Planetary Zodiac Signs
- It is assumed now thatyou have obtained a copy ofyour horoscope from Astrodienst or from another source, and you knowthe placement of the Sun, the Moon and the planets in this chart. Thesepages will delineate the astrology signs for the Sun, the Moon,Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the outer planets. If you donot knowthose positions, you should return to the astrologyindex page to learn how to secure a free horoscope which willprovide this information to you.
Tropical Zodiac
- The planets in signsinformation that is beingdispensed here is based on the western or tropical zodiac. The westernastrological year begins around March 21 with the spring equinox. Thisis when the Sun enters Aries. All of the sign positions are based onthis western concept. The tropical zodiac is used by most astrologersin the western world and is gaining in popularity elsewhere. The pageslinked here will describe how the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,Jupiter, and Saturn tend to behave as they move through each of thetwelve signs of the zodiac.
Astrology Sun signs
- Every chart readingshould begin with the Sun as theprimary focus of astrology. The Sun's position in the zodiac is veryimportant, and most agree it deserves first consideration. It's thecore of the individual; the overriding nature and will. This is theinfluence that describes the "you" that is trying to be in thislifetime. This is your "awake" side, your consciousness andouter-directed individuality. Thus, the Sun is the most importantsingle indicator, fueling the total personality. The nature of your Sunsign is your true colors that you display to the world day in and dayout. The Sun passes through the 12 signs in one year.
- TheSun inyour chart:
Sunin Aries
Astrology Sun sign is Aries
The Sun is in this firstsign of the zodiac fromMarch 21 to April 20 each year. The symbol for Aries is the Ram,because of the headlong, direct, and assertive nature of the sign. Thesign is also symbolized by seeds shooting out of the ground in thespringtime, suggesting a time and spirit of renewal.- In Aries, the Sun ishighly action oriented. You liketo do your thing, and you are opinionated and direct in doing it. YourAries personality constantly wants to charge ahead, and insists onbeing the one who organizes, rather than ever allowing yourself to beled or organized by others. You have a hard time recognizing any pointof view except your own. Highly action oriented, when an idea strikesyou, you are off quickly to carry it out. Yet you are not so good inseeing projects through to a conclusion. Follow-up and finish work arenot matters that suit your style. You constantly need new goals, newprojects, and new challenges.
- You are a quick learnerand a self-starter;enthusiastic and curious. The main challenge for an Aries Sun signnative is the control of impulses. You must avoid scattering forces,for if you can learn to think before taking action, your energeticnature will enable you to do much. Natural impulsiveness and inabilityto listen to the advice of others sometimes involves you indifficulties. To succeed, you must learn to think everything throughcarefully before you proceed. Patience and the ability to plan areareas in which you may have to apply extra effort. You must reflect onthe total effect of your actions to grow and progress in life.
- You may have a sharptemper and a quick fuse as Ariesis ruled by Mars, the planet associated with war and combat.Fortunately, you get over anger as quickly as it comes, and you neverhold a grudge. You are neither devious nor subtle in your actions. ManyAries Sun natives are down right blunt. Only with concentration andattention can you ever acquire much diplomacy and tact.
- With your natural Ariesinclinations, you have a trueadventurer's or pioneer's spirit; a longing for independence and atendency to fancy yourself as a free soul. Born to lead, but not bornto handle the mundane responsibility or bureaucratic red tape. Whenfaced with complex details, you become very frustrated. Fully matured,your Aries spirit aspires to a gallant "never say die" attitude, and awillingness to take advantage of each new opportunity that comes along.
Sunin Taurus
Astrology Sunsign is Taurus
- Taurus is the secondsign of the zodiac, and the Sunresides in this sign from 21 April until 20 May each year. The symbolof Taurus is the Bull, for reasons that will be developed in the nextfew paragraphs.
- As a Taurus, you arelikely to be very patient, ahard worker, and one of those people who constantly puts forth muchsustained effort. Your demeanor is slow and deliberate, and attempts byothers to hurry you rarely succeed. You need time to adjust to newideas and changes. You can be stubborn to the point of becoming rigid,but you are practical and constructive in nearly everything you do. Youcarefully consider options before starting any action or coming to anyconclusion. You function best under conditions where there ispredictability, and where you can exercise a degree of control.
- Good-natured andfriendly, your placid demeanorrarely shows upset or anger. When you are aroused, as suggested by thesymbol of the sign, your reactions are very much like those of theangered bull. This anger can be reckless, and often lingers.
- There is a certainreluctance in the Taurus nature totry anything new or different. You don't take many chances, and youbelieve in sticking with the familiar and comfortable. There is notmuch adventure in your soul, and it is probably fair to label you aconservative individual. The danger with Taurus is the tendency tobecome too narrow-minded, and to dismiss anything that can't be seen,touched, smelled or tasted.
- You are not usually thefirst to learn a lesson, butwhen it is mastered, you are not likely ever to forget. Retentive andsteadfast, you don't scatter your energies. You may be lazy at times,perhaps not spending any energy at all for extended periods. Yet longterm, you are very willing to assume responsibility and shoulder morethan your fair share of the load.
- You may bematerialistic, often showing interests inmoney, security, and comforts in life. To those you love, you oftenshow your feelings in a material way, and you appreciate the same inreturn. The Taurus personality is sometimes too concerned with moneyand possessions. Perhaps a little indulgent and luxury-loving, yourelish creature comforts and appreciate beautiful possessions. Becauseof these interests, you have good taste in clothing and furnishings.You also may have a talent for landscaping and working with plants andflowers to make your surrounding more pleasant and appealing.
- You may excel as a cook,but even if you don't havethe inclination to prepare it, you certainly enjoy food; perhaps toomuch. Because of this, you may have a battle with your weight. A slowmetabolism and lack of interest in exercise often compound thisproblem.
- A natural interest inart and music often leads tocareers or hobby pursuits in some form of art. Taurus is the sign thatrules the throat, so you may have a fine singing and speaking voice.
- Love relationships arevery important to you. Sinceyou don't like being alone, you may settle for a partnership that isless than ideal, instead of accepting loneliness. Once settled in arelationship, you are very steadfast and dependable. You areexceedingly loyal, and make a very faithful friend. The most appealingaspect of Taurus, that sweet and loving temperament, is the oftenpresent when the Sun appears in Taurus.
Sunin Gemini
Astrology Sunsign is Gemini
- The Sun is in this thirdsign of the zodiac from 21May until 21 June each year. The symbol for Gemini is the Twins, andits planetary ruler is Mercury.
- In Gemini the Sun isactive, restless and changeable.You like plenty of variety in your everyday activities, in yourfriends, and even in your diet. Your interests are many anddiverse--almost anything will attract your attention if only for abrief time. Truly, this is the sign of the jack-of-all-trades. As thestory goes, you may find that unless you can develop your powers ofperseverance, you may be the master of none. Your varied interests canresult in a tendency for you to spread yourself too thin, sometimesfailing to follow through on projects you've begun.
- Being very curious, youwant to know and experienceas much as you can. Gemini is the sign of duality. You find itdifficult to limit yourself to one job, to one relationship, or onehobby, as you constantly seek variety and mental adventure. You scatteryour energies because you don't want to miss anything. You are alifelong student, never tiring of learning new subjects. You collectfacts and tidbits of data, but you may not always have the big picture.
- To the Gemini person,communication is of utmostimportance. You flourish on ideas, with a mind that is ever so quickand curious. You are a person who enjoys talking and writing. All sortsof communication ideas appeal to nature. You are aware of all that isgoing on around you, and you want to understand and participate in itall. You are hard to pin down, and even harder to beat in a debate.Your abilities of combining quick comprehension , and the communicationof this comprehension to others, are the hallmarks of your sign. Youcan talk yourself into and out of situations with ease. Often Mercurypeople (Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury) take mischievous delight indisconcerting slower minds with their fast paced mental antics. Youlike to be around people, and you never do well working alone or on anyroutine type job.
- Extremely friendly, youenjoy companionship, andreally thrive on it. Just as you don't like to be without activity, youdon't like to be alone. You are likely to have a very wide circle offriends with whom you enjoy many activities--movies, games,conversation, and such. You are naturally outgoing and possess asparkling wit. You are apt to become quickly bored with conservativetypes that can't make a decision or agree with your need to imposechange. Not being very introspective or reflective, often you don'tunderstand your motivations or the motivations of others. So in manyways, relationships can be shallow and superficial. Your restlessmercurial nature requires constant excitement and change, or you'llbecomes very dispirited and morose.
Sunin Cancer
Astrology Sunsign is Cancer
- The Sun is in thisfourth sign of the zodiac from 22June until 22 July each year. The symbol for Cancer is the Crab, withits protective shell. People with this Sun sign are sometimes alsocalled "Moon Children," because the Moon is the ruler of the sign.
- In Cancer the Sun isreceptive and moody. You are avery sensitive person who is easily influenced by your environment. Youare likely to be exceedingly protective of your feelings, as well asthe feelings of those to whom you are close. Emotions are strong inyour nature. You approach life with many feelings and a strongnurturing tendency. Your moods are varied and changeable. They aresynchronized to the Moon, flowing in and out like the tide. You areacutely aware of the atmosphere of feelings surrounding you. You'reskeptical and distrustful of people. It's not what they say, but simplythe way they say it and the way you interpret their meaning.
- You need to tell yourdeepest thoughts. When thosearound you are not receptive, you can become quite difficult to reach.The "crabby" part of Cancer shows up once in awhile, as well. Whenthese moods are in control of your behavior, you can snap someone'shead off for no reason at all. People you live around have to learnthat you are not really angry with them. This is just the way Moonchildren are sometimes. By nature you are quiet and somewhat reserved,frequently retreating or putting up a protective barrier when you feelin any way threatened.
- You are attuned to thepast. You tend to cling toreminders and memorabilia of your family and of earlier times. ManyCancers are attracted to collecting antiques. You may be one of thosepeople who collects just about everything. It's hard for you to partwith something when there may be a chance need some rainy day, nomatter how remote that chance may be. Cancers are the original"pack-rats."
- You place muchimportance on the home and family.Your family or your "family of friends" is the center of your life.They provide you your sense of security and belonging. Your role inthis environment is the source of your self-esteem and often overshadowyour sense of individuality. It's hard to break away from your earlyupbringing and depart from the family traditions you have experienced.Cancer is the sign of motherhood. In both sexes, it produces aparenting instinct that is caring, protective, and indulging. Evenunmarried Cancers adopt friends, co-workers, and neighbors in anextended family situation.
- Hardworking anddedicated, you make an excellentemployee. You are loyal and respect authority. This makes yousupportive and protective of the boss and rarely questioning companypolicy. You do find it very difficult to handle change and disruption.If you are the boss, you like your employees to be dedicated as youare. Unfortunately, sometimes you may surround yourself with "yes men"who simply reinforce your decisions. You don't take chances or risksweeping change.
- Money is very importantto you. Not for what it willbuy or for the freedom it provides, but for the sense of security itprovides. No matter what else is to be said of Cancer, security andhaving the protective shell in place, is overriding.
Sunin Leo
Astrology Sunsign is Leo
- Leo is the fifth sign ofthe zodiac. The Sun is inthis sign from 23 July until 22 August each year. The symbol for Leo isthe Lion, and most Leo natives display many of regal traits of the kingof beasts.
- In Leo, the Sun ismagnetic, forceful, and dominate.You possess a good nature that is very generous, allowing you toattract many friends and followers. You can easily become a naturalleader because of your demeanor and because you are ambitious,determined, and highly industrious. Self-assurance and dignity are verystrong in your nature. Your magnetic personality lets you sell yourselfor your ideas easily, and your persistence at doing so further enhancesyour leadership potential. You are at your best when placed in chargeof a large scheme, for you are truly a fine organizer. You enjoy beingin a position of authority because you know you were born to rule. Yoursunny disposition allows you to be candid, outspoken, and very directin all matters, without upsetting people. You possess naturalleadership ability, and project such confidence and authority that youinspire others to follow you.
- The typical Leo is anatural showman, and delights inhaving a full measure of recognition and admiration. Leo is the mostexpressive sign in the zodiac. You love to show off. You probably seeyour role in life as the starring role. Often the Leo personalitychooses some artistic form through which to express talent. There ismuch drama associated with Leo, and the general approach to life isfull of emotional exuberance. If you are not careful, these traits canresult in too large an ego, which in turn can make you very susceptibleto flattery. Though you have a high opinion of yourself, you still needthe approbation and appreciation of your friends and followers. Yourego needs constant reinforcement. This helps keep the spotlight focusedon your activities.
- Naturally emotionallyexuberant, you are not only agood actor, but you make a truly outstanding teacher, as well. The Leoassociation with the fifth house of the chart suggests a strong bondwith children. You may consider your children to be expressions of yourcreativity. Typically, the Leo is very close to children, the lovingbenefactor and protector.
- The lordly Leo sometimesfeels there should be anautomatic granting of power and authority. Because of this, you may beone of those Leo types who doesn't feel the need to work your way tothe top. Though in many ways you show that you are ambitious, you alsocan be lazy. You may only want to work at jobs that offer prestige,glamour, power or a good time. You exert yourself only in thosesituations were you can exhibit your star quality, and garner theattention and respect of others.
- Your gift is surely theability that you naturallypossess to lead and to inspire. You are at home on the stage or at thepodium. Your poorest showing comes when you are unable to control yourego, and you let an exaggerated sense of your own importance get theupper hand. In spite of your self-assurance and dignity, you may have adegree of concern about being laughed at or disgraced in some way.Again, ego is at the base of your nature and being.
Sunin Virgo
Astrology Sunsign is Virgo
- Virgo is the sixth signof the zodiac, and the Sun isin this sign from 23 August until 22 September each year. The symbolfor Virgo is the Virgin, denoting the puritanical demeanor usuallycommon to those of this sign.
- In Virgo the Sun isorderly and thoughtful. With theSun in Virgo you are predisposed to be hardworking, conscientious, andwell-organized. Modest, discriminating and thorough, everything you do,you do well. Practical and down to earth, you are a diligent workerwith a competent, discriminating intellect. You are highly analyticaland exacting, especially adapted to handling projects with painstakingperfection. Thus, you are fond of good workmanship and the utmost inquality. You are dependable because your approach is always one basedon common sense and a realistic and analytical assessment of theproblem.
- You give much attentionto detail, but you can carrythis to extremes, becoming fussy and critical, sometimes interfering.Large-scale projects can overwhelm you because of your insistence onperfection. Unless you can deliver such quality, you may becomefrustrated and discouraged. There is always the tendency and dangerwith Virgo that the big picture idea will be missed in search of minutedetails. You expect yourself and everyone around you to be perfect,often setting yourself up for disappointment. Your outlook is toonegative and picky sometimes.
- Modest and unassuming,you are usually content tolive in the background. Your attitude, at times, can become puritanicaland prudish. You consider yourself an ordinary person, and you arenever given to any airs of pretentiousness or showing off. There may bea tendency for you to see your role as one of service and "behind thescenes" support activity.
- You have a seriousattitude toward refining your mindand acquiring knowledge. With your highly varied interests, you cangain a remarkable amount of data about different subjects. Youinstinctively know that you must grasp all parts before you can fullyunderstand the whole. Systematizing and detail organization are yourstrengths. You are idealistic, but always practical and reasonable.You're not likely to make general statements based on too few facts.
- You may be somewhathealth conscious, for you have aninstinctive sense of balance in diet. You're very sensible in takingcare of your health, and for that matter, the health of others. Often,the Virgo becomes exceptionally neat and orderly, even a bit neuroticabout cleanliness. You're likely to be susceptible to stress relatedproblems because you do tend to worry too much.
Sunin Libra
Astrology Sunsign is Libra
- The Sun is in thisseventh sign of the zodiac, fromSeptember 23 until October 22 each year. The symbol for Libra is theScales. In Libra the Sun is tolerant, affectionate, and well balanced.You are a courteous and agreeable person who is considerate of otherpeople's feelings. You have a personal charisma attracting friends.Functioning well when working in harmony with other people, you are anexcellent team player. You like being on the winning team.
- You prefer working in apleasant and very orderlyatmosphere, with people who don't put undue pressure on you. You liketo see your role as that of peacemaker. Peace and tranquility are soimportant. The least sign of hostility or discord is very upsetting toyou. You refrain from speaking your mind if you fear your thoughtswould alienate or start an argument. Always ready to compromise ormediate, you need to be careful not to appear wishy-washy or less thanreliable.
- In many ways, you aredependent upon the approval ofothers. Libra is the sign of relationships. You think of yourself ashalf a partnership rather than an individual. Because of this feelingof dependence, you put your mate's needs and desires ahead of your own.You may become confused as to what you want at any particular time,versus what your partner wants. Your partner's goals and ambitionsbecome your goals and ambitions. You are the true helpmate. Because ofthis attitude, Libra is very stable and dependent in a relationship,even a bad one.
- As attached as you areto your partner, you may notreally show it much. In your quest for balance and harmony, you rarelyhave or express strong emotions of any kind. Yours is a verydispassionate demeanor that is detached. You don't invest much passionor feeling in your relationships, loving with your head instead of yourheart.
- When cast in asupervisory role you may have somedifficulties. This is because you weigh each decision before choosingyour direction. You can experience problems if you are called on tomake frequent snap decisions for the group. You are an excellentgo-between, and not as good at being the leader or boss. Unfortunately,such a balanced view of situations sometimes makes decisive action moredifficult. You have a hard time making everyday decisions of little orno consequence. On the big issues, you may vacillate indefinitely.
- One of your mainpersonality traits is a love ofjustice. You are insistent on fair play. In this too, you have a verybalanced and unbiased way of looking at everything in your world.Accordingly, you are often called on to be mediator in family disputesor in disagreements at work. Your impartial judgment can always seeboth sides of a matter. You can be very cool and detached, keeping yourfeelings well under control in pursuit of fairness.
- Your love of balance andharmony allows you toappreciate music and the arts. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planetclosely associated with artistic endeavors. If you don't have talentyourself, you probably to do have an interest and excellent taste inthese matters.
- Courteous and refined,good manners are important toyou. You exhibit them and you expect them. You are especially repelledby vulgarity and coarseness. Tactful, diplomatic, refined and sociallysuccessful, you strive to say and do the right thing. It is always soimportant for you to make the right impression.
Sunin Scorpio
Astrology Sunsign is Scorpio
- The Sun resides in thiseighth sign of the zodiacfrom 23 October until 22 November each year. The symbol for Scorpio isthe Scorpion.
- Like the other watersigns, this sign is verysensitive and emotional. With Scorpio, unlike the water signs Cancerand Pisces, the emotions remain under rigid control. They may not evenbe apparent to those who are very close to you. When your emotions doerupt, they do so very violently, often with a strong burst of sarcasmand vindictiveness.
- The strength of Scorpiois in the methods employed tomeet every challenge. You approach everything with intensity andpassion. Nothing is ever halfway because you put everything you have inyour work; mind, heart, soul. You are one of those people who alwaysgives 100% and sometimes more. Many born under the sign Scorpio becomeclassic workaholics.
- You may have anundesirable trait commonly found inthe Scorpio person, holding a grudge for a very long time. Theunderside of Scorpio is often possessed with uncontrollable jealousiesand the strongest passions. When offended the reaction is surelyrevenge. The higher side of Scorpio still dominates people andsituations, but with much for the common good. This sign produces veryfew lukewarm people. You are either very bad or very good.
- In Scorpio, the Sun isintense, skeptical andsecretive. There is an intensity and a secretiveness in your makeupwhich results in an inscrutable persona most people cannot penetrate.This trait makes the Scorpio personality hard to detect. You like toremain incognito, and do so with your very secretive nature. You are amaster at hiding your emotions. You neither flinch nor blush. It's hardfor you to share your inner feelings with anyone.
- You can be very criticaland demanding, creating aforceful and dominating demeanor. You are strong-willed and determined,and you usually act with incisiveness. Your critical nature allows youto make shrewd and unusually accurate judgments at a rapid rate. Youcan penetrate the hidden agenda of those you meet. It is in your natureto protect yourself by knowing what your opponents are thinking anddoing. You have uncanny intuition and accurate perceptions, making youalmost psychic in understanding and making emotional connections withother people. Very few successfully earn your trust. Often, youexperience difficulties with the authority figures in your life.
- At home, you may besomething of a tyrant, wantingeverything done your way. You think you are always right and won'ttolerate dissent. There is a tendency for you to impose your will onfriends and family since you feel so passionately that your ideas arein their best interest. No one takes relationships more serious thanyou. Although you are highly attracted to, and attractive to, theopposite sex, in many respects you function well as a 'lone wolf' type.
Sunin Sagittarius
Astrology Sunsign is Sagittarius
- The Sun is positioned inthis ninth sign of thezodiac from November 23 until December 23 each year. The symbol forSagittarius is the Archer. In Sagittarius the Sun is idealistic andoptimistic. Sagittarius is the sign that espouses such high principlesas universal love and world peace. As this period of the year isassociated with the spirit of giving and good cheer, the Sagittariuspersonality is recognized for its generosity and expansive demeanor.
- You are very gregarious,enthusiastic, and open, inall that you do. You have an ability to understand a broad perspective,and to see everything from a total point of view. Your foresight and anability to visualize the big picture make matters work out well for youmost of the time. Always thinking in broad abstract terms, you usuallyhave trouble focusing on details that arise.
- In many ways you arespontaneous, but with this comesan inclination to be bluntly honest and frank, or at least,straightforward and much to the point. You never intend to hurt anyone,but the truth is all important to you, and you never hesitate to tellit like it is. Tact and restraint can be issues of concern, but youprobably don't care. You are so independent. You can rarely be pushedan inch in any direction unless you decide the direction your beingpushed is where you want to go.
- These blows are softenedonly by your warm, jovialand outgoing friendliness. Even when you stick your hoof in your mouthyou can recover and show up as a winner. Often "lady luck" just smileson you. Sagittarius has a happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and everoptimistic approach to life; but then can turn right around and be socareless, restless and extravagant.
- You have a natural loveof the outdoors and maydevelop strong enthusiasm for sports and outdoor adventure. Sagittariusis the sign most often associated with sports, and you are inclined tophysical activity and active endeavors, particularly outdoors.
- Future-oriented, yourarely allow problems orsetbacks to get you down for long. You put disappointment behind youand start working toward your next adventure. Never satisfied withmoving along in slow lane, you want to set the pace on a grand scale.Whatever you set out to do, must be the biggest and best. You want tolive life to its fullest. You can work well with anybody, acceptingthem for what they are. You are the natural, open-hearted extrovert, aneasy person live and work with. Relying on your glibness and completeself-confidence, you are a natural in the world of selling. Still inthe area of organization and perseverance you may need help from otherfactors in the chart. If you are like most Sagittarius natives, you canbe down right irresponsible and unreliable at times. Your personalityis such, however, that people don't get upset about it. It's thatnatural Sagittarius charm that carries you through the tough spots.
- Sagittarius is the signof higher education. You liveto expand your horizons in every possible way, wanting to see the worldand experience it. You want to meet interesting people and tryeverything. Your curiosity is boundless and your desire for knowledgeis paramount.
Sunin Capricorn
Astrology Sunsign is Capricorn
- The Sun is in this tenthsign of the zodiac from 23December until 20 January every year. The symbol of Capricorn is theGoat. Capricorn is associated with the harshness of winter and itsstark realities.
- In Capricorn, the Sun isstrongly goal-directed andpersistent. Ambitious, serious and dedicated to duty, life isdifficult, but you are the type of person who will triumph and achievesuccess. Your aptitude to persevere, no matter how difficult the road,sets you apart from most of your peers. You are anxious to climb theladder of fortune, and you can usually reach your goals because of yoursense of the right way of doing everything. Your patience is neverending.
- You are a verythoughtful and serious person,thinking everything through carefully before you set off in anydirection. You possess excellent reasoning skills, and you can becounted on to select options that are both practical and that providean economic advantage. Your attitude is conservative; conservative withtime, money, and all other resources. Your philosophy is waste not,want not. You are also likely to be conservative in your political andsocial attitudes, although your age, upbringing, and educationperspectives may influence this somewhat.
- You are especially wellsuited to business andgovernment because of your sense of organization and structure. Youcombine a talent for management with an ability to carry outinstructions with care. You are the quintessential careerist, takingjob and duties very seriously. Therefore, you are never one to shirkresponsibility and you have very little use for those that do. Thatwhich matters most to you is your public image. You show your best faceto the public. You enjoy being in a position of power and authority,although you are not very much inclined to enjoy the limelight. You mayprefer instead to run your business from an isolated perspective. Youare loyal and dedicated, and you demand utter loyalty and dedicationfrom subordinates. Advancing up the ladder of success is all important.You are unconcerned about, sometimes even ruthless toward, thosegetting in your path as you move upward.
- You don't handle chaoticsituations very well. Youmay need to develop the ability to lighten up a little and not takelife, and everything else so seriously. Although you areself-disciplined, responsible, and practical, at times you can wallowin self-pity. It's essential for you to remember that your mostimportant asset is self-esteem, and you should never devalue this.Rigidity and fear of change may be your biggest stumbling block.
- Sober and reserved inyour dealings with others, ittakes you a good while to warm up enough to anyone to be considered aclose friend. Yet once you do, you are a very caring, reliable, andmost steadfast ally. Your private side is different from your publicside. In private you are shy and sensitive. The harshness of yourpublic image disappears. Emotionally demanding relationships are verydifficult. Love relationships may be more like business relationships,and you are unsure of yourself in most intimate situations.
Sunin Aquarius
Astrology Sunsign is Aquarius
- The Sun resides in thiseleventh sign of the zodiacfrom 21 January until 19 February every year. The symbol of Aquarius isthe Water Bearer.
- In Aquarius the Sun iseccentric and original. You'reapt to be a superb thinker, and your ideas are frequently advanced, nomatter what field of profession you select. Often, your uniqueapproaches to problem solving are viewed as too radical and unworkable,but you prefer to think of them as advanced and progressive instead.Unconventional and outspoken, you see your role as the rebel and theperson who rejects worn out traditions and old ways of operating. Youlike to be with those ushering in the new order and fostering advancedthinking.
- Paradoxically, you're agood team player, but one whomust have personal freedom. You don't like to feel fenced in. Whileyou're headstrong and inflexible in your ways, you can work veryeffectively within a large group. You have complete respect for thesound ideas put forward by others. You are aloof and detached, and yourconcerns are directed toward society rather than to the problems of anyone person. You are somewhat impersonal most of the time. You're moreemotionally involved with your work than you are with people. You canbe highly critical and demanding in a position of authority.Nonetheless, you are a strong leader and organizer. You have a deepunderstanding of human nature, but often you lack sensitivity to theemotional content of many situations.
- You thrive on change andmanaging the unexpected.Always ahead of your time, you are viewed by everyone as beingdifferent and unusual, labels you don't mind accepting. You prideyourself on your ability to find a better way of doing the job.Sometimes you lack follow through, and you always dislike routine. Youlike to take chances and keep everything stirred up. Occasionally, youenjoy antagonizing people in positions of authority, and stimulating agood argument now and then. You don't mind that you are seen as a bitunusual, in fact, you may encourage this image.
- Equality, freedom andfairness are all importantissues for you. You strongly subscribe to the doctrine that all peopleare created equal and should have the same rights and opportunities. Inthis regard, you are likely to be classified as a progressive and oftenassociated with humanitarian issues and causes. Though you are veryinvolved with such matters, your approach is always somewhat in theabstract, with ideological concepts, the sort that don't usually stemfrom true emotions. Your approach is often very impersonal anddetached.
- Friendly and sociable,you may have a wide circle ofacquaintances. Friends are very important to you. Intellectuallyoriented, you are happiest with friends that share common ideas andinterests. Strangely, you find it more difficult to cultivate a trulysatisfying intimate relationship. This aloofness exists becausefeelings are rarely expressed outwardly, and you usually seemdistant. You resist anything or anyone threatening your independence.
Sunin Pisces
Astrology Sunsign is Pisces
- The Sun is in this lastsign of the zodiac from 20February until 20 March each year. The symbol for Pisces is the Fish.
- In Pisces, the Sun issensitive and idealistic. Youare "tuned in" to your environment, and aware of everything happeningin your world, and to everyone around you. Pisces is the dream sign ofthe zodiac. You may be one of the true dreamers of the world, oftengetting caught up in impractical plans and ideas. You absorb the ideasand the mental outlook of those around you, for better or for worse.The decisions that you make may be workable, if sometimes emotional anderratic. Often these decisions are made on hunches and feelings withlittle or no foundation in fact. Creative, spiritual and often a bitmystical, you can be impractical and illogical.
- You're a moody andintrospective person, and it'shard for others to understand you. It may be hard for you to understandyourself sometimes. Your temperament varies from being optimistic tobeing acutely pessimistic.
- Although you may be veryshy and unassuming, you caredeeply about your stature and succeeding in your endeavors. You mayfeel vulnerable and anxious when you are unsure of your status andcircumstances. You have a deeply hidden inner pride and when this isattacked in any way, you react emotionally.
- Compassionate, tolerant,kind, and loving, you areeasily influenced by others because you don't want to hurt anyone.Always charming and likable, you are good to those in distress. You areas fond of animals as you are people. You are sympathetic to theworld's unfortunate, including every stray animal and helpless soul youmeet. You are more concerned with others' well-being than your own, andyou want to save people from themselves. You are easily taken in by ahard-luck story and often leave yourself open to be used. You arealways there with a shoulder to cry on for your friends in need.Frequently people take advantage of this compassionate nature.
- If you are a typicalPisces, you're likely to sufferfrom an inferiority complex. You probably lack an adequate sense ofself-confidence, as you are so very sensitive, shy and introspective.You never feel that you do enough, so you often overwork, puttingstress on your physical body. In your quiet way, you accomplish much.Having a natural tendency to become a workaholic, you must have agenerous amount of escape time, preferably with total solitude.
- Pisces, more than anyother sign, draws strength orweakness from the rest of the horoscope. The nature of Pisces is veryadaptable and pliable. You may have to fight for a sense of stabilityand to resist the impulses of the moment.
Astrology Signs - Moon
- The Moon's position inyour chart is almost asimportant as the Sun, but the influence is different. The moon is youremotional life. It relates to immediate emotional responses. It's thosereactions instilled by conditioning; the memory and learned habitpatterns. The influence of the Moon is more subtle, for it relates topersonality beneath the surface; your feelings and your subconsciousself. It shows how you react to those around you based on the sum ofyour conditioned viewpoint and unguarded self-projection. Often, theMoon's place in the chart shows a considerably different side of thenature, a side fostered by emotions, upbringing, and habit patternsthat have developed over time.
Moonin Aries
- An Aries Moon producessubconscious reactions in yournature that are highly assertive. You respond to life as though it wasan adventure. This Moon produces one who is open to new ideas and onewho is highly self-motivated. You have a strong underlying drive forsuccess that is associated with your emotional nature. You tend to feelwith your ego, as your feelings tend to compete with your ego much ofthe time. Your senses are quick. So much so, that you may seem pushy attimes. Your temperament can be uneven, liable to flare ups at theslightest provocation. You make quick decisions, trusting your senseperceptions, and acting immediately without reflection. You jump intoaction from your quick feelings instead of from reason. You have anactive mind, and what you are thinking is often quickly verbalized.When this emotional side of your nature is in charge, you tend to sayand do things with little forethought and planning.
With Moon in Aries you'reenthusiastic and nave, eachday becomes a new adventure. You express a joy of living and people areattracted to you for it. Even so, you have a bit of the rogue andrascal in you.
You can be emotionallydetached from the people aroundyou, somewhat reluctant to ask for help, even when you need it. Thenature that has developed and the habits learned make you veryindependent. You feel with your ego. You don't much care for advice,and rarely follow the advice you get. There is much in your instinctivenature that is original and restless. Sometimes you get too assertive,and those that know you well realize you have a quick temper. Youaren't one who always plays by the rules, as you are something of arenegade. To a degree, Moon in Aries hides a sense of insecurity behindan independent and assertive exterior.
Extremely competitive, youlove a challenge from aworthy opponent. You tend to see just about everything as a challengeand everyone as an opponent. Its hard for you to give in on anythingand compromise is generally an option you don't exercise. Intenselyindividualistic, it's hard to see someone else's point of view. Oddlyenough, when it comes to a romantic partner, you'll insist on someonewho is not shy about standing up to you.
Moonin Taurus
- A Taurus Moon emphasizesthe material side of life,and emotions are centered on the comforts and possessions in life. Youtend to be a collector and an accumulator of the things that, in yourview, make up the "good life." With the Moon in Taurus, you want thebest that life has to offer, and you find it difficult to settle forless. The emotions are earthy and practical, highly attracted tomaterial possessions and the satisfactions that come from materialcomforts. Your fondness for wealth and inborn understanding of thematerial world might result in a natural business sense and a gift formaking money.
This is a stable positionfor the Moon; reactions andemotional responses are slow, but full. Easygoing, even-tempered, andgood-natured, you are a great companion and a devoted friend. You don'tanger easy; you believe in loving, not fighting. Little annoyancesdon't really bother you very much. There is a deep emotional need togratify physical appetites. You can be very possessive, and sometimesquite self-indulgent. Stable and steady, loyal and lasting, you are adetermined, if sometimes stubborn person.
In a romantic sense, nolover of yours will ever wantfor affection. On the other hand, this person may feel a littlesmothered by your possessiveness. Yours is a strong sense of ownership,and this may extend to your partner in a romance. It is important toremember that you can't buy love and you don't own your lover. Yourneeds and desires are simple, down-to-earth and of a practical,physical nature. Sensual and strongly sexual, your enjoyment of sex isdirect and unabashed. You very much like physical contact; hugs andback rubs. With friends and lovers you can be quite demonstrative.
Sense impressions are verystrong, the sense of touchand taste is highly developed, and you probably have a pleasantspeaking and singing voice. At least you are fond of music, art,dancing and all things that make life more pleasurable. You innate goodtaste probably extends to decorating the home and having a great sensefor interior design.
You have deep powers ofconcentration and generally aconservative outlook. Your ideas are very conventional. You onlywelcome those ideas which are compatible with your stable temperament.Conservative and conventional, you have to avoid becoming narrow-mindedand fixed in your opinions. You don't like contradiction, simplybecause you don't like to argue. You will stick to your ideals throughthick and thin, being blindly faithful, sentimental, affectionate andbasically timid.
Moonin Gemini
- A Gemini Moon givesquick responses and the abilityto learn rapidly. You're quite articulate and witty, with a tendency tofeel with your mind. Using emotions of the bantam, lightweight variety;you're adaptable, and quite attracted to mental stimulation. The socialsign of Gemini yields a happy and easy-going emotional personality.
A trademark of Gemini isobservation, as impressionsseem to form quickly. With the Moon in Gemini, you are able toverbalize all sorts of observations with amazing speed. You are quitementally alert, versatile and perceptive, chiefly interested in theintimate contact of the moment.
Friendly, gregarious andsociable, you're likely to havea lot of friends, lovers and acquaintances. You truly like people, andthey like you. Communication with people is all important to you. Alltypes of communication interest you, and you are never at a loss forwords. You have a natural ability to communicate; both orally and inwriting.
Your emotional personalityrequires variety and noveltyrather than durability and depth of feeling. In fact, you may beincapable of long-sustained feelings, or of undivided interests. Moodsare changeable; you can be up one minute and down the next, and becauseof this, you tend to be somewhat nervous much of the time. Sometimescan appear superficial because you seemingly lack real perseverance,constantly jumping from one project to another. Actually, you are tornapart by changing feelings, and you can spread yourself too thin andscatter your forces. Your restless nature is always searching forsomething new.
You have the instinct toalways be adaptable andflexible, and the capacity to be a little shrewd when you want to be.This attribute becomes pronounced because your senses serve theintellect rather than the emotions. The result is an ability fordispassionate observation and reasoning. A life-long student, you wantto learn a little about everything.
Moon in Gemini yields ahighly developed sense of humorwhich makes you fun to be around. Shrewd by natural instinct, you knowhow to play up to others and get what you want, including your romanticpartners. Emotionally shallow, you don't tend to form strongattachments or get deeply involved romantically. Gemini fails to rankas one of the more domestic Moon positions. You seem to have apsychological need to do a lot of different things before you settledown to have and raise a family. Having your own home is notnecessarily one of you primary goals. You want a life that won't tieyou down and restrict your mobility. Freedom is important to you, andyou don't want to be restricted by emotional demands.
Moonin Cancer
- A Cancer Moon gives astrong drive for recognitionand acceptance. You are highly sensitive and creative, if somewhatgiven to brooding and moodiness.
You rarely go out of yourway to garner new information,but once something sinks into your mind, it is indelibly impressed uponit. Everything that you experience is held in feeling memory. You letyour heart rule your head, and you can have trouble making rational,detached decisions. Yet your intuition is quite keen, and you would besmart to rely on it. You have an almost psychic ability to "tune in" towhat other people are thinking and feeling. By nature, you'resuspicious and distrusting, although, surprisingly, you tend to almostnaively trust your own feelings and gut hunches.
The Cancer influence isoften far too sensitivesurroundings. This over-sensitive nature can be a positive or anegative; on the positive side, you are no doubt very intuitive; on thenegative side, you are moody and subject to emotional upsets. Thisthin-skinned attitude toward outside influences causes you to pick upnegative vibrations from others. You are frequently moody and prone tohaving problems in personal relationships. Often, Cancer Moon peoplewear their heart on their sleeve, but like so many of them, you mayhave a habit of hiding your true feelings and strong emotions under arather hard shell.
You have an especiallystrong love of home and family,and you staunchly protect your personal security. In Cancer, theemotions reflected by the Moon are sensitive to matters that affectpeople as a whole, the "universal parent." Towards loved ones, you aregentle, peaceful, and romantic. You have a nurturing attitude towardyour family and to those you consider under your very broad protective"wing." Security is of primary importance to you, but often you feelyour life lacks the comfort of inherent stability. Things that offer asense of protection become very important: money, material belongings,family, home, country, and traditions, may all be included in this.Change, risk-taking, relocating, and opinions differing from your ownare things that pose a challenge to your security, and are usuallyrejected accordingly. You have a great deal of apprehension regardingmatters outside of your own personal control.
Moonin Leo
- A Leo Moon produces anair of confidence and a desireto lead. Self-confident, cheerful and optimistic, your emotionaloutlook on life is positive and upbeat. In Leo, the emotions arecarefree, gay, and often pleasure-seeking.
Self-sufficient andself-reliant, you get deeply andemotionally involved with all that you do. This Moon definitely accentspersonality, and causes a tendency toward display. It is likely that anattitude has been instilled in you that you can do anything you want,and that your creative ability has no actual bounds. You may have beenspoiled somewhat. There is a need to be admired and applauded, and youseek appreciation constantly. You have an innate sense of the dramaticand always do things with a flair. Something of a showman, entertainingmay come naturally for you. You seem to thrive on constant attentionand you are something of a flirt, expecting the object of yourflirtations to be responsive, as well.
The Moon has a naturalassociation with the fourth houseof the horoscope, or the home. Moon in Leo gives a natural creativeflair to make the home a show place. You may have a gift for interiordesign and be good with color and decorating. You think of your home asyour castle, and you may have a tendency to overextend yourselffinancially to impress others with your fine life-style.
You are uplifted sociallyand you command respect. Yourreactions are straight-forward and usually dignified, enabling you togarner esteem and responsibility. You have a deep-seated need for thisrespect and nothing hurts you more than not feeling as though you areappreciated. One thing you can't handle very well is someone steppingon your pride.
There is a natural love ofluxury and a desire forsocial pomp and prominence as Moon in Leo lends a certain nobility tothe persona. There may be an inborn tendency to be somewhatpretentious. Thus, sometimes you can be a little self-centered and evenpompous, lacking objectivity and having a blind spot in your emotionalperspective. It's very hard for you to ever back down or to accept anysort of a compromise.
The Moon in Leo tends toproduce a loving and verydevoted parent, boss, or ruler, but it is important that leadershippotential not be spoiled by the tendency towards being bossy,arrogance, and displaying an overbearing ego. Emotions are powerfulwith Moon in Leo, and the drive for prominence and power is verystrong, as well. Unless the Moon is harshly aspected, you should belike the benevolent monarch, having a great sense of charity and beinga rather generous person. You are one who projects concern with anoptimistic approach to life.
Moonin Virgo
- A Virgo Moon generates adefinite reserve inexpression, and a personality that is often critical and analytical.You are not unemotional, but it is difficult for you to delineate whatyou feel. Consequently, you can sometimes come across as a little cold,detached, or prudish. You can seem stuffy and proud, when in fact, youare rather easily hurt.
Your desire to beconsidered superior intellectually maybe a cover for a deep-seated inferiority complex. Often, this positiondenotes a shyness and a decided lack of self-confidence. You respondwell to encouragement and appreciation, and you have a need for theseto stay your emotionally overeager nature. Overly critical of yourself,you assume that people will judge you harshly and find you lacking. Youmay feel that people don't like you, for this is a placement that showsmuch lack of self-esteem. Thus, you tend to pretty much keep yourfeelings under wraps.
You have a desire to serveothers, but not enoughunderstanding of the other person's feelings. Consequently, you followyour intellect rather than your intuitions in most situations. You havetrouble understanding other people's motivations and intentions. Yourreactions are often rather cool, deliberate, detailed and analytical.You don't like emotional expressions, because you really don'tunderstand them. Analyzing emotions may occupy a good bit of your time.
This is not a very sexualposition for the Moon forthere is an introverted aspect to this placement. Even when yourfeelings are engaged, your shyness makes it hard for you to bedemonstrative with your affections. Instead you express caring by doingthings for the people you love, trying to make yourself indispensableto your loved ones so they won't be able to get along without you.Whether in a relationship or not, you enjoy doing things for people andyou are at your best when you are able to take care of someone who isneedy. You never shy away from such responsibility.
You do understand realityand practicality, and youreact in a very common sense manner, never viewing the world through"rose colored glasses". Mental qualities are emphasized by thisposition, but the qualities in Virgo are practical and useful. You wantwhat you want, when and how you want it. You don't value learning forlearning sake, but for the use and application that can be made of thelearning. Temperamental at times, you tend to get picky andargumentative. You are shrewd, with good business sense and meticulousattention to detail. You analyze and criticize all sense impressionwith care; sometimes you can be quite fussy about minor details.
Moonin Libra
- A Libra Moon gives asense of understanding,tolerance, and gentleness. You are ambitious, but at the same time, sovery dependent on others. The symbol of Libra is the scales, signifyingthe innate symmetry the influence provides. This is the position of thediplomat, broad-minded and open, social, and friendly.
The adaptability of thisMoon sign is considerable; youdon't like disputes and disorder, and you do what you can to maintain awell-oiled social and business life. Balance, harmony and domestictranquility are very important to you. Even-tempered, well-mannered andcongenial, you display all those attributes that assures many friendsand an active social life. You are truly a thoughtful and good-naturedperson who goes out of the way to be nice to people. You are very fondof people and don't enjoy being alone for very long. You have a need tohave everyone like you, and your emotional well-being depends on theapproval others. Thus, you are over-anxious to please. This is the signof the consummate peacemaker and diplomat.
Your nature is affectionateand easily swayed, oftenexhibiting a tendency towards indolence. Sometimes you tend to have toomuch reliance on others and you may delay making important decisions.At many times, you seem to be facing life's problems and decisions onmore or less a trial and error basis. Too willing to compromise, youfrequently allow others to take advantage of you. You freely sacrificeyour own wishes for someone else's. It is very hard for you to beassertive and stand up for yourself. Since you don't like conflictsituations, you may refrain from expressing the dissatisfactions youhave in your relationships, often waiting until it is too late torectify the situation.
Relationships are importantto your and you don't likebeing alone. A stable partner, you tend to settle with one specialperson rather than playing the field. Devoted and faithful, you spend agreat deal of your time catering to the needs and desires of your mate.Stability rather than passion or excitement is your goal in a partner.It is usually thought that Libra love affairs are of the head ratherthan the heart. Concern with what others think and doing what iscorrect makes you rather conventional and conservative in all yourromantic and social activities.
You are refined and youhave a definite love of therefined; art, music, etc. You may have some natural artistic or musicaltalent. At the very least you appreciate all the finer things in lifeand you are apt to be a patron of the arts if your means permit.
You are a good planner, butoften it is hard for you toget your plans into action and to see them through to completion. TheLibra mind is more contemplative, building great ideas, but sometimesfailing carry them out. Decisiveness is not usually a strong qualitywith Moon in Libra; the mind may be building great ideas, but you arenot always ready to act on them. Decision-making can be tough, becauseyou can usually see both sides of every issue. For you, judgment ismore important than execution.
Moonin Scorpio
- A Scorpio Moon producesemotional responses that areintense, secretive, and passionate. You must learn to handle yourstrong, deep feelings, as you are extremely emotional and highlysensitive.
A Scorpio Moon positiongives an absolutely phenomenalmemory. In ways, this is very good. Yet in other ways, it designates aperson who may carry a number of psyche scars from remembering, toovividly, past events that perhaps should be forgotten. This is adifficult position for the Moon as the emotions become very powerful.You are impatient, moody and sometimes given to brooding.
The nature of this sign isnot always very apparent, asyou are very good at hiding your true feelings. In fact, you may bealmost pathological in your secretiveness, never revealing yourselfentirely. Very few people ever know very much about what goes on insideyou.
Jealous, proud, andpossessive, the Moon in Scorpiofrequently has difficulty in romantic relationships despite the factthat this is perhaps the most sensuous of the signs. You attempt todominate and totally control. When you become involved with someone,you throw yourself completely into the relationship. If a romanticrelationship ends, you are devastated as though you had lost a piece ofyourself.
You judge people tooquickly, and you rarely give them asecond chance once those negative vibrations have been received. Youreact to situations in an abrupt, impulsive and intense manner. You canbe vindictive and determined when it come to getting even with someonewho has wronged you. Easily hurt or offended, you are apt to hold agrudge and take revenge.
With an executive flair,you are a very determinedperson, achieving whatever goal is set. You're always searching for newchallenges. You react to sense impressions with great accuracy, and canusually see through situations, and through people, with an extremelyacute judgment. You insist on thinking for yourself, and you're not oneto ever be pushed around. An extremist in much that you do, you neverpursue anything halfheartedly. Even when a situation turns out to bedetrimental to your well-being, you may still refuse to give it up.Emotional stubbornness marks your nature and natural reactions.
Moonin Sagittarius
- A Sagittarius Moon isrestless and lacking incontinuity. Unsettled in both mind and body, you need activity and agood deal of exercise. You want to always feel free to roam and wander,both physically and mentally.
In Sagittarius, theemotions are jubilant, enthusiasticand highly optimistic. You are socially naive and blissfully unaware ofreal human differences. You meet people on your own terms, merging andmelting into relationships with them. You are open and friendly as apuppy. Your good-natured and fun-loving manner generally produces manyfriends and acquaintances. Yet few of your friends are really intimate.
Rarely will you feel theneed for group movements ororganizations to provide you with a sense of who you are. You know whoyou are and where you're going. Although you may change your mentaldirections and modify your goals a number of times, you are quitecomfortable with yourself, and where you're headed. Optimistic andidealistic, you can see the silver lining inside every cloud, andbelieve things will turn out for the best. Usually they do. You bounceback easily from setbacks and immediately start again. Unfortunately,you often fail to learn from your mistakes.
Your sense perceptions areaccurate, but you often speakbefore you think. You seem to be able to form a clear picture of theworld around you. Decisive in manner, you are outspoken, buoyant, andever interested in both learning and spreading knowledge. Thus, you'rea natural teacher or preacher.
As a child, your parentswere probably very lenient withyou, and encouraged your aptitude for adventure, both physically andmentally. Quite likely, you will encourage your children in much thesame way, becoming more of a friend than an authority figure. When itcomes to discipline, however, you may be a little lax. Sometimes theSagittarius influence views children as inhibitors of freedom.
Your love relationshipsprobably are romanticfriendships rather than deep emotional commitments. You can beaffectionate and enthusiastic, but your emotions are shallow, and youprobably are happiest with a partner who will play, socialize and goplaces with you, without making heavy demands. Being free andunfettered is one of your deepest needs. Intimacy poses a certainthreat to this need. As soon as you begin to care for someone, youstart feeling emotionally trapped, usually choosing to regain yourfreedom by making an exit.
You need physical outletsfor your restlessness andenergy. Running, skiing, dancing and bike-riding in particular mightappeal to you. Exercise can also help you keep your weight down, sinceyou have a tendency to overindulge in food and/or drink sometimes.
You're prone to make manychanges in your life; changesof residence, changes in careers, or just changes of ideals and goals.This is because you are able to maintain a great deal of control overyour life, skillfully combining business and pleasure. Adventure andtravel are strong urges in your makeup and you are likely to travel agreat deal. You may have some reluctance to buy a home and begincollecting physical possessions because you believe these would merelytend to tie you down.
Moonin Capricorn
- A Capricorn Moon isdetermined, steadfast andreliable. This sign more than any other, shows the effects of verystrong and perhaps rigid parental influence. You want to be recognizedas an important and powerful person chiefly because you were raised tothink that way. Many of your reactions are geared toward your effort toachieve status and position. Your nature is stubbornly persistent,serious in tone, and stable. You are a very hard worker who willpersist almost forever to reach a goal.
Expressing your emotions isdifficult for you, andpeople around you may view you as a little cold, rigid and unfeeling.This appearance will persist because it is so hard for you to relax andlet go. In most ways you are reserved, especially in communicating, andthe way you interact with people. You are self-conscious andemotionally conservative. So serious and prudent, you tend too often tolook on the dark side of matters, and express a shyness and doubt aboutyour own worth. You are supersensitive to real, or fancied, slights.There is a subconscious tendency to become dispirited and gloomy. Youcan be emotionally stable and down-to-earth when things are going okay,but when they aren't, you can be down right depressing.
In relationships withothers, you are loyal, devoted andhighly dependable--but demonstrative you are not. You show you care bybeing available, by coming home on time, by providing for financialneeds--rarely do you express deep emotions or seem to show your love inthe more conventional ways. With your own children, you're likely to bestrict and demanding. You want them to be self-sufficient andresponsible. Though you may love deeply, even with closest familymembers, it is hard to express those most intimate feelings ofaffection.
A practical, steadyapproach to problem solving makesyou an excellent manager with superb executive abilities. Security andstability are very important to you--making money, establishingyourself as a community leader, or accepting the responsibility thatwill secure your status and attest to your worth as an individual. Yourattitude toward life in general is that of the traditionalist becauseyou were raised to believe in solid values and a very conservativeapproach to living.
This placement of the Moonis difficult, but its savinggrace is the fact that it easily picks up the best of a chart featuringgood aspects, while it gives a sense of stability to those charts inwhich the aspects are particularly challenging.
Moonin Aquarius
- An Aquarius Moonproduces reactions which areprogressive, but often erratic. Your friends may consider you unusualand unpredictable. Your imagination is fertile, and it produces a lotof creative energy.
You sometimes seemeccentric and unconventional in yourresponses to everyday problems. You're very broad-minded andimaginative, but you're also likely to be somewhat impractical andperhaps lacking in common sense, or so it may seem. Actually, youconsider all that you do as being on a utilitarian level, even if manyof your ideas are a bit idealistic and outside the mainstream. You havea universal quality that places you ahead of your time. An interestingconversationalist, you are a fascinating person, and a good friend.
It may be that you enjoy agood confrontation now andthen and really don't want things to go too smoothly. A little on thehigh-stung side, you don't like things to get to routine and boring.The quickest way to end a relationship for you is to have the otherperson begin to take you for granted and cease to challenge you in avariety of ways. Stubborn, brusque and willful, you have difficultiesin your relationships due to the insensitive attitude you so oftenreflect towards your partner's feelings. Women born with Moon inAquarius are very demanding of a relationship that is entirely "equal".Even during the best of times, you may demand the freedom to come andgo as you please. Possessiveness makes you feel trapped. Casualcompanions and relationships are much more comfortable for you becausethey do not impose so many demands.
Your Aquarius Moon may makeyou seem to be tooimpersonal or detached for many with whom you come in contact. You aregood at observing and analyzing others, but you may lack a trueunderstanding of the needs and feelings that other people have. You aregenerally friendly to all, but in a rather impersonal, cool, and aloofway. This position overemphasizes friendliness and humanitarianism, butoften misses the mark in one to one emotional relationships. You mayseem cold because you have difficulty understanding the real emotionsof another person.
Moon in Aquarius is apt tohave given you a specialconcern for humankind. Often, the placement denotes someone who hasvery fixed and determined humanitarian instincts, and who participatesin activities directed toward the poor or homeless. You relate well tohumanity, if not always to individuals.
The physical home is notespecially important to you,and you may change your residence often or have rather unconventionalliving arrangements. Some may describe your lifestyle as "bohemian,"modern or offbeat.
Moonin Pisces
- A Pisces Moon indicatesthat you are especiallysensitive, perceptive and perhaps even dreamy. You are very responsiveto the depths of human experience, having an understanding andaffection for nearly all people.
With the Moon in Pisces,you can be overly optimistic,sometimes looking at the world through "rose colored glasses."Emotionally naive, you continually overlook other people's shortcomingsand deficiencies. You are essentially so romantic that you may rarelysee life as it really is. You are tremendously unselfish, trusting andopen-handed. Sometimes you can be a little too generous, especiallywith your boundless sympathy. This is a very passive position, and ifyou are not careful, others may attempt to take advantage of you. Whenthey do, you are always so easily hurt; and you may spend much to muchtime feeling sorry for yourself.
You are neither analyticalnor critical, but maybe alittle psychic. Most astrologers agree that this is the most psychicMoon of all. Highly sensitive, you connect with others on anunconscious, emotional level. You actually feel what they feel. Thus,you have a most sympathetic and compassionate nature, and these fineinstincts can be invaluable to you in the everyday world. In manysituations, you can be too giving and overly-idealistic. You may havedifficulty seeing your people in a clear way, preferring instead tolive within a fantasy that you have created.
You expect much ofyourself, even perfection, andsometimes you may get down on yourself because of this.
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Astrology signs - Mercury
Mercury's sign describesyour thought processes andprojection. It's closely associated with its natural home, the thirdhouse of learning and communication. Mercury relates to your generalintellectual orientation, and the expression of your thoughts andideas. In other words, it describes the way you think and communicate,and the way you get information. Mercury also shows how you like totravel through life. Are you a speedster who takes the most directroute, or do you amble and get side-tracked sometimes?
Check your Mercury sign:
Mercuryin Aries
- Mercury in Ariessuggests ways of thinking that aredecisive and to the point. This Mercury is argumentative by its nature,suggesting that you enjoy competing mentally. Your thinking isoriginal. You love creating new ideas and intellectual adventures.
You think and debate wellon your feet, but you maybecome impatient with opponents or opposition. You hate delays.Roadblocks frustrate you to no end. This attitude may extend to areasof your life other than speech, communication, and decision-making. Youmay drive too fast and become very impatient in traffic, too.
You may not be able toconcentrate on any one subjectfor very long. You jump to conclusions quickly and with littlehesitation. Impulsiveness can be a problem sometimes. If this trait isnot controlled in your daily living, you will appear to have a type ofintellectual egotism that is most unattractive. Guard against becomingtoo headstrong in your thinking and decision-making. A quick temper issometimes a by-product of this placement.
Your mind is witty andinventive, and you are usuallyvery quick on the mental trigger. You can come up with a clever answerand a quick repartee to any question. While you may not be the best atdigging deeply in to subject matter, when it comes to having some sortof an answer quickly, you will surely lead the pack.
Mercuryin Taurus
- In Taurus, Mercuryproduces a mind that is patientand practical. Your thinking is often conservative, and your thoughtprocesses are fixed and stable. You are more apt to learn fromexperiences than from formal training. Your powers of concentration areoutstanding. Thinking and decision-making is based upon that which ispractical, material and surrounded by common sense. Many will consideryou a "slow-poke" when it comes to mental matters and communicatingideas. You are slow to form opinions because you put much thought intoquestions before you render an answer, and you don't like to be rushedin this.
You may excel in handlingfinancial matters, for you arevery dependable in managing money. You have a shrewd business mind anda natural inclination toward management of resources.
Often this position marks adegree of mentalstubbornness and steadfastness. Once you have made up your mind, you donot like to change it or hear differing arguments and ideas. In extremecases, you may ignore obvious conclusions that differ from your initialdecision. Guard against a tendency toward intellectual obstinacy andthe highly opinionated views that sometimes plague Mercury in Tauruspeople.
Mercuryin Gemini
- Gemini is the naturalhome for Mercury, and theplacement produces pure logical reasoning of the highest order. ThisMercury denotes a lightning quick thinker. Your concern is with factand unbiased understanding, rather than personal preference.Communication is easy, rapid, accurate and often eloquent. You are aninteresting and incessant conversationalist. Mercury is at its quickestand best when it resides in Gemini.
If given proper training,you excel in mathematics aswell as in language. You are very logical, and your mind moves veryquickly. You love logic, a fact making you an excellent teacher orreporter.
When engaged in arguments,you may miss a basic premise,but you are clever enough to win anyway. The opponent is convinced byyour rational remarks. You have a great variety of interests, and yourmind may flit from one idea to the next, never digging in very deeply.You have an intense curiosity leading you to want to know a littleabout nearly everything. This makes you a very interesting person, butrarely an expert in any particular field.
The down side of Mercury inGemini is the sensitivenervous system often noted. It's hard for you to shut out externalstimulation of any sort. You may find yourself being forced to dealwith too much activity and too many impressions from time to time. Ifyou allow yourself to be subjected to too much stress and too manydemands for an extended period, you can become frazzled and subject tobreakdown. The obvious signs of this problem are irritability andmental confusion. The root cause of this is simply spreading yourselftoo thin. Getting away from it all generally provides a quick cure.
Mercuryin Cancer
- In Cancer, Mercuryproduces a mind that is veryintuitive. You are influenced more by an appeal to the senses, than bylogic or common sense. Your thinking is regulated by deep-seatedemotional patterns, many of which may be rooted deeply in yoursubconscious. Objective thinking is not easy for you because yourbiases seem to force you to make certain decisions and ignore certainfacts that disagree with you internal initial judgment.
Your memory is exceptional,especially for names, dates,and historical events. You have a deep appreciation of history and anyartifact or relic of the past. Your answers to present day problems arefrequently drawn from precedence and past events. You are influenced bythose around you, by your early training, and the opinions of friendsand family. You are very close to family, friends and even to country.Loyalty and patriotism run very deep in your nature.
You seem to learn best byexposure to information vialife experience, as if by osmosis. You are highly receptive tosubliminal messages or subtle inferences that you receive.
You are sensitive to otherpeople, and you have somedifficulty being with those who you sense to be in some way unfriendlyto you. It may be hard to explain why you feel uncomfortable withsomeone, but you do. A major strength of this placement is that you aresuch a very sympathetic listener. Yet you have to be careful not toidentify too closely with the problems of others and take on thoseproblems as if they were your own.
Mercuryin Leo
- In Leo, Mercury producesa mind with strong willpower and stubbornly fixed purposes. Your comprehension is broad, andyour expression is authoritative, sometimes even dogmatic, as theposition inclines to being opinionated and rigid in viewpoint.
Your thinking has a veryhuman touch, permitting you tomake decisions that are accepted and followed by most people. You areinclined to leadership because you such a capacity to command respect.You like to be considered as the authority on matters pertaining toyour field of endeavor, and you probably are. This sense of authorityis aided by the dramatic and forceful way that you express yourselforally and in writings.
Your mental charisma andleadership style sometimesmakes you a little proud and boastful. Sometimes you can get a littlecarried away with the importance of your ideas and expressions. Mentalpride and arrogance can be a problem.
Usually with Mercury in Leothere is the tendency tobecome a bit lazy in a mental sense. There is often a need to cultivatemore attention and exercise for the mind. Your strength is dealing withsubjects in a broad-brush way, and in very general terms. You canignore important details that leave your plan somewhat short at times.When this does happen, it is hard for you to admit a mistake.
Mercuryin Virgo
- In Virgo, Mercuryproduces a mind that is logical,but highly critical. You are mathematical, practical and careful aboutdetails. You are one of those people who catches on to things quickly,and you carry out your tasks in an orderly and businesslike manner.This placement indicates excellent analytical abilities, and a goodcommon sense approach to most mental activities. You require orderlysurroundings and efficient methods of operation.
There is some tendency foryou to lack confidence or atleast to seem to lack confidence. The hesitation that precedes actionprobably relates to your habit of checking, double checking and goingover things one last time, before taking final action.
You rarely allow yourselfto be spread so thin that youcan't be sure of producing your standard of accuracy anddiscrimination. You want such a degree of minute precision and accuracythat many will perceive you as a nit-picker.
It is not at all uncommonfor those with Mercury inVirgo to seek professional and financial success by acquiring mucheducation and special technical skills. You also may possess specialabilities in communication and in general writing. Your use of thelanguage and grammar is probably near perfect. Be careful not to becometo obsessed with detail and work, becoming shy and withdrawn, andfailing to do as well as you should in casual and leisure conversation.
Mercuryin Libra
- In Libra, Mercuryproduces a mind that is wellbalanced, rational, and very judicial. You hate arguments and prefer todiscuss issues or to reason together. You are polished in yourexpression, and this helps make you appear very diplomatic always. Youmay be very deeply concerned with human relations and psychology. Youhave a curiosity about people and the way they think. Getting alongwell with others is very central to your interests. You are easy totalk to because you listen with interest and you're honest in yourresponse.
Although you are friendlyand broad-minded, you can bestern when your principles are involved. Justice and balance are strongin your nature. You don't handle conflict all that well, and whenpeople talk to you in a crude or uncouth manner, you back away andreject any contact, if you can.
You are really not readilyadaptable to rapidly changingsituations, because you have such a tendency to study issues socarefully before committing yourself. You must concentrate ever toattain a sense of expediency or decisiveness. Yet you can be counted onto relate fully both sides of any issue. Making a decision between twogood options can be very difficult for you sometimes.
Mercuryin Scorpio
- In Scorpio, Mercuryproduces a mind that issecretive, investigative, and probing. Your method of expression ispositive, and maybe a little intolerant, skeptical, and suspicious. Adeep and penetrating thinker, you can dig in to the core of any issuewith little wasted time or effort. You intuitive mind is capable ofprofound insights.
You are very good atkeeping secrets. Plans and schemesare often carried on in secret. You are also very good at digging outsecrets and getting to the bottom of complex issues. Thus, with thisplacement you may have the skills to become a detective, aninvestigator, or a researcher. There is much scientific ability withMercury in Scorpio because of the innate curiosity. You are soperceptive that you "know" the unseen weaknesses and strengths ofpeople with whom you come in contact. You have a way of seeking hiddentruths and perhaps the hidden secrets of life itself.
You can be very incisivewith your tongue or with yourpen. Often using sharp language, you refuse to mince words or show muchconcern for the feelings of others. You either say exactly what you arethinking or you remain completely silent.
You can be very stubborn inyour mental determinationand tenacity. Your adaptability is limited in an intellectual sensebecause your highly emotional approach often has you prejudiced andfocused on a set objective.
Mercuryin Sagittarius
- In Sagittarius, Mercuryproduces a mind that isindependent, versatile, and roving. Your method of expression isimpulsive, very direct, and sometimes argumentative. Yet you are socialand very communicative with anyone who will listen. You may lacktolerance for the views of others when they depart from your own. Youare something of an evangelist for your own opinions, and you love toget up on your "soapbox."
The natural tendency is foryou to say exactly what ison your mind with little concern for fact or reality. You are impatientand don't always wait long enough to form a correct judgment. Yetpeople listen to you because you are interesting. Your wonderfulimagination may make you a natural storyteller. You're good atimproving on the truth.
Your senses are keen, butit can be hard for you toconcentrate on any single subject for long periods of time. You canmiss details because your focus is on the broad view.
Everything seems tointerest you. You're particularlyattracted to subjects that have significance beyond the everyday. Youmay enjoy philosophy, psychology, foreign cultures, or religion.Seeking deep understand of these broad subjects can occupy much of yourthinking. You may become a lifelong student, because you never tire oflearning and sharing knowledge. Forgetful and impractical, you mind maybe like that of the preoccupied absent-minded professor.
Mercuryin Capricorn
- In Capricorn, Mercuryproduces a mind that is clear,sometimes rigid and narrow, and always cautious and resourceful. Yourthinking is methodical and careful. You know how to take things a stepat a time, each fact building on the thought that went before. Yourspeech is organized and follows a logical and orderly patternsuggesting that you carefully examine and edit your words before theycome out. You hardly ever say something that you are sorry for later.
You are not a quicklearner, but you are one who neverforgets what has been absorbed. You have an excellent memory andattention to the business at hand; a down-to-earth and practicalthinker. Insecure about your mental abilities, you work hard to developyourself with education and experience opportunities. You may be a bitdefensive about your lack of education, that is the case. A specialneed to prove yourself, one way or another, is often the case withMercury in Capricorn.
You have such very goodpowers of concentration,dignity, and an earnestness that can make you seem too serious. You canhave a tendency toward moodiness and sulking, and you may have to workat showing any spirit of optimism. This placement of Mercury,especially if your Sun is also in Capricorn, produces one who is veryquiet. Even if your Sun is in the more communicative Sagittarius orAquarius, a Capricorn Mercury is not very talkative and sociable. Youare especially self-conscience about speaking to strangers.
You have a verydown-to-earth approach to thinking andcommunicating. Planning and organizing are you special strengths, andthey carry you far in business and professional life. You doparticularly well on long, drawn out projects that require perseveranceand determination. Once you put your mind to a task, it will surely becompleted and done well.
Cautious and skeptical, youmay be conservative to afault. Your love of tradition, and a natural pessimism, makes you slowto change patterns and premises that have worked in the past. Ideasthat shake long-held beliefs are not very often accepted.
Mercuryin Aquarius
- In Aquarius, Mercuryproduces a mind that isoriginal, detached, and abstract. Ideas come to you as bursts ofinsights. Your mind is hyper-active and going constantly. Thoughts arerarely organized, rather arriving in flashes and fragments which areoften the seeds of invention and progress. The thought pattern isscientific and dispassionate.
Your ideas may sometimes beconsidered very progressiveand some may be well ahead of their time. Your unique approach willprompt some to label you as being a little crazy or at least eccentric.You like to do things that are unusual or avant garde just to shake upthe establishment and create controversy. You have no respect fortradition and little concern for the lessons of the past. You are apure progressive. You love to rebel against the system in supportingcauses and ideas that are controversial and revolutionary.
You are very intuitive, andaccordingly, an excellentjudge of character. Being very fair-minded, you judge people by whatthey seem to know or what they do, rather than who they are or whatposition they occupy. You believe strongly in equality and fair play. Ahumanitarian, you support ideas and programs that assist those lessfortunate than yourself, and you support the concepts of total socialreform.
You're witty and open to awide range of ideas, but attimes, you become mentally fixed in your opinions and very stubborn.You are talkative and social, but you often come off as rather aloofand cerebral. It may be hard for you to find common ground in manysocial circles. Nonetheless, you are very verbal and enjoy expressingyou views to anyone who will listen. Writing and speaking both comeeasily for you.
Mercuryin Pisces
- In Pisces, Mercuryproduces a mind that is receptiveand ruled by feelings. Your thinking is colored by psychic tendencies,and you usually follow your instincts rather than any sense of logic orreason. You are a dreamer who can get lost in your fantasies. You don'tpay much attention to the mundane detail of the everyday world that youlive in. Your thought patterns and ideas are opaque and vague.
Your love of music andother art forms may be verystrong. You have a fantastic imagination and you are artisticallyoriented. You see shapes and hear sounds that others don't, for you aretuned in a most sensitive way to sound and color. Art or compositionmay be easier ways for you to communicate than oral expression.Creative imagination is at its strongest in this sign.
You are frequently toosensitive and too easily hurt,becoming moody and negative when you are. This keen sensitivity may putyou in touch with matter in the unseen realm. You are more psychic thanmost people, and you are certainly very intuitive and perceptive.Meditation, prayer and spiritual thought comes naturally for you.
There is a certain navetein your nature. You aretrusting and gentle, seeing the good in everyone. As a result, you areeasily fooled and misled. You can be taken in by a good hard-luckstory, and convinced by any phony scheme that comes along. You arevulnerable in many of your business and personal affairs.
Astrology signs - Venus
The planet Venus has aninfluence centered on theexpression of self in personal relationships. It is especiallyassociated with love, marriage, and the ability to attract others. Itsplacement in the chart shows how you express yourself in romanticrelationships and marriage. In mythology, Venus is the goddess of love,and in astrology that link is the same. The planet placement suggestsyour sense of aesthetics, and how you perceive art and beauty. In thevarious signs, the nature of how you deal with people is modified andclarified by Venus. Venus is often in the same sign as the Sun since itcan never be more than 45 from the Sun. When it is in the same sign,there is a consistence in behavior that extends to dealing with peopleand in romantic situations. When Venus is in a different sign, thecharacter of the Sun is often overcome by the romantic tug of Venus.Find your Venus sign:
Venusin Aries
- With Venus in Aries, youhave an assertiveself-expression in romantic situations. Venus in Aries is ademonstrative position, and produces tendencies for you to seekexcitement in your love life. Cheerful and positive, you packageyourself well. As one who is outgoing and full of enthusiasm, you'regreat in social situations. You are fun and exciting, and to more timidsouls, a bit overwhelming.
- Outgoing, affectionate,and sometimes flirtatious,you become competitive in seeking the affections of others. Romance isliving for you. Romantic involvement is like a competition to be won,and you are not a particularly good loser. When you love life is notgoing well, you are irritable and very moody. Easily aroused, you havean instinct for romantic challenge and conquest. You are direct andaggressive in love endeavors. In attracting a lover, you are direct andfull of adventure and enthusiasm. You have a dangerous tendency to fallin love at first sight, or at least quicker than most people. Yet, youcan be somewhat impulsive and unstable where long term romance isconcerned.
- The romantic nature isimpatient and carelesssometimes. You don't take enough time to make long range plans or fortruly needed practical considerations. Not surprisingly, earlymarriages are common with Venus in Aries. Sometimes, you may not have adeep understanding of other people's feelings.
Venusin Taurus
- Venus in Taurus producesa practical, stable, andconstant persona. Your approach to love and romance is simple anddirect. Your sincerity is attractive and often irresistible. You takelove seriously and with careful consideration.
- Yet, you can be so muchfun to be around. You arerarely too serious-acting, moody or unhappy. You know how to have agood time and to help others to do the same. You are easygoing andcheerful most of the time.
- There is an attractionto the luxuries of life, andoften a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures. You may have aweakness for good food, good wine, fine furnishings and clothes, andmany more objects and activities that delight the senses. The best ofeverything will be yours if you can figure a way to afford it all.
- This large appetiteextends to love-making andromantic involvement. This sign produces the most earthy sex drive.
- When you fall in love,it is usually permanent anddependable. Your nature is faithful and permanent. You require a deepcommitment from your partner and you are willing to give the same inreturn. You are loyal and a one-love person. But your demands on thatone lover can be great.
- If you feel insecure,you may become jealous andoverbearing with your mate. Just as you are loyal and dependable, youare very possessive and jealous if your emotional security isthreatened.
Venusin Gemini
- In Gemini, Venusgenerates a need for a variety ofexperiences. You have a curiosity about people. You can become a socialbutterfly and something of a flirt. Open and friendly, your wit andconversational ability attract people with agile minds and keenintellects.
- Your restless and ficklenature inclines toward muchtravel and change of surroundings. A delightful sort of charm andexpressiveness works well for you, if you can avoid a tendency tobecome a little bit superficial socially. You want to taste all thatlife has to offer. You find it especially hard to settle down to justone romantic relationship, preferring to make friends with everyone youmeet.
- You have an excitablechild-like attitude towardromance, approaching affairs with optimism and high-expectations. Yetencounters may be many and brief before you finally settle down. Youare easily bored and it is hard to capture you romantic attention forlong periods of time. Change and excitement is the spice of your lovelife, and a partner that doesn't understand this won't be around long.
- Mental stimulation thesimple joy of being togetheris an absolute must for any relationship to have a chance of becomingpermanent. With Venus in Gemini, you may not be able to be tied downtoo tightly. If you marry too young or to someone who is possessive,you may have serious problems. Your partner must understand your needfor variety in social matters. After you marry and settle down, you maystill need a variety of friends and social contacts.
Venusin Cancer
- If Venus is in Cancer inyour chart, it producesdeeply sensitive feelings. This extreme sensitivity means that feelingscan be easily hurt, but you hide this vulnerability behind a somewhatdignified exterior.
- You have a verykindhearted and sympathetic nature,but your moods can be fluctuating and unpredictable. You approach loverelationships with tenderness and great need, but there is always asense of caution too. You know you are easily hurt and you want toprotect yourself at all times.
- The attitude towardrelationships is one of nurturingor "mothering," clinging tightly to those you love. You need to be wellanchored in a relationship as the feeling of security and stability isall important to you. You like your mate to be demonstrative andprovide you with clear signs that your deep feelings are appreciatedand returned in kind. To you, love is home and hearth, a nest that issafe and secure. When you achieve this feeling of security, you focuson pay back in kind by doing all you can to nourish your partner's egoand ambitions.
- Avoid tendencies to sulkand feel sorry for yourself.Your feeling are so easily hurt, and you try to hide it by pretendingit doesn't matter. Sometimes emotions take over, and sentimentalityruns wild. You demand so much in romance that you are bound to have afew disappointments along the way. Your "one and only" cannot be onewho does not provide the stability you must have. So you mustultimately suffer some breakups when you discover that attribute ismissing. You are definitely the one-lover type. When that one stablelove comes along, the relationship will be permanent.
Venusin Leo
- If Venus is in Leo inyour chart it suggests abehavior that is theatrical, with a good deal of personal and socialpride. Venus in Leo is warm-hearted and fun-loving, a natural showmanwith a need for self-expression. There is an innate need to be in thespotlight and center of attention.
- You have much physicaland emotional magnetism thatattracts romantic interest easily. You thrive on these attractions andwhat they mean to your ego. Romance helps you maintain your highopinion of yourself. You are happiest when you are in love and whenbestowing your gift of romance on a lucky admirer.
- Glamour, excitement andcharm mark your courtshipendeavors. You are lavish with your attentions, presents, and withyourself. The Venus Leo in love is sincere and whole-hearted. You areone of the most romantic and ardent of lovers. This is an outgoing andaffectionate position for Venus, as you truly love life and romanticdrama.
- You can be very loyal tothose whom you think worthyof your affections, but you expect strong affections in return. Despiteall the fun and show, you are an extremely stable and loyal partner.You are basically a one-love person because your pride is so wrapped upin your relationships. If there is a break in a serious relationship,it will most likely be a very hard and bitter one.
- While you are innatelyfaithful in love, you are notone to discourage or ignore other admirers. You love to be noticed andadmired. You enjoy attracting romantic interest, though you have nointerest or desire to follow through on these idle flirtations.
Venusin Virgo
- If Venus is in Virgo inyour chart it producestendencies to over-analyze emotions. You may be critical of those youare near. You play it safe in affairs of the heart. This position oftenproduces a cool exterior that is a cover for romantic shyness.
- You may not think ofyourself so much as shy, butrather just careful and cautious. You want to know what to expect in aromantic situation, and sometimes this isn't easy to predict. You dohave deep emotions, but you keep them in check. You feel it better tobe safe than sorry.
- Venus in Virgo has asubtle charm that doesn't comeon strong. The natural analytic trait found here may stand in the wayof making any sort of romantic commitment until you are sure what youare doing. The object of your affection must be clearly what you want.You categorize everything including people, keeping your emotional lifeneat and well organized.
- You see love ascommitment and devotion. Fidelity isan absolute must. You are true and capable of complete romanticinvolvement, but never with showy or demonstrative displays. You showyou care by be constant in taking care of details and focusing on thepractical needs of your partner.
- No one gets bettertreatment in a relationship thandoes your chosen mate. You have polite manners, a neat personalappearance, fastidious personal hygiene, so you are repelled by theuncouth in any form. While you are constant in relationships, youinsist that your lovers share your ideals and high standards. You wouldprefer living the solo life to dealing with someone who fails to liveup to your standards.
Venusin Libra
- If Venus is in Libra inyour chart it may give you aninnate ability to understand the feelings of others. Venus is at itsbest in Libra because this its natural sign. Aesthetic perceptions areat their best. You are a romantic in thought and action, sometimesleaving practical common sense behind. A romantic setting such as acandlelight dinner can really get to you.
- You fall in love easilyunder such circumstances, andnot always with the right person. You tend to fall in love early andoften. You want to be surrounded by beauty and harmony. You are veryrefined and quite sociable, and you try to avoid any form ofdisagreement or discord.
- You have the ability toput people at ease and makethem feel comfortable and at home. You are truly a charming person, atrait that attracts many admirers. Indeed, the Libra Venus is the mostseductive in the zodiac. This seductiveness is expressed in most subtleways; you're never overtly sexual or physical, but usually close toperfect in appearance and manners.
- You don't handleconflict situations very well. Whenyou're exposed to conflicts, you may even get nervously upset. Yourfeeling are easily hurt, but you don't hold a grudge or try to geteven. Close harmonious relationships are very important for you. Tosecure these, you go out of your way being considerate, always tryingto please.
- A happy marriage is anumber one priority. You trulyenjoy companionship, and you like to please others. You have theability to understand the feeling of the other person, especially yourpartner, and react in a perfect fashion. You are willing to make nearlyany sacrifice for the sake of love and for your relationship. You areparticularly concerned with your personal appearance, and how youpartner perceives you physically. You are totally devoted to yourpartner, and ever interested in filling every romantic desire.
Venusin Scorpio
- If Venus is in Scorpioin your chart it no doubtproduces a very intense romantic nature. In relationships, you are verystraightforward, determined, and direct. You often express excesses offeelings, being very possessive and sometimes jealous.
- Scorpio is the sign ofphysical magnetism. It is thesign of the zodiac that is said to "rule" sex. Born with Venus inScorpio, you are no doubt a very sexy person. You approach theemotional experience of romance with much intensity and much feeling.In this area of your life, you are an extremist. Your love nature isbased on total commitment and complete focus. With you there is nofooling around. You dominate and demand total involvement. Nothingshort of this is acceptable.
- No matter what happensto you, your dignity issomething that is never lost or put aside. The intensity of emotionsresulting in this placement make it clear that matters of the heart aretaken seriously and personally. You display your strong sense ofpersonal pride and emotional dignity in all that you do.
- Because your love desireis so overwhelming, yousometimes become very possessive of your partner. This can be both in aphysical as well as a psychological sense. You may express this inminor ways, but in some way or another you tend to control and hold onto the love of your life. You are in control and there is no doubtabout it.
Venusin Sagittarius
- In Sagittarius, Venusproduces affections that arevery demonstrative and friendly. You have a rather carefree attitudetoward relationships, and you are not always dependable whereaffections are concerned.
- You are humorous,sociable and even a flirt. Outgoingand personable, you are very friendly and sometimes not too serious.There is a strong love of personal freedom in your nature that makes ita little hard for you to settle down to a restrictive sort ofrelationship. You feel more comfortable in a relationship when thingsgo slowly, and your partner doesn't get too serious too fast. In fact,you would probably like it better if the relationship stayed casual,and pressures of serious love never emerged. Threats to your freedommake you very nervous. It's hard for you to take you eye off ofpossible escape routes when things seem to be heating up and you feelyourself being hemmed in.
- You are honest andidealistic in your dealings withothers. Strong in your beliefs, you must find a partner sharing yourviews, or you will surely try to convert your chosen to your way ofthinking. You don't hold back on your feelings, and it is never hard tofigure out you stand on emotional issues.
- The key to your romanticnature is friendship. Youare upbeat and easy to like. As a friend and lover, you are the idealpartner for that lucky open-minded mate who can accept you on your ownterms, and respect your need for space.
Venusin Capricorn
- If Venus is in Capricornin your chart it produces aseriousness, a sense of caution, and a degree of pride associated withthe affections. You are actually a little timid in love affairs, andvery reserved in expressing feelings. Romantic feelings can be extremestrong inside, while on the surface you appear emotionally distant andreserved. Highly restrained, you're unlikely to make an overt publicdisplay of emotions. You do display a quiet personal dignity andrefinement.
- In truth, you areromantically insecure, fearingrejection and loneliness. Emotional feelings are often repressed andseem to be absent most of the time.
- This Venus placementoften spurs ambitions and thedesire for prestige and status. You may indeed be at your charming bestin the work environment, since you are so intensely involved in thisarena. Often, romantic involvement starts here. Some with Venus inCapricorn seek love and partnership solely because they view it as theappropriate thing to do, and doing the proper thing is so fundamentalto the psychology of this placement.
- You expect your partnerto be a helpmate in thestruggle for success and achievement. Though never openlydemonstrative, you are steadfast and loyal. You have a very solid anddeep sense of responsibility in romantic attachments and marriage. Whenit comes to commitment, you are definitely the old-fashioned type. Youare a one-love person who is extremely dependable.
Venusin Aquarius
- If Venus is in Aquariusin your chart it gives aromantic side that is cool, calm and detached. In your personalrelationships, you have little regard for what society, your family, orpeers think. Your attitude concerning social standards and morality maybe unusual, and very much out of step with society. You set your ownrules of behavior.
- You have a sparkle inyour personality that usuallyproduces many friends. You are popular and well liked when you areletting this side of your nature show through. You can be friendlyenough, but emotions are something that you rarely display. Indeed, youmay be very much unaware that friends you are enjoying are becomingromantically attracted to you. The possibility may just not enter youmind. Not a romantic, you are so impersonal and aloof. When the momentcalls for romance, you mind may be many miles away.
- Romantic attractionsthat do occur are often sudden,and in some way unusual; they may end just as suddenly as they began. Apermanent partner will have to be a friend first and a lover second.You love your freedom so much that you're ready to run at the slightestprovocation. This elusiveness and a noncommittal attitude results inlate marriages for most with Venus in Aquarius. Any expression ofpossessiveness by your partner is not acceptable, as you demand nearabsolute freedom. You value your individuality very highly, and find ithard to allow a mate tell you what to do or how to live. Yet by thesame token, you are willing to respect the independence and ideals ofyour partner. In the end then, you can therefore succeed very nicely inan open and understanding relationship.
Venusin Pisces
- If Venus is in Pisces inyour chart it may show avery compassionate and tender-hearted nature. You have a strong needfor love and understanding, and without this you can feel lost. Thus,you may much of your time falling into and out of love. No one canexperience the extreme highs and low lows faced in the love life of theVenus in Pisces.
- This sensitivity marksyou as a most understandingperson, but one who is highly dependent and in need of a caringpartner. This vulnerability is a very attractive and attracting trait.With your warmth and graciousness, you have little trouble establishingclose relationships. You are inclined to become somewhat dependent in arelationship.
- If this is not the case,then you may attract apartner who becomes dependent on you. This sign, more than any other,is called on to make sacrifices for the sake of loved ones. You aremore likely than most to be attracted to people who take advantage ofyou. Your heart rules your head, and there is little that can be doneabout this. You have a talent for collecting those who are downtrodden,unfortunate, or in some sort of need. Using good judgment in matters ofthe heart will have to be a learned trait, as it doesn't comenaturally.
- Extreme sensitivity canleave you open to hurt. Thereis a tendency to suffer in silence and become very reticent. Whenaffairs don't go well for you in a relationship, you act and feel likea martyr, and you may sometimes push this attitude a little too far.You have a fear of rejection that can make it hard to express feelingthat are so deep in this placement. Strong feelings sometimes cloudreality. Your intuition is highly developed, and you relate deeply toart, poetry, nature and music. You may have special talents or just awonderful sense of appreciation.
Astrology signs - Mars
- The sign in which Marsresides in the birth chartshows the expression of energies. Mars suggests the projection of self.Your energies must be evaluated in four different ways, and the signthat Mars occupies at birth largely signifies the type and degree ofenergy in all four. These four are first, Physical energies, whichmight show how hard or diligently you work, aptitude for sports, andjust generally having the go power to get what you want in life. Nextis mental energy; the energy spent thinking, communicating, andpursuing intellectual goal and ambitions. Then, comes the practicalenergy that is necessary to make your way in life; planning andorganizing, holding down a job and padding the old nest egg, beingresponsible and dependable. Finally, Mars defines emotional energieswhich usually show up first as sex drive, but may include other aspectsof emotions such as feelings, and setting emotional boundaries, anddrive toward artistic endeavors. The Mars position suggests whetheryour energies are going to be largely physical (fire signs Aries, Leo,Sagittarius), material (earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), mental(air signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), or emotional (water signs Cancer,Scorpio, Pisces). Here then is Mars in the twelve signs:
Marsin Aries
- Mars is at its strongestin Aries, its natural sign.This placement represents high energy, initiative, courage andimpulsiveness. Most of the energies seem to come out as the physicaland emotional type, but in Aries, Mars is very active and assertive indemonstrating enthusiasm for all four types of energy. This is a verypowerful position for Mars.
You have an unrestricteddrive to get projects done, tostart new projects, and to act decisively. Your enthusiasm iscontagious. An individualist with quite an ego, you always want to dothings your way. Based on the influence of this planet taken by itself,you are not good at compromise or teamwork. There is a major part ofyou that always wants to charge out ahead of the pack and be theleader. Despite your apparent leadership abilities, you may functionbest when you are working alone and independently because of yourdemand to have your own way. If you are in a group, you will aspire tobe the leader. Headstrong and independent, you won't tolerateopposition or interference and your temper can get you into trouble attimes. Mars in Aries makes you very competitive in a variety of ways.This is perhaps the most courageous and enterprising Mars position.
You have a very strong sexdrive which is spontaneousand easily aroused. Self-control can be a problems in this regard. Ason the physical side, you are often unrestrained and very demandingemotionally.
The negative side of Marsin Aries is a lack of patienceand discipline. Self-control and humility can be hard lessons, andoften they are never mastered.
Marsin Taurus
- Mars in Taurus denotesplenty of practical andemotional energy, while the physical side is often rather flat, and theinterest in the intellectual is also a strain.
The planet of energy is notvery active in Taurus, asthe physical drive is reduced to a low gear. You may lack thrust andmobility, but make up for this deficiency with outstanding endurance.You are obstinate in many ways, yet practical, determined and verystable. You pursue your material goals with intent determination.Results are based on dogged persevering after a course of action isdetermined. Once you finally get rolling in one direction, it is nearlyimpossible to change your course. In Taurus, the energies of Mars areindeed channeled into a practical mode that may center on acquiringmoney, creature comforts and material possessions. Much your energy isapt to be aimed at securing wealth and a very comfortable lifestyle.Patient and precise in all that you do, you are a natural crafts personand the fruit of your efforts is likely to produce a quality product.
Also high on your list ofpriorities is the satisfyingof physical desires. You are very sensual and sexual partner. Yourapproach to sex is straightforward and uncomplicated, without fantasiesor fetishes; never rushed or over-anxious. Emotionally stable, you areapt to be a devoted and loyal partner.
The negative side of Marsin Taurus is often the lack offlexibility. Taurus is a fixed sign and energies expressed heresometimes come out looking like stubbornness. Even emotions can be heldon to too tightly and then released with a major blow up.
Marsin Gemini
- In Gemini, Mars producesmental assertiveness andmental energies are highest here. As wonderful as this seems, on thepractical side, you may be somewhat lacking, and emotionally, thisplacement is prone to big swings and is best defined as erratic.
You have an active andcritical mind that may beinclined toward going off in many directions at once. You love todebate and engage in all types of intellectual contests. A satiricalwit is often a hallmark of this Mars in Gemini. Frequently, thisplacement attracts persons to careers as reporters, journalists andcritics. Periodic job changes or handling a variety of jobssimultaneously, are not uncommon with this placement since there ismuch restlessness in your nature. Since so much energy is channeledinto mental and verbal activity, you are apt to be quite a talker. Youmay make use of this strength by becoming a teacher, a lecturer, or arelated field that takes advantage of your ability to express yourself.You pride yourself on your intelligence and verbal dexterity. To you, aperson's worth is based on their intelligence, and you want to berespected as a formidable thinker.
Several of your romanticrelationships may besuperficial. You eagerly pursue new experiences in romance, but it maybe difficult for you to remain constant to any one special partner.You're apt to be an incurable flirt. Your mind, however, is your mostactive erogenous zone.
Mars in Gemini ishigh-strung and produces much nervousenergy, but it is lacking in physical vitality or endurance. There is atendency for you to burn yourself out through stress and mental strain.You may need to force yourself to get more exercise as a way ofbalancing the physical with the mental.
Marsin Cancer
- In Cancer, the Marsenergies are largely of theemotional sort. While physical endeavors and practical affairs may findthe energy to function satisfactorily, mental energies are apt tostruggle.
This placement often causesactions to be tinged with avery sensitive flavor. You express your energies in a very emotionalfashion. Much of the assertiveness of Mars is turned toward thedomestic scene. There is a cautious side and much defensiveness in yournature. This placement of Mars is not very physical or competitive, andnot inclined to any sort of combat, physical or mental. Mars in Cancerhas a very positive side, as it often shows a quiet, peaceful nature.While being very protective of your "turf," you are never too assertiveor demanding. In your work, you rarely compromise your views, andprefer working independently and in control of affairs. You areambitious, and a hard worker. Since you are not, by nature, anaggressive person, you pursue your desires in a round-about orstart-stop manner. You frequently change your direction and your goals.You strive for security, and a good deal of your energy goes into thiseffort. In this regard, you are fiercely protective of family,co-workers, organization, or to whatever you devote yourself. You maybe known for the strength of your patriotism and loyalty.
Because of these strongmoods and feelings, you are avery sexual and sensual person. You are also very loyal inrelationships, and certainly demanding of the same from your partner.Infidelity threatens your sense of security and is thereforeunacceptable.
There is an intensity ofthese emotions that oftenresults in moodiness and discord in your domestic relations. Yourdigestion is strongly affected by your moods and feelings. Withenergies tied to feelings, you are prone to become very angry inside.If this anger is suppressed it can result in ulcers and stomach upset.
Marsin Leo
- Mars in Leo is noted forits physical energy, and itmanages reasonably well in the mental and practical departments, aswell. The ego and need for recognition make the emotional energysomewhat restrained.
In Leo, Mars displaysexceptional will-power andcreativity. With this placement, you project an air of confidence,self-sufficiency, and vitality that cause people to sit up and takenotice. Activity is expressed in a dramatic fashion, suggesting thatyou may be well suited for the stage. You love being on "center stage."You are confident in most roles before an audience. This positioncouples positive initiative, with stability and determination,producing excellent leadership qualities. You have a definitecharismatic and gregarious flair. This also makes you a natural leader.Ambitious and maybe a little egotistic, you want to lead. You'll dowhatever you need to do to be recognized and appreciated.
You take pride in yoursexual prowess. Affectionate andphysically demonstrative, you enjoy the drama and excitement of apassionate affair. As much as it bolsters your ego to have severalsexual partners, you're constant in love while your partner pays plentyof attention to you and is devoted. In romance, jealousy andpossessiveness are often by-products of this placement.
The strong, fixed opinionsand the overbearing manner ofthis placement may often stir opposition. The pride and need todominate others, often sets up a degree of stubborn egotism. Excessivepride can be your pitfall, if you haven't learned to control it. Theemotional side of Mars in Leo can cause to you to periodicallyover-react with anger when affairs don't go your way.
Marsin Virgo
- In Virgo, Mars focusesits energy into the job, andthus, the energies are primarily practical and useful. This placementwill also produce high or at least adequate mental energies, reasonablephysical energies, but on the emotional side, there is a severe limitto the energy and the interest.
As one possessing thisplacement, you are usuallyconsidered a very conscientious worker. Much of your energy go intocareful planning before you charge ahead on any project. When you doact, it's usually based on practical reasons, with every detailcarefully thought out. You are highly critical, and very exacting inall that you do; in many respects, the perfectionist and the organizer.Painstaking and dedicated in your work, you may lack imagination andinnovation, but never attention to detail. In the work place, you canbe a difficult person because you are so particular about everythingbeing done correctly. But indeed, you are the one that can be dependedon to get the job done right.
Virgo is associated withthe health fields. Doctors,surgeons, nurses and social workers often have Mars placed here. Thereis much associated with this placement that involves helping people.You may be especially concerned with helping the sick and handicapped.You need to feel needed, and you can be very tireless in such a role.
Mars, the indicator ofpassions, is not very passionatein Virgo. Your sex drive may be strong, but your willingness to expressit can be somewhat weak. Sometimes Mars in Virgo can even be a bitpuritanical. You also may be a little bit afraid of letting yourpassions loose, and even be critical of those that do.
The negative side of Marsin Virgo may be the sometimeslack of tolerance. It's hard for you to get emotionally worked up overanything, but you can be very demanding of yourself and others. Thisplacement often holds force and aggressiveness in check, releasing itas irritability and nervous habits. And finally, you have to be carefulnot to become the classic workaholic for this is a real possibilitywith Mars in Virgo.
Marsin Libra
- In Libra, Mars iscurtailed by the rules of socialbehavior and the need for the cooperation and approval. Energies arevery controlled and overwhelmingly favor the mental. A reasonabledegree of physical energies may also be present, but this is not whatthis placement is noted for. Emotional and practical energies areusually rather low, if noticeable at all.
- You are charming,generous, amiable, and cooperativeowing to the persuasiveness of Mars in Libra. The normal assertivebehavior of Mars is tamed down in Libra, and passions are never allowedto rule thinking. Yet you can become upset when your perception ofjustice is not served. You aren't one to push matters to extremes, butyou do become very assertive when you experience injustice. You areready to take up arms against anything that would destroy harmony, orthat appears wrong or unfair. Your objective, unemotional approachcould enable you to be a good judge, manager, or diplomat.
- You are likely and wiseto select a very assertiveand energetic partner. You may need someone to push you along, as Marscan be somewhat lazy in Libra. You often need motivation. Though youare never pushy or very forceful, you do exert gentle and continuousefforts toward a solid relationship. Although you are very affectionateand romantic, your sex drive is somewhat low, and you expect moreemotional satisfaction than physical passion.
- You are not the type ofperson who goes after whatyou want with much conviction. You have difficulty asserting yourselfat times, and it can be hard for you to be decisive. Aggression in anyform threatens you, and you don't deal well with confrontations,arguments, or physical combativeness. You want to make friends, notadversaries.
Marsin Scorpio
- In Scorpio, Marsdisplays powerful emotions anddesires. Mental, physical, and practical energies are are, likewise,also very high. Indeed, the level of energy with this placement is highin all respects.
You are strong,self-reliant, extremely efficient, andhighly self-disciplined. An intensity of purpose surrounds all that youundertake. This position illustrates the "do or die" principle verywell. You may have an innate ability to transform other people in somesignificant way. You think of yourself as a "take control" person and aforce to be reckoned with. You probably are.
Intensely passionate andsensual, you put much of yourenergy into sex. You are apt to be especially attractive to theopposite sex, whether or not you physically attractive. You may befascinated with sexuality in all its expressions, certainly yourinterest is always keen. You're jealous and possessive of your sexualpartners. Being trustworthy yourself, you expect the same from others.You're a loyal friend, or a bitter enemy, you never forget a betrayal.
Slow to anger, you rarelyloose control, but when yourire is raised, you get even, and you can do so with frighteningdetachment. Proud, dignified, strong-willed, and stubborn, you have thesort of presence that is always felt by others even when you saynothing.
Marsin Sagittarius
- Mars in Sagittariusproduces some of the highestlevels of physical energy and enthusiasm. The mental and emotional sideseems to function fine as well, but unfortunately, this is not the mostpractical of Mars positions.
In Sagittarius, Mars often produces strong philosophic convictions. Youare one to stand up and fight for any cause you believe in. The senseof justice is very strong. Your idealistic motives always seek to beimproving society and those individuals in your immediate environment.
You are an outspoken debater, often lacking diplomacy or appreciationof the opinions of opponents. Nonetheless, your ever-cheerful presencemakes you welcome in any social gathering. For you it is unrestrictedfreedom at all cost, with rhythm and tempo that comes naturally to you.You are a person with a zest for adventure and having a good time. Youhave trouble sitting still for very long, and you want to be on themove physically.
The hallmark of thisposition is the feeling that youare invincible. Your irrepressible confidence and optimism usually getsyou through tough times. You may have been born under a lucky star. Youoften succeed because you don't think much about failing. In manyrespects you are a born gambler.
Mars in Sagittarius is notknown for being particularlyconstant in love relationships. You approach sex as though it was asport, and it's hard to tie you down to one person. You may be afraidof serious love affairs and being "trapped" in a relationship. This isa position that really likes sex, but at times can be too bold or crudein asking for it.
The negative of thisposition is a lack of endurance andconsistency. Because your attention span is so short, and yourinterests are so many, you start many projects, but often fail tofinish them. And even when you do get finished, the work can be alittle sloppy. You have a tendency to scatter your energies and try totake on too much at one time.
Marsin Capricorn
- In Capricorn, theenergies of Mars are channeled intothe arena of personal attainment, and thus, the practical energy ishighest here. Physical and Mental energies are sufficient, too, butemotionally, this placement may lack spark.
You are hard-working, verydetermined. Since much ofyour energy is focused on your career, you have a tendency to becomesomething of a workaholic. There is a drive to satisfy professionalambitions. This is likely to manifest with innate managerial skills andgood old-fashioned common sense. You have strong material urges, buteven stronger is the need to get status and recognition. To attainthese ends, you use your energy in very practical and profitable ways.You have little use for laziness or a lack of ambition.
Your sex drive is strongand you have a fullappreciation of sensual pleasures. It's likely you conceal most ofthese feelings behind a stiff and conservative demeanor. Your publicimage is very dignified and reserved. It is as though you feel you mustalways be in control of yourself and your emotions. Mars in Capricornis known for the ability to retain sexual vitality until very late inlife. In these later years, you are apt to be less restrained than inyour youth.
Your weakness in the actiondepartment is the tendencyto be too cautious and skeptical. You are apt to miss some realopportunities on this account. You have difficulty breaking out of oldhabit patterns and you are slow to pick up on new ideas. Somewhatpessimistic, you go looking for problems and expecting the worst. Youtake responsibility seriously, often too seriously.
Marsin Aquarius
- In Aquarius, theenergies of Mars are focused onintellectual pursuits, and therefore, mental energies are highest here.While Mars is focused on theory here, practical energies are usuallyfound in adequate levels. The physical and emotional sides may strugglea little when Mars is in Aquarius.
The placement suggests thepresence of very highprinciples and a modern outlook. You are concerned with the world ofideas, particularly those of an unconventional or progressive nature.Here the powers are independent, aggressive and enterprising.
You have good organizingabilities and calculateddirection. You are a very good leader who can meet challenges withserenity and poise. Aquarius is a fixed sign and you are stubborn mostof the time. If you believe in something, you put the idea forward withthe zeal of an evangelist. You think of yourself as open-minded;willing to discuss the issues. Yet your discussions often get to beheated arguments, and you rarely give in to an opposing view. You cannever work well under authoritarian direction, being one who is alwaysout to upset the establishment. You are an active reformer with littlerespect for traditional ways. You can even be contemptuous of traditionunless it is substantiated with logic. You demand the freedom to speakfrankly, and operate in your way.
Like the many other aspectsof your life, sexually youare intrigued by anything new or unconventional. For you, variety isthe spice of life. Yet somehow you are usually stable and dependableonce you have found a mate.
The negative side of Marsin Aquarius resides innonconformity. Indeed, you tend to lecture more than discuss, and youtend to demand compliance with your agenda. Your way is sometimes wayout of the ordinary. At the same time, your energies are apt to producemore thought than action. You are the rebellious type, and you canbecome very impatient.
Marsin Pisces
- In Pisces, Mars producesemotions that areunpredictable and often intense. Emotional energy is high, sometimestoo high. Mentally, Mars in Pisces does well, but on the physical andpractical side, this placement often comes up short.
The strength of Mars inPisces is found in the arts. Youmay find yourself very much attracted to music and the arts. You mayrelate to many of the world's fine artists who need the isolation andintrospection so much a part of this placement. You have a naturalsensitivity to color, tone and rhythm that may be of benefit to you inartistic endeavors.
In this sign, Mars respondsin a confused manner.Assertive action is drowned in this sign that is so receptive,emotional, sensitive, and even psychic. The result of the placement isoften a quiet exterior, but with much restlessness inside. Physicalstrength is rare with this position. Resentment runs high. Excessiveemotions are a constant problem and a good deal of solitude isfrequently necessary to sort matters out. Mars in Pisces has troubleasserting itself, and it is likely that you are somewhat shy andwithdrawn.
Action is expressed in"behind the scenes" roles whereyou can work with subtlety, and your naturally intuitive sensitivity.Much of your attitude stems from your keen sensitivity to the feelingsof others. You clearly know what the other person is feeling, andtherefore you are always ready to render assistance to those who aremost in need. You are apt to express the energies of Mars most activelyin support of the defenseless or the underprivileged. In this regard,Mars in Pisces is often found in fields such as psychology and medicine.
Mars in Pisces is not ahighly sexed sign. Certainly,you are romantic, but in order for you to be satisfied, the greaterneed is emotional rather than physical. You're very idealistic aboutlove and relationships. In many ways, you view of sexual matters ismore like a fantasy with such high expectations that it is rarelyachieved in real life.
Astrology signs - Jupiter
- Jupiter takes abouttwelve years to move through thetwelve signs of the zodiac. It is the largest planet in our solarsystem, and in mythology, Jupiter was the king of the gods. Thedominate theme and its size may account for the theory of expansionassociated with the planet. The nature of Jupiter in a horoscoperelates to the expansion of horizons or growth in higher understanding.The sign placement of Jupiter helps define ones higher level ofthinking. Since Jupiter stays in the same sign for about one year, manypeople born while Jupiter is in a given sign will have similar views onideas and beliefs of that period. Often this placement gives clues asto your views of the weightier issues of life such as religion,philosophy and social issues of the day. Jupiter also rules optimism inliving, prosperity, and growth, both mentally and physically.
Jupiterin Aries
- This placement indicatesleadership ability inmatters related to higher knowledge. When it comes to those naturalinclinations of Jupiter.... philosophy, education, and other spiritualmatters, you are an innovative student and practitioner. You are verycreative in these matters, determined to make changes and improvements.You are energetic and enterprising, possessing much self-esteem. Youare independent, and because of your desire to be on your own, youshould do well in your own business. You will have the ability toattract many of the good things in life at an early age. There is atendency, however, to be a little too overconfident and careless wheremoney and business is concerned. The impulsive nature overridespractical common sense when Jupiter is in the sign of action.
Jupiterin Taurus
- This placement ofJupiter indicates a stable andbeneficial use of money and resources. You feel that the accumulationof wealth is important to provide the high standard of living that youso desire. You have an appetite for the best of everything, especiallyfood; you have gourmet tastes, and the finest of luxurious surroundingsyour means can afford. Since you can usually attract the assets youneed, you tend to live quite well. In business, you are steady andpatient. You can see things on a large scale and bring them tofruition. A little on the stubborn side, you don't like being pushed ordirected. You are very conservative and orthodox in most of your views.
Jupiterin Gemini
- This placement ofJupiter produces an intellectualcuriosity whether you have had the advantage of formal education ornot. Your mind is very open to new ideas. You benefit substantiallyfrom your ability to communicate openly, and from your experiencesgained from travel. Intellectually, you tend to sample a broad range ofsubjects, never focusing to any great extent in any one area. Becauseof this, your knowledge sometimes may be a little superficial. Yet youare always an interesting person to be around. A restless spirit maymake it difficult for you to focus on accumulating wealth. Much of yourenterprise is more geared toward accumulating intellectual status.
Jupiterin Cancer
- Jupiter is in Cancer inyour chart. This placement ofJupiter suggests that you have a thorough understanding of theimportant moral principles in life. this understanding was instilled inyou at an early age by your parents. As you mature, these traits ofgenerosity and kindness become a part of your basic expression. Thereis a nurturing aspect associated with this position and you are thetype who is always looking out for the little guy. Security foryourself and your family is a paramount issue. You are likely toaccumulate wealth because you are very careful about how you spend yourmoney. You have an emotional attachment to food which can cause weightproblems.
Jupiterin Leo
- Jupiter is in Leo inyour chart. This placement ofJupiter suggests optimism, self confidence and generosity. You havemuch physical energy and a strong constitution. You have a dramaticflair in showing off your status and prosperity; you're big on parades,church rituals and grandeur in all forms. Your dignified demeanorinspires confidence and produces excellent leadership qualities. Youexpect appreciation and admiration in return for your benevolence, andyou may seem a little offended if you don't always get it. You mayoverdo a tendency to gamble; cards, horses, business or whatever. Yoursense of self-confidence is very high.
Jupiterin Virgo
- Jupiter is in Virgo inyour chart. This is adifficult placement for Jupiter because the big picture approach ofJupiter is somewhat curtailed by the narrow focus of Virgo. You maytake on large projects only to get bogged down because of yourinsistence on the correctness of every detail. You have a cautious,practical and scientific outlook on life. This life view can at timesbecome a little cynical. You follow a practical and material view oflife issues. Try not to make mountains out of molehills.
Jupiterin Libra
- Jupiter is in Libra inyour chart. This placementdenotes an especially strong sense of justice and moral principles. Youare attracted to individuals sharing your idealistic views. Thesepersons enhance your opportunities in life. You are very considerate ofothers and understand the principle of cooperation for solving problemsand making progress. You are effective serving as a diplomat, apeace-maker, or in any assignment dealing with public relations. Youare able to sway public opinion, winning others over to your way ofthinking with your power of persuasion.
Jupiterin Scorpio
- Jupiter is in Scorpio inyour chart. This placementsuggests an intensity attached to your view of significant issues. Youconduct your affairs in a more serious and secretive fashion,exercising your shrewd and critical judgment. You have a flair forbusiness and finance. You excel in business because of your willingnessto dig in and get to the essentials of a project. You are intense anduncompromising in your beliefs and moral views. You have great faith inyourself and like to exercise will power over others. You are bothfarsighted and determined.
Jupiterin Sagittarius
- Jupiter is inSagittarius in your chart. This is thenatural sign for Jupiter and it generally creates a carefree, outgoing,optimistic individual. You enjoy making life better for others. You arean outdoors type, fond of sports and travel. You have a seriousinterest in matters pertaining to philosophy, religion or significantsocial issues. Your approach to life and how you conduct your affairsmay be regulated by your strong convictions. You are likely to want towin over as many converts as you can to your way of thinking orbeliefs. You can become very dogmatic in your views and good at sellingthem. You will prosper in life, but you spend freely, so you may neverbe wealthy.
Jupiterin Capricorn
- Jupiter is in Capricornin your chart. This positionslows the expansive nature of Jupiter making you a keeper of the letterof the law. Your moral conduct is beyond reproach. In business or anypublic office, you display the highest ethics. You hold conservativeand traditional views regarding most of life's major issues. Thisprudent approach and your mature judgment qualifies you for positionsof high economic or political responsibility. Answering a call of bothpersonal ambition and a sense of duty to society, you have a strongdrive for power positions. You have little difficulty prosperingbecause of your conservative attitude.
Jupiterin Aquarius
- Jupiter is in Aquariusin your chart. This positionsuggests that you are one who can accept people at face value withoutregard to distinctions of race, creed or class. You are impartial anddemocratic in every respect. Your great tolerance and understandinghelps you to succeed in many of your endeavors relating to people. Inhandling personnel, you are bound to succeed for you have a great needto help others. You can approach major projects and problems with freshand original ideas. These traits notwithstanding, you don't tend toseek out responsibility very often. You can be somewhat lacking indiscipline. Disinterest in material matter limits prosperity. You maysometimes be revolutionary and in these instances you may lacktolerance.
Jupiterin Pisces
Jupiter is in Pisces inyour chart. This positionsuggests that you are in some ways a good Samaritan type, wanting tohelp others in some quiet and unassuming way. You are more or less abehind the scenes player, not really wanting to be in the spotlight.You are easygoing, but at the same time sensitive. You do not possessmuch worldly ambition, but you are the type that doesn't ever seem toneed much to be content. Mystical tendencies or emotional religiousconvictions often accompany this position. You tend to champion theunderdog and may be too compassionate for your own good. You have aneed for periodic seclusion.pagetopAstrology signs - Saturn
- Saturn is associatedwith restrictions and obstacles.These frustrating or inhibiting aspects of life are expressed throughthe sign that Saturn occupies in your chart. Since the planet remainsin each sign for two and a half years, these are traits you may sharewith most of your contemporaries. The traits described become morepronounced when Capricorn is on the Ascendantor when Saturn is in the firsthouse of the chart. Saturn is the natural ruler of the tenthhouse of the professional life, honor, fame, and success in the eyes ofthe world at large. Thus, the placement of Saturn denotes the approachto climbing the ladder of success, or the difficulties encountered onthat ladder.
Saturnin Aries
- This placement may causedelays in the development ofyour energies and drive in life. Yet you may take on much personalresponsibility at a young age. Obstacles block your progress and yourdesire to be assertive. Being assertive can make you feel anxiety. Youmay feel very angry at times, but chances are you can keep your angerin check. Others see you as in cool control most of the time. You willgain a sense of responsibility for yourself from this placement.However, your confidence as a leader may suffer. This placement oftenproduces people who won't take chances and are, therefore, viewed attimes as being somewhat weak. Occasionally, the Aries traits comes outin rejection of fear itself. Some famous daredevils performed theirstunts to over-compensate for the inborn restriction of Saturn inAries.
Saturnin Taurus
- Saturn is in Taurusgiving you a very strong need forfinancial and emotional security. To be happy and comfortable, you haveto have your daily affairs in order and under strict control.Unfortunately, the placement doesn't give you much unless you earn it.You are a very thrifty person, spending only for what you really need.Your nature tends to patient and disciplined, and you approach to lifereflects a matter-of-fact attitude. What you may lack in spontaneity,you more than make up for with your willingness to work hard forsuccess. You are well suited for big business or politics, althoughyour determination can also reap benefits in other fields, especiallyin the arts.
Saturnin Gemini
- Saturn in Gemini showsadaptability, and a systematicand logical approach. You face problems with a cool and rational senseof control. Reasoning and problem solving abilities are exceptional,and this placement is excellent for the scientific or mathematicalfields. Many with this placement experience problems with their earlyeducation of with some aspect of communicating. Saturn is Gemini maymake if hard to learn lessons, but retention is good when the lesson islearned. Speaking before groups is especially difficult, so you don'twaste words. Despite the difficulty you may have in learning, you havea common sense head for business. You cut through detail and get to thefacts. You produce tangible results with little discussion.
Saturnin Cancer
- Saturn in Cancer placesa restriction on the show ofemotions. You have a tendency to hide your inner thoughts and feelings;there is a self-protective coating where emotions are concerned. Homeand family weigh heavily on you, and you may give up opportunities torespect these obligations. Family is both a bond and a burden. Often,there is a lack of closeness and warmth between family members.Positive inner action between you and your parents, or you and yourchildren, can be cause for concern. You may love them very much, butit's difficult for you to show your feeling. There is an obligation ofresponsibility associated with this placement that makes success in theoutside world difficult to attain.
Saturnin Leo
- Saturn in Leo gives youa serious personal need toachieve recognition. You don't want to play second fiddle to anyone;simply stated, you want to be the boss. Yet it is so hard for you toexpress the creative talent that you know you have inside you. You mayhave unreasonably high expectations for yourself and for those aroundyou. As a parent, you want to be the disciplinarian. Your children mayseem a burden to you, and indeed they may be. Because you are ratherstern in your dealing, you can have some difficulties in your personalrelationships with your children, as well as your mate. Try not to betoo hard on those you lead or those you live with. This placement oftenshows a limited sense of humor, and a demeanor that is very reservedand cautious. Leo is the sign of ultimate self-esteem, and Saturn isthe planet that tears down this quality. Don't let your self-imagesuffer needlessly.
Saturnin Virgo
- Saturn in Virgo gives ameasure of prudence andpracticality. You are hard worker and a careful worker, too. Your moralattitude may make you too serious sometimes. Research, strategies, andrecord-keeping are areas in which you may excel. Sometimes it hard foryou to sort the apples and decide what is important and what's not. Youmay worry to much about trivial problems. Reserve and prudence followyou through life. Your success in life will probably be gained bycautious investment and conservative planning. You are too critical ofyourself and undervalue your talents and potential for success. Don'tthink you have to be perfect to succeed.
Saturnin Libra
- Saturn in Libra gives asense of justice andfairness. This placement give refined approach to intellectualpursuits. Diplomacy and tact come out owing to this Saturn position,and you can work well with people because of a natural trait tocooperate rather than compete. Since Libra is associated withrelationships, Saturn here may delay marriage and place obstacles inthe path of romantic affairs. A successful marriage will require muchpatience and hard work. You may have an inferiority complex in formingrelationships. Feeling unlovable, you may run off prospective partners.This same fear of rejection can cause problems in your dealing with theoutside world in general. Avoid a tendency to shut yourself offsocially from people.
Saturnin Scorpio
- Saturn in Scorpio addsmuch purpose and impatience toyour nature. You demand much of yourself and of others. You approachresponsibilities with an intensity of purpose that overwhelms peoplewho won't carry their share of the load. You have terrific willpowerand much energy. With your determination, it's hard to remain calm andreflective. Secretive and unforgiving, you resent it deeply when youare treated unfairly. Despite your strong drive for success, yourapproach is usually subtle and calculating.
Saturnin Sagittarius
- Saturn in Sagittariusproduces a serious approach toreligion, education and philosophy. You are a highly principled personwho believes in earning what you achieve through hard work andapplication. Your reputation is very important to you. This position isassociated with leadership in intellectual thought, but highereducation may have been blocked for some reason. You may have toeducate yourself to achieve the goals you desire. While Sagittarius isthe sign of faith, Saturn placed here can produce skepticism and adesire to prove ideas. Conservative in views, you adjust to changeslowly and with much resistance. You challenges in life are likely tobe associated with religious or philosophical views. In these areas,you are somewhat narrow-minded and fixed in your opinions.
Saturnin Capricorn
- Saturn in Capricorngives much ambition and desirefor power. Saturn is strongest here because this is its natural sign.Your career is very important to you. You invest much into it and youexpect to get much out of it. You are a common sense organizer andplanner. Diligent and dependable, you want to assume responsibility.You always do more than your share, yet you may find it hard todelegate authority, for you mistrust others' ability to life up to yourstandards. You are most comfortable in the business or governmentenvironment. You prefer the impersonal, structured, and unemotionalworking situation. Your rise to the top will probably be very slow, butit will be steady. Your utter determination will eventually pay off, ifperhaps rather late in life.
Saturnin Aquarius
- Saturn in Aquarius givesstrong powers ofconcentration. Your thinking is both democratic and scientific. Yourbasically conservative attitudes notwithstanding, inventive andoriginal approaches come easily to you, as well as abstract mathematicsand symbolism. Saturn represents conservative restrictions. So thisplacement is a bit paradoxical and confusing. Often, the placementproduces a view of the future that is rather bleak and pessimistic. Youmay be inclined to work toward the betterment of some aspect of societythat is of some particular concern. Aquarius is the sign of the futureand of progress.
- You are a good friend,responsible, impartial andalways loyal. Cool and collected, you are level-headed and stable. Yetyou may find it hard to make friends and you probably get littlesupport from those above you. Pride may make you a social loner.
Saturnin Pisces
Saturn in Piscesproduces a sensitivity in yourdealing with world at large. When making your way in the world, you mayfeel vulnerable and defenseless. This a depressive placement that canmake you feel a little paranoid sometimes, often looking on the darkside of a situation rather than the bright side. You may sometimes feellike you are a victim of circumstances or a martyr of sorts. Ifproperly channeled, your sensitive side can be a plus. The productiveaspect of this placement is in the ability to exercise compassion insociety with a pragmatic approach. Your road to success may be in theartistic, spiritual, or even the psychic. Religious beliefs may be thecornerstone of your life, filling a need for structure and security.Your test in life may be one of developing confidence in your innateabilities. You may need to learn to trust and get in touch with yoursubconscious. The source of your creativity may be hidden there.pagetop- The outer planets,Uranus, Neptune and Pluto don'ttell as much about individual personalities as they do about the"mini-generation" of people all born under the same Uranus sign. Forthis reason, I have not focused on the sign placement of these planetin considering natal personalities and traits.
- Uranus transits thezodiac in 84 years, spendingabout seven years in each of the twelve signs. The characteristics ofeach of the outer planets are social rather personal, and you arelinked to those contemporaries born in the same Uranus time span. Itsinfluences appears in the way that the group born during a perioddisplay their rebellious spirit, desire for freedom, and need to effectchange as they grow older. Here is how the various sign placements ofUranus may view change.
Uranus in Aries
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Aries willwant to assert their independence, and will likely work to promptchanges in society. This group will often be impetuous, and memberswill display impatience in seeking freedom at any price.
Uranus in Taurus
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Taurus willbe rather deliberate in viewing and effecting change on a broad scale.Revisions to the status quo must be proved to have concrete purpose andreward, and those that do will be set in stone.
Uranus in Gemini
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Gemini willbe rather inventive when it comes to changing society. Many great ideasmay be fostered; yet some changes, perhaps most changes, will be justfor the sake of change.
Uranus in Cancer
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Cancer willapproach changes in society with emotional vigor. Emotionalconsiderations are apt to prompt unexpected revisions to popular ideas.
Uranus in Leo
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Leo mayfoster changes that expand personal and/or nationalistic power andprominence. Changes involving lofty goals and ideals will find favorwithin this group.
Uranus in Virgo
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Virgo maybe responsible for many new trends and ideas related to diet, health,and employment and labor concepts. Changes come about based onsystematic research and proved value.
Uranus in Libra
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Libra willfind more difficult than most to hang on to partnerships andrelationships. The urge for change within this group may disruptcooperative endeavors
Uranus in Scorpio
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Scorpio areapt to bring about massive and often disruptive changes. The seeds ofrevolution and instability may take root from within this group.
Uranus inSagittarius
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Sagittariusyield a highly progressive set of unorthodox ideas and the seeds ofprogressive changes. The group fosters advanced, abstract, and oftencontroversial notions.
Uranus inCapricorn
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Capricornare accepting of changes adding to the security and protection ofsociety. They are willing to reorder traditional thinking, but alwaysin a conservative and carefully structured mode.
Uranus in Aquarius
Many of your peers born during theyears when Uranus was in Aquariusmay foster far-reaching changes for the benefit of society. Persons inthis group are likely to introduces ideas and trends which areinventive, original, and advanced.Uranus in Pisces
Many of your peers bornduring the years when Uranus was in Pisces havean intuitive intellect contributing to spiritual changes. The utopianhopes of this group may be difficult to realize as they can predicatedon illusory notions.
- Neptune transits thezodiac in 165 years. SinceNeptune requires about fourteen years to pass through each sign, itssign placement plays an insignificant role in the personality makeup.Nonetheless, the sign in which Neptune resides may perhaps denote thedepth of imagination, the intuitive faculties, and the mysticalleanings of a whole generation of individuals.
ThePlanet Pluto 
andother trans-Neptune dwarfplanets
- Pluto orbits the zodiacin 248 years. The time spentin each sign can varies a great deal because of the planets erraticorbit. Since its stay in the various signs is lengthy and variable,Pluto influences are noticeable only by the mark on a large generationof people. The key word describing Pluto is revolution, and itsmovement to new sign will mean significant societal changes.
Michael McClain1996-2015. All rights reserved. MyGoogle+
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