doing somethingpositive for world; for improving people's lives in some way. It'simportant that you stay busy with the expression of your ideas andtalents. You are best when unsupervised and independent in your work;at your worst when required to perform any sort of routine or overlysystematized task. You're a bit on the high-strung side, and need to besure of getting adequate relaxation and outside activities that allowsthe release of tensions. With your ability for controlled rationalthinking, clear perception, and humanitarian concern, you surely have alot to offer the world at large.
Sunin Aquarius, Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a mind that is very original and able to grasp the most vague,ethereal and extreme concepts. The blend mixes friendliness,originality and independence of Aquarius with the emotional sensitivityand imagination of Pisces. You are a person who is naturallypersevering and conscientious, being interested in detail, method andorder. Your way of reacting to the world is very interesting. You canspend days just dreaming and speculating. You are fascinated by theunusual and the abstract, finding it interesting to take up studies inany number of bazaar topics. Loving to read and study, you may becomevery well informed on a wide variety of subjects. You lean heavily onyour hunches and way out ideas, and you're easily distracted fromroutine work. You dream a lot and you have an utter faith in the dreamsyou dream. Your mind can get so far afield on some vaguely relatedtangent that you may even forget what the task at hand originally was.Your perceptions are so vividly acute that it is often not practical topay attention to all of them. You live a private life of your own, intowhich few others ever penetrate. A keen imagination or a sort of mentalvision allows you to be good money-maker in a variety of fields; youseem to be able to intuitively realize possibilities and take advantageof them. You success relies on talent and intelligence since you don'tproject a particularly strong leadership personality. There is atendency for you to let things drift. At times you should display amore forceful will, but by and large you develop a very pronouncedprudence and sense of caution. You can benefit in overcoming orcontrolling a tendency to accept things in a passive way, or in beingtoo friendly and obliging if others incline to take advantage of yourgood nature. MichaelMcClain1996-2015. All rights top- Selectyour astrology MOON SIGN from the menu.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Aries
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces an inner nature that differs greatly from the outer orprojected personality. Its hard to strike a balance between a sense ofinward peace, and reactions that are quite impulsive, active and evenaggressive. There is a blending of emotional sensitivity, adaptabilityand understanding that is Pisces, with the high spirit and independenceof Aries. With this there is generally a strong urge for personaladvancement, fame or at least recognition, but you may need greaterconfidence and inward incentive to realize these desires. You maypossess considerable ability for personal expression if you can justmake the decision to go after it. Your strength lies in your naturallove of knowledge and your urge to always be well-informed. You arealso very self-reliant; showing keen mental ability, the ability tothink for yourself. Its important for you to avoid extremes in yourlife, understanding the value of moderation and self-control. Youshould not neglect your need to find a peaceful world and a calmapproach to problems, despite natural tendencies to overdo and berather hard-driving. In many ways you seem to be very assertive,competitive and determined, but in actual fact, you are not really aspositive and sure of yourself as you appear. In some ways there is agood bit of bluff in your personality. You put a lot of romance andfeeling into everything you do, expressing much enthusiasm with a mostpurposeful approach to life. Yours is an unusual combination in that itpossesses a rare capacity for depth of feeling, imagination and vision,while it also features so much personal assertiveness and and apowerful demand for independence.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Taurus
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that is highly sociable, and one that clearlypossesses a good bit of social tact. You're a sensitive person, but youlikewise have an acute sense of the other person's feelings andsensitivities, and you therefore are a very agreeable person thatavoids hurting anyone--that is until you're opposed--and then you canget very stubborn. In other words, you are easy to get along with; youdon't impose on people, but you definitely won't allow yourself to beimposed on either. You feel that debts have to be kept even, and evenin a social sense, you don't like to feel that you owe anyone. This maybe because you are a little bit unsure of yourself, and want to makesure you say and do the right thing. This combination blends the Piscesunderstanding, sensitivity, and a sense of adaptability, with thepracticality and determination of Taurus. The two signs blend well, andare mutually strengthening to one another. This pairing allowscoexistence of an easy-going nature, yet one possessing a stability andtenacity of will not often found in the Pisces native. You have astaying power and a control over impulsiveness that allows you to takethings in stride, and you seem to have a simple and efficient way ofgetting things done. Nonetheless, there is apt to be considerablesensitivity in your nature, and surely a great deal of feeling forthings and people. This is a combination that very often producestalent in an artistic or musical sense. Both signs are creativelyimaginative and suited for a career in the arts. The social attitude ofthis pairing provides a deep consideration of others that is verybeneficial to success in a wide range of endeavors, business andprofessional.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Gemini
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality with a gift for duality. The Pisces symbolfeatures the fish swimming in opposite directions, while the twins ofGemini are looking in two different directions. Both symbolize thevariable nature of this pairing, the tendency to go off in differentdirections, or face real mental binds and problems. You may feel oneway, while logic tells you to go another way. Unfortunately, you don'treally possess the sort of logic that is normally associated withGemini; the Pisces side of your nature will see to that. Variable,adaptable, changeable, and always a bit indecisive, you have theability to play the chameleon. Strangely, this personality canalternate between the expression of flexibility and stubbornness, bothbadly timed. You will yield when you should be firm and hold yourground when discretion would be wiser than valor. One moment you willbe sure that you want to follow a certain course of action; the nextmoment you'll change your mind even though you may have alreadycommitted yourself to the first plan. What must be learned is that youshould not talk until your mind is made up. You truly hate to hurtpeople and you will do everything you can to avoid doing this. For allof this, you invariable do end up disappointing some. You are loved andrespected as a leader by those that work for you; but you are notnearly so likely to be appreciated and respected by your superiorsbecause you are changeable and you're stubborn when opposed. It is agood thing that you adapt very quickly to changing circumstances, foryou seem to be the type of individual that is constantly facingdifficult situations with which you must deal. The strength of thiscombination is the blend of emotional sensitivity and intuitiveunderstanding (Pisces), and flexibility and intellectuality (Gemini).Keen mental powers and alert senses stimulate urges to always continuethe process of learning.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Cancer
- The combination of yourSun and Moon signs produces apersonality that is deep in feelings and very complex. You aresensitive and alert to the opinions and the feelings of the worldaround you, and with sort of a sixth sense, you can give the publicwhat it wants almost before it knows that it wants it. Whatever youdecide to do, you go about it with the greatest seriousness andintensity. You tackle any job with vigor, discipline, and drive. Yourpersonality is very controlled and self-assured. The forcefulness inyour nature was put there by self-discipline, as you were originally arather shy person who had to make yourself get out into the public eye.You know how to handle people and win them over to your way of thinkingbecause you understand them so well. You know when to concede and whento stand your ground. When your instincts don't put you on guard, youmake friends very quickly and easily because people can sense yoursincerity. Your insights to people let you relax with those you knoware genuine and real. While you really have a very kindly and adaptablenature, it may not seem so because you are so emphatic and dramatic inyour every gesture, motion, and word. You have an extremely high regardfor your own self-worth so that nothing can ever make you loose faithin yourself. Moods play an important role in your daily affairs and youcan reflect some rather broad swings. You gain much from your abilityto know when to do what.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Leo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality that seems to be on a perpetual see-saw. You goup when you would prefer to go down and vise versa. You'll give in tothe wishes of others, without really knowing why. It's difficult topredict how you will react to anything, because you always seem to beasking yourself if you should do what you want or what everyone elsewants you to do. Most of the time you do what others want you to do,whether or not you are in agreement. Your personality blends theemotional sensitivity and feelings of Pisces with the warmth andaggressiveness of Leo. Your personality blends the emotionalsensitivity and feelings of Pisces with the warmth and assertiveness ofLeo. You're likely to be more positive and forceful than peopleperceive you, making you seem somewhat variable or contradictory. Onthe surface you may seem to be a pillar of strength, but you are easilyswayed. Personal relationships are extremely important to you. You arenot necessarily a clinger, but you do depend on others for yourhappiness and good spirits. Depression comes easily to you. You can behappy one moment, and the next you can be tired, sad, and blue. Yourespond best to people when you are confident of your status, and youhave a hard time maintaining your spirit when you are surrounded withpeople that you consider your superiors. The moment you are bested isthe moment you turn sour; pressure, tension and competition are hardfor you to handle. For this reason, you are best when you choose aposition providing some authority wherein you can present your positiveand aggressive personality more or less freely, gaining from yourtalent of being popular and well liked. Your strong point is youramiable and lovable personality. You're not really a competitor, but noone can challenge you in the field of being likable.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Virgo
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a personality blending emotional sensitivity and intuitiveunderstanding with the Virgo traits of discrimination, intellectualityand practicability. You are at your best in mental analysis,constructive criticism and common sense decisions. Your discriminatingmind tends to exert a stabilizing influence on emotional sensitivity.There is a working together of the intuitive and practical. You canmake your intuitions, feelings and impressions about things useful inpractical affairs. You have a deep sense of the truth and an ability toface facts. This is a combination that depends heavily ondiscrimination and analytical insights into affairs; you are naturallyversatile, flexible and highly adaptable, but you have the innateability to keep your mind on whatever you are doing. While you may haveserious intent and considerable ambition, you don't seem to takeyourself too seriously. You do best in professions that don't demandmuch in the way of exercising authority. Efficiency and precision arethe keynotes of your nature and of your mind. You have littledifficulty guiding your activity to avoid mistakes and unnecessaryerrors. Particular and somewhat fastidious, you show good taste indress as well as in your choice of words. Happiness depends onmaintaining balance between the emotional and mental sides of yournature, avoiding the tendency to alternate between sympathy andcoolness of response. You do good things quietly and with little fuss,stressing conscientiousness and a subdued conviction. You live sanelyand calmly, achieving success through the exercise of intelligence.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Libra
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a congenial and dreamy personality that is very pleasantindeed. This combination blends the emotional sensitivity and intuitiveunderstanding of Pisces, with the mental equilibrium, courtesy andfriendliness of Libra. This yields a nature that possesses an equabletemperament, seeking balance and a sense of fitness and proportion inall you do. There is nothing base, crude, earthy, ugly or terriblyheavy about this personality. People respond naturally to you becauseyou more or less exude a pleasing aura, and because you freely offer aready ear and a bright, optimistic outlook. Even if you are not anintellectual scholar, you seem to have a very reliable sixth sense andextremely accurate perceptions. Tolerance is your ideal, and youunderstand much that others can't readily accept. You are not known fortaking action, but rather for planning and preparing. You dislike beingon a tight schedule or working under pressure. You don't put up withthings that get you "up tight,"and indeed, you may lack the stayingpower sometimes to pull the really tough assignment through tocompletion. Nonetheless, you have a very optimistic attitude and youcan see the "silver lining" in the clouds while others are stillwatching the storm. Yours is such an equable temperament, with a keensense for harmony in sound, color and form. This is a combination thatseems to naturally seek balance and harmony, with aesthetic qualitiesstrongly marked.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Scorpio
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a very emotional and sensitive personality. Will power and theintensity of intuitive perceptions are the key feature of your nature.You possess a strong, fixed and determined personality, though inwardlyyou are less firm and decisive. Keen senses and acute powers ofobservation favor success in along investigative and research lines.Personal qualities of persistence, determination and courage addstability to your nature. Emotional expression is strong and dramatic, andyou are not afraid to display your feelings in a public manner attimes. You demand a lot of life and get it, so long as you don't lettemperament get the best of you. Once you set your mind to something,you possess the energy and will to reach your objective. Yourpossibilities are enhanced by deep intuitive perceptions, hunches,feelings or impressions about things and situations. You keep yourideas and plan secret and in this sense you are very reserved. Inrelationships, you are too intense, often to possessive, and too proneto extremes in moods and feelings. Emotions can create major problemsin your life or prove to the main spring of your vitality and strengthin obtaining your objectives.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius
- The combination of yourSun sign and Moon signproduces a personality that is never content with earthy,materialistic, or mundane goals. Your stride is long, smoothlysweeping, and unwilling to settle for less than the best. You arewilling to try anything possible to achieve your goals. The influenceof these signs is most idealistic and high-minded. Your vision ofacceptable is to most, the impossible dream. A certain spiritualquality attaches to everything you do. Unfortunately, it's hard to livecomfortably on such a high plane of existence. The "sage" aspect ofSagittarius combines effectively with the Pisces fluid expression ofmind, spirit and emotions producing wisdom that is freely expressedwith great feeling. This is not to say that you are always practicaland constructive. Too much of the time your ideas are vague,hypothetical, and intangible. In many ways you are the impracticalvisionary, thinking in broad, general terms rather than dealing withspecifics and details. You are a highly expansive person and may try tospread your energies far too thin. Definitely, you are not amaterialist, perfectly satisfied so long as the world gives you aliving to go on with your important work. You are an idealist throughand through and have some of the naivete that attaches to idealism, inspite of your intuitive wisdom.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Capricorn
- The combination of yourSun sign and your Moon signproduces a pleasant, sweet-tempered outlook most of the time. There isa blending of emotional sensitivity and intuitive perception of Pisces,with the conservatism, deep ambition and prudence of Capricorn. ThePisces personality is naturally shy and sensitive; Capricorn is anatural introvert. Yet when combined, Capricorn tends to provide adegree of confidence, drive, and strength of purpose, without beingoverly materialistic and shallow. Though you have your feet plantedsolidly on the ground, your sensitivity and capacity for sympathyenable you to avoid materialism. You want to get somewhere in life, butwithout appearing pushy or too determined. Subtlety is your style andmethod. Success comes from combining your inner intuitiveperceptiveness with outward practicality, responsibility and integrity.You are practical, realistic, objective and persevering. Organizationis specialty, perhaps even your fetish. There is a serious note in yournature making you keenly aware of duties and responsibilities.Financial affairs may play an important role in your life and progresscan depend on sound handling of financial affairs and avoiding theinsecurities of indebtedness. The personal qualities of prudence andcaution increase self-restraint and encourage control of the restlessand emotional tendencies of your nature. Your desires for prominence,social and business distinction proves a powerful incentive in yourfield of activity. You can achieve these goals after you have clearlyvisualized what you desire to achieve, as your success depends onconcentrated effort. A good manager, you can easily see the big pictureand prefer dealing with the whole rather the detail of the parts. Youhave a tendency to underrate yourself and worry much too much.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Aquarius
- The combination of Sunin Pisces and Moon in Aquariusproduces crusaders of all sorts. Emotional sensitivity and intuitiveperceptions of Pisces is blended with the friendliness, originality andindependence of Aquarius. People enjoy your company because you are soeasygoing, charming and versatile. A cheerful outlook and the abilityto make acquaintances easily usually results in the development of alarge circle of friends. People interest you, and you possess what maybe termed true humanitarian and philanthropic inclinations. You canfind success in business because of your ability to get along easilywith people and make friends out of strangers. Despite this ease ofcooperation, there is a lot of independence in your nature and youdislike the dull and the routine. At times you may experience suddenand perhaps unexplainable changes in mood or feeling. Progressiveinclinations and original thought are your greatest assets. You are adedicated person in that you must come to believe firmly in what youare doing. Once you are completely convinced of the worth or value of acause or of a product, your talent for persuasive speech and quietpersistence assures success. Conversely, when you are less than fullyconvinced of the value of a program, you are not nearly so effective.You have a very original way of thinking and acting that combines theintellectual with the emotional. A strong inner imagination blends yourfeelings with your intellect, keeping you from being either too coldlyintellectual or too emotional.
Sunin Pisces, Moon in Pisces
The combination of yourPisces Sun and Moon signsproduces a dualistic personality and one that is quite difficult forthe world to easily understand. You are highly introspective, almost tothe extent that the outer world around you seems odd and full of whatyou perceive as weird notions. A tendency to withdraw, makes youstrangely inaccessible at times. Yet you have a very warm and likablequality when you allow yourself to open up to others and let thesetraits show. You have an enormous faith in your intuition and yourself-sufficiency, but at the same time, you value close relationshipsand social activity. For the most part the double Pisces is amenable,acutely interested in others, and a trustworthy friend.
In handling your work, youare by nature verypainstaking and accurate in detail. You are loyal to your duties andfulfilling obligations. Mentally you are quick, perceptive, intuitive,with an almost mystic belief in your hunches. Insight and creativity isyour great strength. You have an uncanny way of seeing the core andsubstance of things, making you both motivational and auniversal-thinker. Artisitic performance is often your forte.
Michael McClain1996-2015. All rights reserved. MyGoogle+page top
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